President Trump was having problems with the Democrats and the Courts
stopping him from buiilding the wall. Well, fast forawrd to today. With Biden
now in the Oval Office, it looks like we are right back to where we were when
Obama was President. So you can expect thousands and thousands of women and
young girls to be systematically raped and abused be the men coming to get all
the freebies Biden and the Democrats are offering.
deleting my YouTube Channel. I had the video saved on my Hard Drive.
So I uploaded it to my blog for you to see the proof that rape do trees exist.
By Chuck Ness
To set things up for the video at the end of the article, I need to take you back to February 23, 2009 when Arizona State Senator Jonathan Paton (R-Tucson) invited law enforcement officials to the Capital for a hearing. Paton asked the officers to describe how bad the border violence has become in Arizona.
What the Senators learned, was that Pima and Cochise counties were seeing an increase of violence due to Cartels picking up the pace of smuggling their drugs. The agents have found a scarves marked with the word Kaibil, the name of Guatemala's special forces. They were probably hired by the drug cartels as security for the drug mules. The Border Patrol also found machetes, brass knuckles, and a couple of bulletproof vests that are more sophisticated than what our troops use in Iraq. The vest, pictured below is strong enough to repel multiple rifle shots.
Other things found were Pokémon backpacks, diapers and infant formula, so they know the illegals had small babies with them. The debris is often mixed with tequila bottles and pornography. Another item sure to boil the blood: Spanish-language books advising illegals on their rights in the United States. Another thing the .
Agents are also seeing more evidence that our border has become an international crossing point. We have worried that Arabs have been traveling with illegals for some time, but now there is proof. Agents found prayer rugs, Qurans, and an Arabic diary inside a backpack in Hereford. Then there is the rancher, just west of Fort Huachuca, who answered his door to greet a female illegal wanting to use the phone. The call was in Arabic. The Agents also told the committee about a drastic increase in what is known as rape trees.
Consider the ugly reality of these so called rape trees that are often found at dump sites. The coyotes who lead groups into the country will often times peel a woman or a young girl out of the group, and then rape them. As if the shame of being raped wasn't enough, they will then force their victims to hang their panties, bras or both on a tree or bush as a kind of trophy.
Basically, Rape Trees, or as I prefer to call them, "Mexican Rape Monuments", are symbols of an evil man's pride. Yea, they are so proud that they were able rape a defenseless woman or young girl. Oh it's not just the coyote neither, but also members of Mexican drug cartels they may run into. Then there are the stories of many women who tell of the illegal men traveling with them who also have raped their daughters. So all these hard working decent men wanting to find jobs in America, are exactly what Donald Trump say's they are, criminals and rapists.(We now know Trump did build that wall, which Biden's promises to tear down).
Most of the women know ahead of time what the dangers are. But when they bring their daughters, knowing they too will most likely be raped. Well, I lose sympathy for women who willingly put their daughters in such danger. Their desire to get to the United States is so strong they throw all caution to the wind. Getting to the United States is worth it, even if their young daughter has to be raped by adult men.
Sometimes Border agents will find only 3 or 4 trees with ladies undergarments hanging from them. That may not seem like a lot, but you must remember that the Sonoran Desert encompasses 120,000 square miles in Arizona, California, and Mexico. That makes for a lot of rape trees that may never be discovered, because the areas are so spread apart and there is only so much the agents can patrol.
If we extrapolate out the numbers using the statistics from July 2010, then between 57,000 to 100,000 women and young girls have been raped in the 7 years Obama turned a blind eye. We now know for a fact that millions more have been making it to the United States than were in 2010, because Obama made the border patrol agents back off, and all of South America knew it.
I believe the number of women and young girls who have been raped along "Immigrant Highway" since 2010 is probably between 700,000 to 1,300,000. And those opposing Trump's wall are just fine with that. God help us, between murdering 7 million babies in 7 years via abortion, the leftists are also guilty of over 1 million rapes.
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