Monday, March 1, 2021

Lord Jesus Come Quickly

by Chuck Ness

The times we are entering, will be full of evil and deceit. It is already creeping in like a fog over the waters of a small creek, but soon it will engulf the entire valley.

As we all walk through this valley of evil which we have allowed ourselves to be entering, we must remember not to fear the desires of the evil one. Even though it may abound and encompass everything around us, we must remember that our LORD will protect and guide us as we traverse the fog.

Even though our very bones will feel the evil, our Lord will give us the courage to continue on through the shadow cast amongst us in this valley of death. His rod and His staff shall comfort us, and with His strength and righteousness we shall overcome the evils we are facing.

LORD, forgive us our sins, and give us wisdom and courage to do that which we must do to ensure that our path will be clear and straight as we follow You through this fog of deceit.

LORD Jesus,,,,,,,,, come quickly.


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