Monday, May 23, 2022

Christ Is The Dark Matter Scientists Are Looking For

I first wrote about the topic of "Dark Matter back in 2009, but it was scrubbed from the files of the Chico Enterprise Record Newspaper I wrote for and lost to history, after I was unceremoniously let me go. Well, I just found it in a file I was going through which someone sent me a few years ago. I lost the email address of the person, since I changed internet companies, even at that the person who sent it to me preferred to remain anonymous. Anyway, I updated this article with some new information and this is what I now have.

by Chuck Ness

In their never ending attempt to explain away GOD as the Creator and Master of the universe, secular scientists come  up with all kinds of explanations to convince young and old brains full of mush that we, and the universe, came into being by pure chance. One of those yet to be proven theories is the presence of Dark Matter. However, many decades and billions of tax dollars later, astrophysicists still have yet to prove Dark Matter even exists.

I first read about the search to prove Dark Matter exists back in 2006 at  I was shocked when I read that a scientist actually said you need to believe it exists. I thought, "Wait a minute, did I just read a scientist use the phrase, “you must believe” something exists that has not yet been detected? Sounds a lot like religion doesn't it?  The article was posted in way back in September 2007. In case the article in question is ever removed from's website, I have learned that the Wayback Machine is holding many copies of their article. So they can never say I'm sharing false information. Hear that DHS?

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Speaking Of Schisms

by Chuck Ness

As I was enjoying a picture commentary about the time king Saul attacked David, I was given an insight I had never previously considered. It's a connection that ties Saul's attack on David and our Lord Jesus being confronted by the religious leaders for plucking kernels of grain to eat on the Sabbath. Jesus used the moment in history when David was fleeing Saul to teach the religious leaders about the true nature of the Sabbath as meant by GOD. Yet, when you consider all the factors involved in the two moments in history, you will learn that there is much more involved than just a lesson on the Sabbath. Like many portions of the Scriptures, GOD has hidden nuggets for us to find, and in this lesson we uncover the connection of two schisms and the fulfillment of a 20 year old prophecy.

A schism is a division between people, usually belonging to an organization, movement, or religious denominations. Weaved into the incidents of David and Jesus are two schisms where the ones in control lash out at God's anointed. Thus causing a schism that puts the very lives of GOD's chosen in jeopardy, while ultimately culminating in GOD's plan for mankind's salvation.

Friday, May 20, 2022

Flipper Chases Nemo (Video)

This is one the most fascinating short videos I have seen in awhile. I love dolphins, and as such I  have always been fascinated by their behavior towards humans. Yet, when I ran across this video, I found myself watching it over and over again. Knowing how it would end up, but wishing for a different outcome. Yet dolphins are but big fish, and they must eat. Someone will inevitably reply to me, "Hey it's a mammal." Well I know that, and the carnivorous one's like to eat smaller animals, regardless of the category we put them in.

Normally when I see a big animal eat a small fish, the whole process is over so quick that my mind never registers any negative feelings for the act. It's a fish and I enjoy fishing. To me they are so low on the food chain they seldom even register a care in my heart about their demise, regardless of how vicious the process may seem. After all, animals in the wild need to eat, and the lower one is on the food chain, the more chance they have of becoming a meal for larger animal or human.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Do Articles Evolve Or Are They Created?

The biggest argument for evolution is creatures evolving from nothing, into super complex somethings. They deny the very existence of a Creator, because they have no knowledge of GOD in their heart. In order to perpetrate their lies, they used the Government to force your children into believing in evolution while disbelieving in a Creator, GOD. In a logical, yet comical way, this evolved article uses the Darwinist theory to make the point that Authors do not exist. Like life, so too are literary works but accidental writings that came about by the evolutionary process.

One would think that asking such a question is beyond absurd, yet if you truly look at all the facts, then one must consider the idea that maybe, just maybe there is no such thing as an original author. After all, unless you can verify that you sat down next to someone writing or typing an article from start to finish, how can you honestly testify that the one claiming to write something, indeed did?

Sunday, May 8, 2022

A Love Letter From Our Father In Heaven

I originally wrote this letter about 12 years ago, when I wrote for the Chico California Enterprise Record Newspaper. I shared it with the readers as a Mothers Day message. After they hired a new, “liberal”editor, I was unceremoniously fired. They also removed everything I ever wrote, as if I never existed. This letter I put together from Scripture was compiled from some lists I came across. I added some more, and put it in a letter form. I was one of the first to ever compile them in a letter form. Since then many have done the same, but this is my version. I offer this to all women as a letter of love from the Lover and creator of our Soul, GOD.

by Chuck Ness

When asked by His disciples to teach them how to pray as John's disciples prayed, Jesus gave them this prayer as a model.
"Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.” Matthew 6:9-13

Throughout His ministry in the World, Jesus was always pointing us to the FATHER in heaven. Thus it makes sense that the prayer He gives to us as a model would lead us to seek HIS will in our lives. Just as we look to the Old Testament Scriptures for proof that they continually point to the coming Messiah, so too must we look to the Scriptures to truly understand the love our FATHER has for the crowning achievement in creation, mankind. Mind you, the Bible is in fact a compilation of sixty six love letters from the LOVER of our soul, GOD HIMSELF. It's my prayer that this love letter, compiled completely from Scriptures, blesses your heart on this Mothers Day.

Monday, May 2, 2022

The Scarlet Thread

(L) Crimson worm caccooned in hard shell protecting her eggs (R) larvae feeding on Syrian hom-oak leaves

by Chuck Ness

Every Christian understands that we are saved by the blood of Christ, because HE was the perfect Lamb which was sacrificed for our sins from the beginning of time. (Revelation 13:8). Every infirmity HE healed, every pain HE helped us overcome, every dead person HE brought back to life, and every sin HE forgave, HE carried to the cross so that our sins could be forgiven. All HE asks of us is to believe, and follow HIM. Isaiah tells us that,

He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed ............. He was numbered with the transgressors, And He bore the sin of many, And made intercession for the transgressors.
Isaiah 53:8 and 12