by Chuck Ness
Facebook claims to be the arbiters of what is, and what is not, good for public consumption. After all, they banished Donald Trump and millions of others because of their Conservative Political views. With my FB friends, it's a running joke as to who gets suspended the most. The reasons we get suspended has everything to do with our religious and political beliefs, not for questionable lapses of morality in our posts. After all, if we posted something that did deserve punishment from those watching our every move, they would applaud our disgusting posts.
Yet, when truly horrible things end up on FB, they just turn a blind eye. Case in point is this video I'm sharing. Mind you, there is nothing graphic, you cannot actually see a crime being committed, but you know a crime was committed. How? Well, the police are using this video to convict the girls who stabbed another girl. A 15 year old child who is now dead.
OH, I know. You are wondering why, if this video is so horrible, I'm sharing it with you. Well, it really isn't the fact the video is so bad, because I agree, there is nothing to see. However, when you consider their refusal to remove this video, and then consider the standards they use to justify removing content put up by Christians and conservatives, you will then understand my angst.
Sadly, we truly live in evil times. Paul warned us in his second epistle to Timothy how the end times will be;
But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, (2 Tomothy 3:1-4)
Well, by the time Christ does return, the World will be so evil that God will see no difference between what it has become, and what it was like before the days when God closed the doors on the Ark Noah built.
Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. (Genesis 6:5)That's why Jesus told the Disciples;
“But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be." (Matthew 34:37)
When you consider the warnings we have been given, then no one should be shocked as to why God has turned His back on America. If you are still shocked as to why God has rejected us, then maybe this video will help you understand. What you will see is four young girls who desperately need Christ. One is 12, two are 13 and another one is 14. These children used a knife they grabbed off the shelf in Walmart to stab a 15 year old girl in the chest.
Later the girl would die from her wound. Barely 15, and her life is over. Mind you, at this particular Walmart, the hair products are locked up behing glass windows. They stopped selling hunting rifles and guns years ago, but the knives are easily available to anyone who may want to use them for a crime. I'm sure a new Walmart policy, of locking up knives, will be implemented soon. Maybe even by the time the 15 year old's family has buried her.
As I recorded the video, I scrolled the comments down for you to see. Since I recorded this, more comments have been posted. As long as the video is up you can see it at this link. 15 year old stabbed in Walmart. Not sure how long before it's removed, if it ever will be.
As of today, all four girls have been arrested and are facing prosecution for their crime. One of the four girls was charged with second-degree murder, while the other three are facing charges of principal to second-degree murder. Kids killing kids. Life is not sacred to children, because we live in a World where so many children know their own mother has probably murdered a brother or a sister via abortion. In school, they are taught that babies are not real, and won't be real until the baby is brought home from the hospital. Until then it's just a blob of tissue.
Writting this has not been easy. My heart cries out for these young girls. They are clueless of the hainius act they committed. OH, one day it will hit them, but until then they are just pawns in a political game played by adults who are waging war against God. That's why so many children are lost.
I would wager a bet that at least one of these girls, if not all of them, are children of mothers who were children themselves when they gave birth to them. Children having children, children aborting their children, and children killing other children. Let us all remember to pray for these children, so that maybe, just maybe they can be saved before another child ends their lives as they ended the 15 year old's life.
“Surely I am coming quickly.” Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen." (Revelation 22:20-22)
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I welcome differing opinions, I do believe in free speech, just not vulgar cuss laden comments written for the only purpose of offending people in general.
Differing opinions is not what I refer to, go ahead and disagree, but in a polite way so we can have a logical respectful discussion.
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