My name is Chuck Ness, and I have been a blogger since 1998. I began writing commentaries on Christian and political matters for a few blogs as a guest writer, when I was picked up by the Chico Enterprise Record's Blog. At the time I lived in Chico CA, and I frequently commented on articles posted in the blog section of my hometown newspapers website. One of the blogs I frequented was Post Scripts.
After some time, the owners of the blog, Jack Lee and Tina Grazier, invited me to write as a guest for them. It wasn't long before my writings came to the attention of the editor of Norcal Blogs, which carries all the blogs of the Enterprise Record. I was given my own blog to write, which I named, "GATE". For the next couple years I had the number one blog with the paper. My blog was averaging 100,000 hits a Month, more than 3 times as many visitors read my blog than any of the other blogs.
Unfortunately, a company out of Arkansas purchased the Enterprise Record, and immediately started replacing people. The papers editor was replaced, and many writers were let go. The new owners had a different idea of what they wanted. Truth was not one of the things they cared for. Within a few Months I was told that my bog would be canceled. It was, sadly, a purely political decision. They then removed my blog and deleted everything I had ever wrote. As if I never existed.
Fortunately, I did see the change coming and that is when I decided to create this blog. I was hoping to move my articles from GATE to here for a repository of my work. However, the changes came quickly, and I was able to save but a handful of articles, because they locked me out and deleted everything I ever wrote for the paper. I am still rounding up articles I wrote for other sites and posting them here. It's a long process though. Leftists do not believe in allowing opinions that disagree with their beliefs, and thus they try to squelch anyone who may present a different opinion than they do. Heck, they don't even want the truth reported. Just look at how they report about Donald Trump and any Christian conservative these days.
I originally named this blog, "The Way One Vike Sees It". The name OneVike was derived from my love of the Minnesota Viking Pro Football team, and I considered myself their number one fan. Thus "OneVike". I'm originallty from Northern Minnesota, I'm 50% Norwegian, and a descendant of the Nordic Vikings. So I used that as my moniker. Something I eventually did for all my internet activity. There are a few other OneVike's out there, but I do believe I am the only one who was successful at writing. That explains the reason for the URL which has onevike in the URL address instead of the current name I use.
Eventually I began writing under my own name, Chuck Ness. Then about six Months ago I changed the name of my blog to, "The Reason For My Faith", as I began to writing mostly Christian commentaries. I still delve into politics from time to time, but it is rare, and even then my faith always comes through in my political opinions.
As a born again Christian I enjoy talking religion and politics. I have always believed that it is the Christian's obligation to understand the workings of our government as well as they do the precepts of God. Jesus tells us,
"Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves" (Mark 10:16)It is with this understanding that I approach life, I guess that is why I consider it every Christian's duty to understand the world we live in. If we pray for wisdom, God will grant us the knowledge we need to know the truth. Then we will be able to properly rule the world we live in. Unfortunately we are often times ruled by evil men who despise God. These men think they have gained the knowledge needed to rule us, but they lack the wisdom needed to use that knowledge properly. Thus they have been educated beyond their intelligence. Solomon tells us,
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Proverbs 9:10So with no knowledge of the Holy One, they cannot discern what is right or wrong, what is good or bad. Our founding fathers understood the need to know the Holy One, and they gave Him credit for our independence. They wrote our Constitution with His precepts in mind. They also understood that men needed to be educated if they were going to rule themselves. Madison is quoted as telling his fellow Americans,
Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.
So it is with this understanding that I feel it to be incumbent upon me to share with others that which He has blessed me with. Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you.
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I welcome differing opinions, I do believe in free speech, just not vulgar cuss laden comments written for the only purpose of offending people in general.
Differing opinions is not what I refer to, go ahead and disagree, but in a polite way so we can have a logical respectful discussion.
By offensive, I mean by being vulgar, as in swearing, using God's name in vain, or derogatorily offensive in a way you would not talk to your own Grandmother, Mother, or daughter, and then the comment will be removed.
I may not respond to your comment promptly, and there is no way with blogger for me to respond directly to your comment,. So come back and look for me to respond in a new comment to you by the name you post your comment with.