Monday, May 31, 2021

A Father Pays The Price For His Children's Crimes

As a gift of his love for his eight-year old son, a father gives him a baseball and a bat. The father tells the boy to be carefull as to not break any windows, nor harm anyone with the toys.

So the boy takes his gift and goes outside to play with the new toy. He grabs the bat with his hand, rests it upon his shoulder and tosses the ball into the air with his other hand. As the ball descends he swings the bat at the ball. To his complete enjoyment, the boy hits the ball squarely and it goes sailing into the air. As the baseball flies across the yard, it enters the neighbors yard and smashes into their living room window.

That's when the neighbor comes outside to confront the boy about his window. The neighbor realizes that an eight-year old boy cannot fix, nor pay for the broken window. Yet he demands justice. So he confronts the boys father, who gave him the destructive instruments that shattered his living room window.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

An Ominous Feeling For The Future, Yet Still In Peace Through Christ

by Chuck Ness

An ominous feeling came over me while I was in my morning quiet time of reading the Scriptures. I pray it’s just a feeling of human despair, but it seems so much more. What has happened around the World in the last few Months is similar to what was happening around the World in the mid 1930's. OH how I feel the Lord has truly turned away from us.

It is without a doubt there are many Christians in America who are not ready for the next chapter of the end. Like in the days after King Josiah of Judah died, so too are the days for America today. While not all the people were evil then, it's a fact that the vast majority did not follow God. So too are the people of America today. The vast majority of Americans do not follow Christ. Even most who call Him Lord do not follow His ways, they are more carnal than spiritual. God wants us 24/7, not just on Sunday morning for a few hours.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Thoughts I Had As I Watched The News

by Chuck Ness

We must all remember to live as an example to others, so that the World can see what the Grace of God can do through the sacrifice of His Son. Then we will be more successful at winning the hearts and minds of the lost. If possible, we are to use HIS words to bolster our example, but we must use them Scripturally.

All Christians know that our Spirit is in a constant battle with our flesh. I myself desire to be an example so others can see HIS light through me, yet my flesh is constantly getting angry over the rise of Satan's power in the World.