by Chuck Ness
Is there anything you would like to accomplish, but you feel it's just out of your reach? Maybe you are too small to get up on that plateau. or too weak to lift that rock. You have been told your whole life, it's too difficult and you will fail. Settle for less they told you, quit dreaming of silly things you will never accomplish. You will just disappoint yourself, so settle for less.
Well, 2000 years ago Christ told His followers that,
here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20
This is not just a whimsical phrase from some obscure prophet. This was God telling them to stop settling for less, and stop thinking that they cannot change the world. Well, they took his advise, and over the next 300 years they took control of the greatest most powerful empire the world had ever seen at the time.
Today we are faced with many of the same obstacles. Oh the times have changed with more modern technological gadgets that makes every day life easier, but we still must deal with people. And people are the same today as they were 2000 years ago.
The faith of a mustard seed. If Christians today had the faith the first Christians had. Well, consider what their faith accomplished. They conquered an Empire, while we are allowing the World to conquer us instead. All we need is more faith than we have today.
Dear brothers and sisters, stop complaining about the world hating you, and change it. Stop allowing the world to change you, change it. Have faith in the One Who is in you, and practice the faith a mustard seed has and change the world. Stop believing you cannot.
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