“I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” Luke 15:10
by Chuck Ness
Have you ever lost something so precious and valuable that you searched day after day for it. You looked in every conceivable place you possibly could think of just to find that precious item.
After a Month or even a year later, you find yourself still searching for that precious item that is lost.
Well, consider the Lord, he is searching for the lost. Like the shepherd who leaves his flock to find that one lost sheep. Then when HE finds it, He is like the man who's son returned after living a life of sin in a foreign land. He threw a party for His whole household, because that which was lost was found. All of heaven parties the day Christ finds a lost soul.
Do not fool yourself into thinking you found Christ. No my friends, HE has been doing all HE could to find you, and finally HE did. After searching, and day after day, Month after Month, year after year. When you finally came to Him, it was because HE never stopped looking for you.
You are that precious thing HE longed for. You were lost, and now you are found. Trust Him to now do everything in HIS power to keep you from ever getting lost again.
He is the Shepherd who's sleeps at the door to keep the wolves of the world from ever stealing you away. Trust the ONE, who's blood was shed so that we may be saved from the place where;
And the fire is not quenched." Mark 9:48
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