by Chuck Ness
This country has fallen into sad times. The Barbarians have breached the gate, and taken control of the most powerful country the world has ever known. In this post I offer 12 things we can be assured of will happen. I asked this same question a week ago. Well this past weekend the persecution, from the Democrat Socialists and their elitists friends, has already begun. So what are we, as freedom loving Americans, planning on doing about it?
My fighting side wants us to take up arms and fight till the death to stop that which we all fear is inevitable. While my Spiritual side tells me we need a come to Jesus moment, by turning the hearts of all Americans back to God as the Ninevites did over 2850 years ago.
Woe is us. Which way should we turn. Shall we fight for freedom, or pray for God's intervention? Jesus told His Disciples in Luke 22:36,
“But now, whoever has a money belt is to take it along, likewise also a bag, and whoever has no sword is to sell his coat and buy one."
Well, that sure sounds like a green light for us to fight for the rights our founding fathers gave credit to God for giving us.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." U.S. Declaration of Independence
But, let’s make it clear. As Christians, we should not retaliate against anyone persecuting us for our faith in Christ. Seriously, this is where we are to put our faith in Him, who died for us, IF, we are persecuted for our faith. However, if you, your wife, your children, any family members, or even neighbors and friends are abused just to be abused, then you have a God given right to defend your family by any logical means available to you.
To prove our faith to Jesus, we must be willing to die for Him. If instead we deny Him so that we may live, then He will deny us on the day of Judgment. So if you are persecuted for your faith, then you should pray for those who persecute you and forgive them. There is no greater way to show one's love for Christ than to forgive those who are about to kill you for your faith in Him? Now, I do not suggest we commit suicide just so we can enter into Heaven now. However, we never know if or when we may be called to be martyred for our faith in Christ Jesus.
So does this mean that we are to do nothing for our freedom as a citizen of the United States? No, I personally believe God allows us, as Christians, to pick up the sword and fight against a tyranny that could lead us into slavery. Which is what the Communist Democrats are telling us they want to do by the very policies they are admitting they wish to institute.
We are at the point where the Communist Democrats are threatening the right's God gives us. Mind you, the constitution does not limit the rights we have, it limits the rights and power the government has. No where in the constitution will you see anything that claims our God given rights are disallowed under the constitution. However, you do find many rights, which the Constitution says, the government does NOT HAVE!
Now then, what shall we do? I speak of Christians of course, because those who have no faith in God through Christ will do what ever they so desire, but us Christians, we are limited by what God allows us to do. If our Constitution gives us the right to overthrow the government when it violates our rights, and Jesus tells us to buy a sword, then we should be allowed to bare arms as Jesus seems to have eluded to?
In my heart I do not believe a violant revolution is going to happen. Nope, there will be no Civil War, because those who need to fight it, are too tied into this Word, and thus they will not do anything which would threaten their comfortable lifestyle. How do I know? Look at all those who wear masks.
I see a lot of patriotic American conservatives and Christians alike in fear of something that is no more lethal than a common flue. How are these people going to ever give up their comfort to fight a war? It's not like everyone will be going home every night and then taking off the weekends as if it's just a job. Look how devastated the Country was during the Civil War, and today we have devastating weapons that can decimate small armies at a push of a button from miles away.
So why is war a possibility? Well we all know that the Democrats have boldly told Americans what they plan on doing. That is why they needed to steal the election. They know the American citizens would never accept their will for our future. If we want to be stupid like the others around the World who ignore the promises of evil people, then don't complain when you lose everything and are then sent to a concentration work camp. Just look at moments in World history when evil men promised ahead of time what they would if and when they gained control, and then did those very things they promised to do once they were in power.
Go ahead, look at history and try to convince your self that those who are in power today, are not the same as the leftists mass murdering despots from the past. If you are so young that you were indoctrinated instead of educated, then search the history books that your teachers in college and public school refused to teach you from. You may have to do some research, but I promise if you look you will find history books written over 40 or 50 years ago that wrote the truth about Leftists Totalitarian despots.
After all, they barrowed a scheme right out of Hitler's rulebook, they faked an attack on Congress and blamed the conservatives. Same thing Hitler did when they burned the Riechstag and blamed the Jews. Now it's on to the final solution, which is already in it's first stage.
What follows is my predictions of what will happen with the Communist Totalitarian Democrats in control of the United States. Some of which we are already witnessing, as high-tech elites are flexing their power to stop any free speech they disagree with. I do not claim it is Holy Spirit inspired, so don't accuse me of claiming that I'm some kind of a Prophet from God. Now I only speak of the twelve things I have listed alphabetically. However, if all these things I list do happen, then after the fact I will admit it must have been inspired by the Holy Spirit. But then, I'm only listing the things they already told us they want to do.
1.) Confiscation of privately owned vehicles. (Part of the Green New Deal)
2.) Extreme climate change taxes placed upon the people. These taxes will be embedded into existing and future homes and when the homeowner cannot afford the taxes, they will forfeit their property.
3.) The reintroduction of affirmative action plans, at a scale never seen before. We are already seeing the removal of Trump supporters from jobs they currently hold because of their views.
4.) Free health care for minorities and illegals. Priveleged white Middle Class Americans need not apply. What they will recieve instead will be unaffordable Obama style health care.
5.) Free speech prohibitions and there will be no criticism of the government allowed. Violators will be imprisoned. Already happening, and they don't even have legal control yet.
6.) Google will implement its Chinese-based social credit system and people will be denied freedom on the internet. (Alrerady happening). And just like in China, people will be prosecuted for their online expressions of freedom and liberty.
7.) A new wave of Christian persecution will be coming soon. With the Bible getting banned in most places as hate speech. While Churches not complying with the new government edicts will be shut down and their Pastors arrested and convicted for hate crimes.
8.) New COVID lies will be spread about the dangers of public gatherings with businesses being shut down so that a planned economic collapse will take place so they gain total control over the economy.
9.) A cashless system will be implemented. Holding precious metals will be outlawed as it was under Franklin Roosevelt. With no cash available, only certain cards will be accepted under the rules of the government telling us who can buy what and where you can buy it. Can you say Biblical prophecy fulfilled?10.) Employment will be tied to loyalty to the existing regime.and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name (Revelation 13:17)
11.) The new carbon credit system will lower the average American's lifestyle to that of Venezuela.
12.) Gun confiscation will begin, after they stack the court and cancel all 2nd Amendment rights. A series of fake gun massacres will occur prior to gun confiscation in order to give it legitimacy. Those who refuse to surrender their weapons will be sent to re-education camps with others who refused to conform with the Communists regimental rules, or will simply be killed resisting the confiscation.

There will be more, after all, Totalitarians only know how to gain power so they can spread misery. So you need to ask yourself, have you created a footprint that is loyal to extreme leftists? If not, then they will eventually find you and destroy you? OH, and get ready for them to call in the United Nation soldiers. See, that's what Romans did. They used forces from foreign places to keep the people in fear. After all, If a soldier is from Spain, Iran, China, or Venezuela they will not hesitate to shoot an American if ordered to do so?
The Weathermen Underground leader, Bill Ayers, is the man who launched Obama's political career in Chicago. In the 1960's his plan was to imprison 50 million Americans and re-educate them. Just like Mao did to the nationalist Chinese after he defeated them in 1949. Over the next 20 years, he murdered over 60 million of his own countrymen.
Mao, Hitler, and Stalin, never left office until they were dead. So do not think you will ever remove these Communist Democrats from office. They will never leave in a peacfull election! Study history, and you will learn that only one thing, and one thing alone will stop what they have planned for us. I am not suggesting a violent revolution, but I am suggesting it's time for a revolution. Just not a violent one, because we would inevitably lose in the end. However, I will reiterate what I wrote above,
In my heart I do not believe a violant revolution is going to happen. Nope, there will be no Civil War, because those who need to fight it, are too tied into this Word, and thus they will not do anything which would threaten their comfortable lifestyle.
So, it is my prayer that we can change enough hearts, so that what I fear is going to happen, does not happen. The truth is, whether we go to war, or if we sit back and watch the Communists reduce us to squaler as those in Venezuala live, the future is bleak. Our comfortable lives as we know today, will cease to exist in a very short time.
So many will ask, and have asked me after I posted some other such diatribes. Would I fight if it came to it? Yes, I would join my fellow patriots and fight. Even though I know it would be futile, unless we had a good portion of the Military join us for a true devastating Civil War. Then, when the dust settles, regardless of which side wins, many of our loved one's will be dead, our livelihood will be ruined, and our future will be one of rebuilding with many of the same kinds of people in power.
Understand this about politics and power, those with money and ambition to rule will always be the ones who end up telling everyone else how to live. Then one day the people will again be oppressed, and they will rise up to fight for freedom again. That is if Christ has not yet returned. After all, it's the way of life for fallen men, in a fallen World.
"However, if your comment is offensive in anyway it will be deleted, so please be decent and thoughtful of what it is you plan on saying"..........so then explain to me how you are any different from them?
Death and Destruction. But we will give it to them .And their families now..
Pelosi is past her time
Its not the whole house that wants impeachment, but Pelosi pushing it in her rage of failures she's grabbing at any straw to use , even trying to pressure the VP PENCE ATTACK POTUS, Dem's think the now have ultimate power ti do and push anything due to the Biden victory obtained illegally, now with the newest confirmation from Italy they too interfered in our election to change votes from trump to Joe by up loading to a Mil Sat to the Frankfurt Dominion server because O gave 400 Million to an operative in their country to do this, let alone China who's IP and equipment MAC addresses we now have, Yes the election was conducted under fraud conditions. Not able to see or recognize this is being stupid and reprobated. So wake up look at the real evidence this proof now exist let along the blocking out of authorized poll watchers, Criminal intent to win by what they did. Should be going to jail in a few weeks.
Joe Biden is a pedophile
Watch pedophile Joe grope little girl’s breast.
Senile Joe gropes little girl
I'm different, because when I say offensive in anyway, I mean in a vulgar way.
I will reiterate that in my warning.
Be vulgar, as in swearing, using God's name in vain, or derogatorily offensive in a way you would not talk to your own Mother, or daughter, and then the comment will be removed. Be respectful, as the way we all used too understand respect.
Thanks for the comment jbp, I pretty much agree with what you wrote. I too think Biden is a reprobate.
jbp, I only removed the comment because it was posted twice. Not because there was anything in it that I did not like.
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Feel free to leave a comment, and it will be posted immediately. However, if your comment is offensive in anyway, it will be removed.
I welcome differing opinions, I do believe in free speech, just not vulgar cuss laden comments written for the only purpose of offending people in general.
Differing opinions is not what I refer to, go ahead and disagree, but in a polite way so we can have a logical respectful discussion.
By offensive, I mean by being vulgar, as in swearing, using God's name in vain, or derogatorily offensive in a way you would not talk to your own Grandmother, Mother, or daughter, and then the comment will be removed.
I may not respond to your comment promptly, and there is no way with blogger for me to respond directly to your comment,. So come back and look for me to respond in a new comment to you by the name you post your comment with.