by Chuck Ness
Like a dictator who rules with absolute unchallengeable power, Sleepy, Creepy Joe Biden has signed 32 executive orders, 13 presidential memorandas, and nine proclamations. Of all these, three executive orders stand out as direct attacks on the female gender.
One order canceled "Operation Talon, a program that was successfully removing illegal sex offenders and sex traffickers from cities and town across America. With this actiion, Creepy has enabled sex offenders and pedophiles to continue their perverse practices, without fear that the long arm of the law will catch them. More on the other two executive orders later.
It's not like sexual preditors are rare in government. History shows us that powerful leaders throughout history have used their positions of power to let's say, get close to those they have an eye for. In my lifetime there has been many politicians who have not stayed faithfull to their wives. There was JFK, Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Gary Hart, Weiner, etc. etc. etc. Then there is Joe Biden.
Mind you, men who treat women like Joe does, are not showing respect for their gender. Creepy has repeatedly shown us how little respect he has for women. When you look at his past behavior, you will clearly understand that Joe never had respect for women. Now consider what the long term effects of his executive orders will be, and you will learn how much contempt he actually has for women of all ages.
In today's "Me TOO" climate, you would think no male politician would dare to even touch women, let alone grope them and their little girls as Creepy is known for doing. Yet when it comes to Joe Biden, even though leftist news organizations have reported on his inappropriate behavior, he seemingly escapes all condemnation. The evidence supporting the accusations of Joe's behavior towards women and little girls has been easily accesible to anyone who cares to see the truth.
Below is a list of just a couple of articles written about Creepy's serial sexual assaults. One can only imagine how many times Joe Biden has gone much farther, but because of his good standing in the Democrat party, he has been protected. For years the MSM ignored the sexual attacks of Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein and others. Americans still haven't been told about the many sexual assaults on women by the late US Senator, Ted Kennedy.
"Watch Joe Biden Grope and Little Girl"
"Biden's Skin-Crawling Touching of Little Girls"
"History of Joe Biden’s Touchy-Feely Moments"
"Twitter Flag's Video of Biden Touching Young Girlas, "Child Sexual Exploitation""
"Biden Pinches Nipple Of 8 Year Old Girl"
"Biden Forces Little Girl to Touch His Crotch"

Even the uber leftist opinion site, Slate.com wrote an expose about seven Democrat women who accused Joe of inappropriate behavior;
Seven women have now accused Joe Biden of touching them in an overly familiar way that made them feel uncomfortable or embarrassed.
All those scathing reports would have ended his career if he were a Republican. That's the rub, Democrats don't hold their own to the same standards they hold Republicans to. Sadly, Republicans don't hold Democrats up to the same stanard they hold their fellow Republicans to. Let's face it, Joe is a creepy individual who should have been ran out of DC years ago. Not appointed President by the leftist machine that stole the election.
In all walks of life, one's past behavior always influences whether others will or will not trust that individual's future actions. So when we consider Creepy Joe's abhorant behavior, we inevitably question the motivations behind the decisions he makes as President select. In his first 36 days in office, Biden has already done a lot of damage to the country. However, there are three very glaring examples that prove how perverse Joe's heart truly is. These orders are directly related to his past sexual behaviors.
The first of these executive orders withdrew the government from President Trump's lawsuit that would have brought an end to the practice of men competing with women in sports. The second one was ending the U.S. involvement in the "Mexico City Policy Mandate" that denied government funding for abortion's in other countries. The third one canceled "Operation Talon", which was a program targeting Sex Offenders living in U.S. illegally.
Think about that for a moment. These actions are all direct assaults on women. He has been molesting women and little girls for years, now he wants men who are illegally in the country to be free to do what his evil heart has been fantasizing about for years.
Men can now abuse women in sports, by using the same dressing rooms and showers in schools across the country. Men in this country illegally, who engage in the sex industry, can now freely force women and little girls into becoming their victims. Plus, American tax payer dollars will now be used in third World countries to abort female babies, because in third World countries they need boys to help earn money for the poor families. But hey, the feminists got their man in the White House.
The Democrat party has long ago abandoned any sense of decent morality. Every thing they accuse others of, they themselves are guilty of, and more. That's why their ongoing attacks on former President Trump is ludicrous. Every time Sleepy, Creepy Joe signs an executive order, he does so for one purpose only. That purpose is to continue the job Obama started. To fundamentally transform the United States into an immoral anti-Christian totalitarian state that will inevitably remove all the dignity women have gained in the last 2000 years.
This is the man the feminists have been waiting for? Well, be careful what you ask for, because you just might get it. Beam me up Scotty, there is no inteligent life left down here.
Amazing how liberal females keep voting for Dem rats and perverts. On it goes from guvs to yep, even POTUS Joe. It is finally time for the voters to clean out the Dem leftist perverts from local, state and federal offices.
Kenneth Koons, I agree
I call him Pedodent Biden. Everyone should.
Good name for him, Text-driver
Dirty old man. Pedophile. Disgusting.
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