by Chuck Ness
How about a couple of classic Movie clips? One is from 1940, and the other is from 1970. One from the golden age and the other from a time when the political winds were changing in Hollywood. Today we see what that political change has brought about to both Hollywood and the country.
Hollywood has gone full out Godless Crony Communist, but wait until those useful idiots find out their usefulness has ended. After all, once the Golden Goose of the American Middle class has been obliterated, there will be no one left to pay for the Movies made by these idiots. That's because the Middle class will be reduced to serf status as we were during the Dark Ages of the Feudal years. Back to a time when the Godless Kings and the crooked Catholic Church ruled. A time when your only chance to end the misery you were born into was death.
Take my word for it, if things go the way Hollywood and their friends in DC want, there will be no Middle class left in the United States. That's because small businesses will be eliminated, and all the things we purchase will be made in China. After that happens those useful idiots in Hollywood, the Music industry, and in the Sports World, will cease to be needed. What good will they be when no one will be able to afford their brain dead entertainment? Like the Dark Ages, we will all be serfs scrounging to make ends meet like they are in Venezuela.

A once thriving area of Venezuala. All the small businesses closed, and with them went the jobs. This was a bussling Middle Class area just 20 years ago, today it's pure poverty stricken.
America's future is in this image.
Sadly, after seeing the Republican party refuse to even challenge the blatant illegalities the Democrats used to steal the election, we now know they are no better than the Democrats. All the Republican party cares about is their chance to regain the power they lost when we elected Trump. They could care less about the common man in America, because they prefer to support the big donors who are all globalists. The question that needs to be answered, is how many are in the pockets of China?
As we watch them all slap each other on the backs, somewhere in the slimy sewage waters of the DC Swamp the Constitution rots away. A few years ago a renegade Billionair, turned reality TV star, came to DC to take on the swamp. He fought valiantly for us for three years. Unfortunately for us Americans, the Swamp finally won.
Well back to the Movie clips. In the first clip we see Bob Hope in the 1940 Movie, The Ghost Breakers, comparing Democrats with Zombies. The second clip has James Stewart educating Henry Fonda on the difference between Republicans and Democrats in the 1970 Movie, The Cheyenne Social Club. If only there were these types of Hollywood actors still around today. Interestingly, Fonda was a Democrat. You know what happened to Fonda's daughter, Jane, and his son, Peter. Well, that's what happens when you raise your children to be Godless Zombies.
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