by Chuck Ness
I was in an old used bookstore the other day. I like looking for old books written by Christians who came and went long before we lived. If I find one I like I purchase it. Well as I was looking I came across a Picture Bible, put together for children. Now it's not as old as many I find, it was actually published in 1979. I just could not resist. Every page is illustrated with just enough words added to tell the story.
As I flipped through it I was impressed at the accuracy of their short explanations they added to the illustrations. As you know, with children you must truncate stories to get the idea across to their young minds, without sacrificing the message of the event.
I took some pictures of the story they illustrated about king David and Bathsheba. Many are familiar with the story. The pictures have few words added, but enough to do a good job of summarizing the story. Even if you are an adult you will enjoy it.
I decided to purchase it, with the desire to send it to one of my grandchildren. Which one I haven't decided yet, but possibly to my son's children since he has more and they are the youngest.
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.

This image, below, shows you from the index which scriptures they used to get the stories. They actually did a good job of keeping a good flow through the Bible to get the overall history and lessons across without losing the attention of a child's mind.

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