by Chuck Ness
Let me begin by saying I do not want all humans living in America. However, to make my point that we are not overpopulated, I will use the lower 48 states as my example to prove all humans can live comfortably in the the continental United States. I will offer actual updated numbers to show how I come to my conclusion, that not only is the World not overpopulated, but we are in fact hundreds of years away from it happening.
Since the mid 1960's liberals have been claiming the World is coming to an end, because there are too many people on the planet. There have been many movies made in Hollywood about the planet being overpopulated by humans. The majority of them are so ridiculous they make 1950 B movies look entertaining. One Movie in particular was "Soylent Green". It stared three great actors, Charlton Heston, Chuck Connors, and Edward G. Robinson.
The premise of the Movie is set in the year 2022 (yup that's right). In that future year, the World is suffering from pollution, overpopulation, depleted resources, poverty, dying oceans, and a threat of another Ice Age beginning to set in. Much of the population survives on processed food rations, as the government struggles to find enough food to feed the people. Then they come up with a miracle solution, Soylent Green. I guess if Biden and the Communists succeed in what they have planned for us, parts of this movie could come true.
The plot begins with the murder of a wealthy businessman. Well, in the investigation the government's new source of food becomes part of the case. When the murder is solved, so too is the question, "What Is The Secret Of Soylent Green?" The Movie ends with Heston's character, Detective Sergeant Thorn screaming, "Soilent Green is people!", as they take him away to be turned into human food. At the end of this article you can watch the full trailer for the movie.
So as far as the Hollywood writers in 1973 were concerned, the population of the World would become so bad by 2022, that we would have to be fed human meat to survive. Instead of advancing like we have, were were supposed to devolve into starve ravaged humans who will believe anything the government tells us. OH, wait a minute, I guess they were partly right, because today we are told that Communism is good and half the country believes it.
Which brings me back to our supposed population problem. Are there too many people on the planet for us to survive? Many liberals believe so, that's one reason they want to murder as many unborn babies as they can get their scalpels and vacuums on. Men like Bill Gates are spending vast amounts of their own money to ensure humans stop producing, by funding flu vaccines that sterilize men and women.
So I decided to look into this population problem we supposedly have. What I learned was we are not even close to being overpopulated. Allow me to take you through my process. It's quite simple actually, because we have examples all around the World as to how it could be done. A simple understanding of math, along with the knowledge that mankind has already succeeded in helping tens of millions of humans around the World to live comfortably in large metropolitan cities.
Below are are some actual numbers that you need to know to follow my thinking. As you do, it must be pointed out that in 2020, Tokyo Japan was rated as the best large city in the World according to Global Finance Magazine
Tokyo ranked first among cities with the highest quality of life in
2020 due to its overall relatively good scores in most metrics
and Japan’s strong response to COVID-19. Japan has had
very low case counts, a subsidized advanced transportation
system, and an overall high quality of life. (GFC top 10 List)
- 1.) World's apx population as of 1/1/21 = 7,874,965,825 (billions)
- 2.) World's most populated city = Tokyo Japan
- 3.) Tokyo's apx population as of 1/1/2021 = 37,393,129 (millions)
- 4.) World's habitable miles = apx 36,794,240,000 miles (billions)
- 5.) World's habitable acres = apx 23,548,313,600,000 (trillions)
- 6.) America's (U.S.) habitable acres = apx 2,000,000,000 acres (billions)
- 7.) Total size of Tokyo in miles = 5,233 square miles
- 8.) Total acres per square mile = 640 acres per square mile
- 9.) Total size of Tokyo in acres = 3,349,676 acres (millions)
- 10.) Total humans per acre in Tokyo = 11.16 humans per acre
- 11.) #1 divided by #10 = 705,642,099 acres needed for World's population
- 12.) Compare #6 to #11 ---- There is more than enough space in the United States
- 13.) Compare #11 to #5 --- We are not overpopulated.
- 14.) World's projected population in 2100 = 10,874,902,318 (billions)
- 15.) #14 divided by #10 = 974,453,612 acres needed in 2100 for World's population

I took the above screen print from a graph at macrotrends.com
They have a cool sliding graph that shows you what they
project the World's population to be year by year, up to
2100. That is when they project the population to be
10.87 billion. Even in 2100 the World's population
will comfortably fit in America.
After extrapolating all the numbers, it looks like we could actually put all humans in the Mainland portion of the United States. Mind you, I only used habitable land mass numbers, So places that man cannot live has been omitted from my investigation. Now it would have to be a large city that is as densely populated as Tokyo Japan. However, all the needed infrastructure for highways, schools, subways, trains, hospitals, shopping malls, and even privately owned businesses would fit.
Plus, since there would still be 1.29 billion acres left, we could stretch things out to accommodate some parks, golf courses, airports, entertainment venues to keep people amused, and even vast subway and rail systems. We could use the rest of the World for our agriculture, mining, lumber, etc. etc. etc. For water, we could build mega piplines to bring fresh water from the great lakes so everyone would have clean drinkable water. If in 80 years United States became too crowed, then we could just expand farther North into Canada or South into Mexico, and still have the rest of the World for other uses.
Yup, this World is not even close to being over populated, so it shouldn't even be on anyone's radar as a problem. Mind you, those living in Tokyo have a higher standard of living than humans living in open country areas like Africa, South America, and the Middle East. So it's not like I am offering a solution that is inhuman.
The only reason we're told the planet is overpopulated, is so that lefties can convince us to agree with their plans for population control. These supposedly great ideas only give them complete control of our lives, from the cradle to the grave. This is why they consistently try their best to debunk any idea that there is more than enough room on earth for humans to live for hundreds of years. One example is the way they ignore the fact that most humans gravitate to large metropolitan ares.
Cities like New York, Tokyo, Paris, Moscow, Melbourne, Mexico City, etc. etc. etc. are so populated because humans like being in cramped quarters. For them, that's where the fun is. Truth is, those who live in a megalopolis, hate living in the country. So to use the logic that each person getting an small portion of land would not work, is just more illogical claims to debunk the fact that we are not overpopulated.
These doomsayers point to the problems they see in the World, like Climate Change, and environmental damage, that could be alleviated if there were just less humans. Truth is, man cannot do anything about the weather, unless we put out the sun. Problems occur in the World because of men's evil hearts, not because we are having too many children. It's my opinion that 95% of humans in government are some of the most vile and evil idiots on the planet. These idiots either won a popularity contest or were appointed by other evil idiots. It's those evil idiots in power, not the evil idiots living next door to us, that are the biggest problems.
In every corner of the World there are problems. Yet, the reason food is expensive and hard to get, is because a government caused a problem. The reason there is mass starvation, is because governments screwed something up, or created it on purpose. Gas shortages happen because governments screwed things up. Houses and infrastructure projects are expensive because governments screwed things up. Electric grids and energy is problematic because governments screwed things up. Modern wars happen, because evil men in the governments of poorly run countries want what other countries with good governments have.
There are many evil men in society that are not in government, but when we try to lock them up, we often times come up against government policies that make it impossible to do so. Mind you, it's government officials who decide what is legal and illegal. Case in point, today you can legaly murder an unborn child, but if you smash a turtle egg it's off to prison for you. 90% of today's problems in society are created by stupid evil humans getting elected or appointed to government. Forty years ago Reagan said that government works best when government gets out of the way. More true today than ever.
The only place overpopulation exists, is in the government. Eliminate 90% of the people in governments and our overpopulation problems will be solved. Think about it, it's government officials who come up with stupid solutions to fix problems others idiots in government created in the first place. When ever we get a smart person running for office, the stupid evil idiots do all they can to destroy the person, because they don't want the problems they created fixed. Otherwise they won't have an issue to get re-elected on.
Ultimately man is at the root of all problems, but not for the reasons liberals claim. In their hearts, liberal governmental elitists know that their ideas are worthless. Otherwise they would practice the things they tell us we need to do to save the planet. Yet, when the rubber hits the road, they themselves are the biggest violators of the planet. That's because, their end game is to control our lives from cradle to the grave, not a pristine planet.
Ultimately man is at the root of all problems, but not for the reasons liberals claim. In their hearts, liberal governmental elitists know that their ideas are worthless. Otherwise they would practice the things they tell us we need to do to save the planet. Yet, when the rubber hits the road, they themselves are the biggest violators of the planet. That's because, their end game is to return us to a feudal system where they can control our lives lives from cradle to the grave, not a pristine planet.
It is without a doubt that all problems would cease if humans just turned their hearts to GOD. Yet, men desire to live without GOD, because we want to do things our way. Since the beginning of time we have been doing it our way, and the results are always the same. Nothing in our personal lives has changed. We still lust after the same things, and work for that which never truly satisfies us. Then when our end comes, we all return to the dust we came from and then meet our Creator.
My question to you is, are you ready to meet the Judge? Well, I hope you have the right lawyer. If not, then I know Him personally, and He's free. He's never lost a case before this Judge, and He's always looking for more clients. Only the One who paid the price for your sins can get you into the exclusive club I'm destined for. Jesus Christ, is the Way, the Truth, and the Light. No one comes to the Father accept for those who go through His Son. Maybe instead of worrying about an overpopulation problem, you should get to Know Jesus.
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I welcome differing opinions, I do believe in free speech, just not vulgar cuss laden comments written for the only purpose of offending people in general.
Differing opinions is not what I refer to, go ahead and disagree, but in a polite way so we can have a logical respectful discussion.
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