Some will say there is no God, but try and telling that to the elephants
by Chuck Ness
Lawrence Anthony, a legend in South Africa and author of 3 books including the bestseller, "The Elephant Whisperer", bravely rescued wildlife and rehabilitated elephants all over the globe from human atrocities, including the courageous rescue of Baghdad Zoo animals during US invasion in 2003.
are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made,
even His eternal power and Godhead, Romans 1:20
On March 7, 2012 Lawrence Anthony died. He is remembered and missed by his wife, 2 sons, 2 grandsons, and numerous elephants. Two days after his passing, the wild elephants showed up at his home led by two large matriarchs. Separate wild herds arrived in droves to say goodbye to their beloved 'man-friend'. A total of 31 elephants had patiently walked over 12 miles to get to his South African House.
Witnessing this spectacle, humans were obviously in awe not only because of the supreme intelligence and precise timing that these elephants sensed about Lawrence's passing, but also because of the profound memory and emotion the beloved animals evoked in such an organized way: Walking slowly, for days, making their way in a solemn one-by-one queue from their habitat to his house.
Lawrence 's wife, Francoise, was especially touched, knowing that the elephants had not been to his house prior to that day for well over 3 years! But yet they knew where they were going. The elephants obviously wanted to pay their deep respects, honoring their friend who'd saved their lives - so much respect that they stayed for 2 days 2 nights without eating anything. Then one morning, they left, making their long journey back home.
Many people in this world profess to be atheists, denying that God exists because they say there is insufficient evidence for a Creator. We know, however, that there is no such thing as a true atheist. The created order itself bears abundant witness to a Creator who is a masterful designer, who intends for human beings to do what is right, and who is directing all of history to an appointed end—the full revelation of His glory.
Just like the day God told the animals to head to a big boat being built by some guy on dry land, so too did God tell these pachyderms to go pay respect to their dear friend who has passed away. Remember, man rejected God, not the animals.
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