Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Bible Study to Bibles to Baptism (Video)

I put this video together from many pictures my brother in Christ, Billo Das sent me. I added some images from before he got Bibles, along with images of him handing out Bibles and then the students using them. In the video you will see Billo baptizing 50 new converts. Most are former Hindus, and a few may be Muslim, but all have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Could I get an amen.

Many cannot appreciate the gift of Bibles. Yet in a country as poor as Bengladesh most do not own anything but the cloths on their back. So to own a Bible is a huge thing, especiually for the younger students. In America many kids have a phone by the time they are ten years old, but in Bangladesh most adults do not even own a phone. I suggest you look around your home and consider all you own that you take for granted.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

I Failed As A Watchman

by Chuck Ness

An acquaintance whom I worked with on a few jobs around the valley died from COVID complications this past week. He had respiratory problems already, and he was in his late 60s. My heart is broken, because I was a bad watchman. He knew I am a Christian, but I never pushed the issue of his faith to know where he was.

True, only God knows our hearts, and until we get to heaven none of us truly know where another persons heart is. Yet, I never heard him speak of Jesus, and he never joined in a conversation whenever I would bring up my faith or beliefs.

On his fb page he has never mentioned the name of a Jesus, nor even eluded to his faith in any way. I do know he spent much free time fishing and traveling places to fish, and he enjoyed drinking socially but was not one to over indulge.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Lest We Forget, A List of People Killed From 9/11 Attack

by Chuck Ness

Many Americans just don't understand the gift our Founding Fathers gave us when they wrote the Constitution. After the Bible and the Magna Carta, the US Constitution is most powerful document in the history of mankind. Yet to keep it relevant we need moral leaders to uphold the laws codified in the constitution and our legal system. This is something we have failed to do. What just took place in Afghanistan, with our President surrendering to a bunch of cave dwelling terrorists, is what happened when immorality is not demanded in our leaders.

On this, the 20th anniversary of 9/11, we now know what happened when our leaders care more about their power then they do the people. Without a doubt, Bill Clinton is responsible for the deaths of those listed below. In order to keep Bill and Hillary from being convicted in Whitewater they devised a plan to thwart jusitice. In 1995 Bill Clinton had his Deputy Attorney General, Jamie Gorelick, create a wall of separation that kept the Judiciary department from sharing any information gathered in legal court cases with the CIA of the FBI. Therefore invading the privacy of nice young men like, say, Muhammed Atta and Zacarius Moussaoui, who was being tried for terrorism, created the situation on 9/11 to take place.

Friday, September 10, 2021

A Singular Purpose

by Chuck Ness

Man goes through life living for what they can achieve before they die. Along the way we sink into quicksand. As we slowly sink, we are visited by many prophets who have much wisdom for us.

Confucius tells us, “It is evident man should avoid such situations.” And continues on his way leaving the us in the fix we got ourselves in.

Mohammed comes by and says, “Alas, it is the will of Allah.” And he goes on his way leaving us to our misery.

My Lord, My Jesus, My All (Morning Devotional)

by Chuck Ness

My morning journal entry after reading and meditating on the Word. Today I read through the Gospel of John………………

LORD my GOD, I cannot see my end, so I know You have more tasks for me to accomplish. As I continue to grow through Your grace, You continue to bless me with Your Wisdom and Knowledge. While blessing me with Understanding so that others will benefit through me as I have from them.

A Feeling of Inadequacy (Morning Devotional)

by Chuck Ness

My morning journal entry after reading and meditating on the Word. Today I read through the Gospel of John………………

LORD my GOD, I cannot see my end, so I know You have more tasks for me to accomplish. As I continue to grow through Your grace, You continue to bless me with Your Wisdom and Knowledge. While blessing me with Understanding so that others will benefit through me as I have from them.

Yet so often I feel inadequate and unworthy. I ask myself, am I ready and willing to drink from the same cup my which my Lord, drank from? Am I ready to follow the One who bled it all out so that I can be set free from the bondage of sin? Do I truly know what it means to pick up my cross and climb that same hill to my fleshly demise for the One Who went before me?