by Chuck Ness
In Proverb 9:1 we read that;
“Wisdom has built her house,This is obviously a symbolic description, since Wisdom is personified. So what is this house and what are these “Seven Pillars” that wisdom has erected?
She has hewn out her seven pillars"
Many explanations exist regarding the seven pillars of wisdom in this passage. One idea is that, seven expresses completeness in Scripture, thus Solomon may be communicating that the application of wisdom results in a complete, orderly, well-furnished house, one that which lacks nothing.
Then there are commentators who see the seven pillars as describing a traditional banquet. So then, Wisdom’s call in Proverbs 9:5 would be fitting in that;
“Come, eat of my breadI would be remiss if I failed to point out how many ancient writers often described the world as resting on seven pillars. If this was Solomon's meaning, it is possible that “her house” in Proverbs 9:1 is parallel in some way with the world. However, I offer this belief just to allow all thought to be considered I actually doubt this is what Solomon was referring to, because when he wrote he did so under the influence of the Holy Spirit. So we must look to the Strictures themselves for the answer.
And drink of the wine I have mixed”
Which brings me to 2 men who wrote extensive commentary on the Scriptures, John Gill & Matthew Henry. John Gill of Proverb 9:1 that;
”Wisdom has built her house”....”There are two other senses, which bid fairest one of them to be right;Matthew Henry suggests that the house in Proverb 9:1 eludes to the place Jesus mentioned, “In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also”. (John 14:2) While the seven pillars could be a reference to the Temple Solomon built, or the schools of the prophets;
(1.) Either the heavenly glory, the house not made with hands, Christ's Father's house, in which are many mansions for his people; and which is a city whose builder and maker is God, and is prepared by Christ; and stands firm upon the promises of God, the person, blood, and righteousness of Christ, and the grace of the blessed Spirit:
(2.) Or rather the church of Christ on earth, the house of the living God, the pillar and ground of truth; this is built by Christ upon himself, the rock and foundation; the materials of it are true believers, precious and lively stones; built up a spiritual house, and a fit and suitable habitation for God through the Spirit.
As for, she hath hewn out her seven pillars John Gill suggests 3 meanings;
(1.) Ministers of the Gospel, compared to pillars for strength and stability, and for their being instrumental in supporting the interest and church of Christ; in allusion to the pillars in Solomon's temple, Jachin and Boaz; see Gallatians 2:9 These are said to be "hewn", being polished, beautified, and adorned with the gifts and graces of the Spirit by Christ, and thereby fitted for their work and service; and said to be "seven", because there is a complete and sufficient number of them, which Christ has provided, and always will provide for his churches, as long as they continue in the world.
(2.) Though it may be these seven pillars may denote in general the firmness and solidity of this spiritual building, the church, and the continuance of it by the power of God;
(3.) Or they may have respect to the seven states of the church in so many periods of time, to last to the end of all things, signified by the seven churches in the book of the Revelation.”
Here is a stately palace provided, Pro_9:1. Wisdom, not finding a house capacious enough for all her guests, has built one on purpose, and, both to strengthen it and to beautify it, she has hewn out her seven pillars, which make it to be very firm, and look very great. Heaven is the house which Wisdom has built to entertain all her guests that are called to the marriage-supper of the Lamb; that is her Father's house, where there are many mansions, and whither she has gone to prepare places for us. She has hanged the earth upon nothing, there in it we have no continuing city; but heaven is a city that has foundations, has pillars. The church is Wisdom's house, to which she invites her guests, supported by the power and promise of God, as by seven pillars. Probably, Solomon refers to the temple which he himself had lately built for the service of religion, and to which he would persuade people to resort, both to worship God and to receive the instructions of Wisdom. Some reckon the schools of the prophets to be here intendedConsidering these interpretive options, it is likely that “her house” and “seven pillars” both refer to a home that is in proper order, with the use of “seven” emphasizing its completeness and all-sufficiency. Overall, Proverb 9 is presented in a chiastic structure, meaning the first and last portions are parallel ideas with the main point in the center passage. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding” The entire Proverb is devoted to the emphasis of seeking wisdom, avoiding folly, and finding this wisdom in the Lord.
God bless you all as you study to be approved and ready for the moment the Bride Groom comes for his bride.
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