Friday, August 19, 2022

23 Renown Women Of Scriptures

I created a new chart that lists 23 women from the Scriptures. There are more than 23 women I could cover, but I took the 23 I felt were more recognizable to most Christians. Now, we all know who these women are, and their stories. From Eve to Mary, these women have had as great an impact on mankind as the men. Three, or maybe 4, are not known for their love of the One true GOD, while the others are remembered for their strength and courage in the face of adversity. 

From Eve falling for Satan's lie, Dinah's indiscretion of going to town without a chaperone, Naomi being redeemed by Boaz, and all the way to Mary giving birth to our LORD Jesus, these women have in one way or the other not only influenced those around them, but also those who came after them. Without a doubt, these women all left an indelible mark on the history of the Scriptures. 

As I stated, some were saints and some were scoundrels, and while a few were queens, most were just ordinary common folks like us. The lesson we can glean from these women, is that regardless of how insignificant we may think our life is, we all have the potential to influence history long after we are gone. If for no other reason, then in the way we influence our children as we raise them. 

Many may wonder why I included Jacob's only daughter, Dinah, since she faded off into obscurity. The reason I added her is more for historical reference. After her brothers, Simeon and Levi, killed all the men, Jacobs other sons plundered the city of everything. They took the animals, the goods, the wealth, the women and even the children as captives. All of which would eventually accompany them into Egypt, and melt into the nation of the Israelites. 

But I digress, because my main point is that all these women played a key role in the spectacular history of the Holy Scriptures. Each woman brought her own unique character to bear on her situation. For this, we still remember them thousands of years after they have been long gone. Gone, yet not forgotten.

Renown Women Of ScriptureBiblical References

NameShort BioOn These Women 

EveAdam's wife, first womanGen 3:20, 4:1, 2 Co 11:3, 1Ti 2:13

SarahAbraham's wife, mother of Issac, Jesus' ancestorGen 11:29-31, 17:15-22, 18:6-15, 21:1- 13, 23:1-2

HagarSarah’s Egyptian maid, mother of IshmaelGen 16:1-16, 21:9-17, 25:12, Gal 4:24-25

Rebekah Isaac's wife, mother of Jacob & Esau, Jesus' ancestorGen 22:23, ch 24, 25:19-28, 27:5-46, 49:29-31

RachelWife of Jacob, Joseph's motherGen 29:6-31:35, Gen 35:16-20

LeaJacob's wife, mother of Judah, Jesus ancestorGen 29:16, 31-35, Gen 49:29-31

DinahJacob's daughter, indiscretion led to the slaughter of ShechemGen 30:21, 34:1-26, 46:15

TamarJudah's daughter-in-law, Jesus ancestorGen 38:1-30, Mat 1:3

JochebedMother of Moses, saved him, and nursed himExodus 2:1-10, Numbers 26:59

MiriamSister of Moses, prophetessExodus 2:1-7, 15:20-21, Num 12:1-15, 20:1

RahabHarlot who harbored Israel’s spies, Jesus' ancestorJoshua 2:1-3; 6:17-25, Mat 1:5

DeborahJudge who defeated the CanaanitesJudges 4:1to 5:31

DelilahPhilistine woman who betrayed SamsonJudges 16:4- 20

NaomiRuth’s mother-in-law, Redeemed by BoazBook of Ruth

RuthMoabitess who married Boaz, David's greatgrandmother, Jesus' ancestor Book of Ruth, Mat 1:5

HannahMother of Samuel1 Sam. 1:2-22, 2:1, 2:21

BathshebaWife of David, mother of Solomon, Jesus' ancestor2 Sam 11:1-27, 12:24, 1Ki 1:11-1:31, 12:19 Mat 1:5

JezebelWicked wife of King Ahab1Ki 16:31, 19:1-2, 21:5-15, 2Ki 9:30-37

EstherJewish captive who saved her people in PersiaBook of Esther

Mary Virgin mother of JesusMat 1:16-2:23, Luk 1:27-56, 2:22-35, 19:25-27

MaryLazarus' sistern anointed Jesus's feet for His burialMat 26:6-13, Mar 14:3-9, John 12:1-8

Martha Lazarus' sister, Busy servingLuke 10:38, Luke 10:41, John 22:39, 

Mary Magdalene fist person to see Jesus after resurrectionMat 27:55-56, Mar 15:47, Luk 8:1-3, John 20:16-18


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