by Chuck Ness
A century has passed since this 1920 film predicted what life would be like over the next century. You must admit that some predictions came true, like the cell phone. Some were downright hilarious. This video shows some of the things those living in the 1920’s hoped would come true, although it seems they were quite ambitious in their planning.
How many have not considered what the future would be like? I lose count of the number of Movies Hollywood made about futuristic life on Earth. I remember me and my friends drawing pictures of futuristic cars in study class, instead of studying. Many things we predicted way back in the past are now reality, or in the works. This video does not cover everything, but it gives you an idea of what men in 1920 thought the future would be like.
What do you think? Will some of these 1920’s predictions still become reality? Well I would like to believe things will get better as we invent new products to make our lives better. Unfortunately the wrong people just took control of the United States, and these people are not the one's who care about what is best for everyone.
Every age of the World has had some sort of religious bent to those in control, and today's bent is a One World form of a religion that worships everything but the One True God. Mind you, all false religions have one thing in common, they all defy the True God, and those who Follow Him. The faith of the World we are entering will be an ant-Christian faith that's just a mix all the evil religions from the past. The Scriptures have warned us about this time. Well, call it what ever you desire, but the truth is we are just returning to Babylon. The place where man wanted to create a tower that would reach the heavens and thus be god. Today, every false religion can trace their beliefs back to Babylon.
Men always wonder what the future will be like. Well, here is a what men in 1920 thought it would be like. You will notice that God is no where in their predictions. Yet a century later, one would have to be blind to ignore the prophecies of the Scriptures as to what the future will hold. We are now closer to Christ returning than man realize, and instead of wondering what the future will be like in the World, we should be ready for what the future for us will be like when Christ returns.
No, if anything, we are entering into another era similar to the dark Ages, when the wealthy elites rule as they decide who controls the government. In the last Dark Ages, it was the Catholic Church, the Monarchs and the wealthy landlords who controlled the lives of people. Today as we move into another Dark Age, we can count on the Communist Totalitarians to control our lives. I say Communists, but there truly is no difference between them or the Nazis and Socialist. They are all Totalitarians who will help usher in the day when Christ returns. Be ready brothers and sister, because the times spoken of by the Prophets is quickly becoming our reality today.
The technological advances of man were stagering in the 19th century, yet as great as they were, the advances since the video I am sharing was produced, has been even more phenomenal. What follows is a list of inventions by years since 1920. The inventions in the last 100 years has been mindboggling. Man has invented more things in the last years, than he has in the rest of history. Without a doubt our inventions have turned the World into a virtual paradise compared to what it was like before 1920.
It must be said however, that as great as these inventions are, the last 100 years has also seen man invent more ways to murder and abuse each other, while destroyings things, than at any other span in human history. One day I may make a list of those sad accomplishment.
For now, here is a list by year of inventions. There would not be enough time to list everything, so I chose an imvention for every year. Many were obviously left out.1920 The hairdryer
1922 Electric kettle
1923 Self-winding watch
1924 Loudspeaker
1925 First Motel Opened
1926 Cheese Burger
1927 Aerosol can
1928 Penicillin
1929 Car radio
1930 Jet engine
1931 Atom Smasher
1932 Electric can opener
1933 FM Radio & Zippo lighter
1935 Radar
1936 First voice recognition machine
1937 Photosensitive Glass
1940 Color Television
1941 Solid Body Electric Guitar
1942 Bazooka
1943 The Slinky
1944 Kidney dialysis machine
1945 Atomic Bomb
1946 Disposable diapers
1947 Kenwood food mixer
1948 First pager
1949 Photo-Pac disposable camera
1950 Alkaline batteries
1951 Power steering
1952 SAGE modem
1953 Black box flight recorder
1954 Regency pocket radio
1955 Polio vaccine
1956 Chuck Ness
1957 Casio digital watch
1958 Pacemaker
1959 Black and Decker cordless drill
1960 Stereos/hi-fi
1961 Kodak Instamatic
1962 LED.. light-emitting diode
1963 The Telefunken 'mouse'
1964 Plasma television
1965 Y. Hatano's pedmoter
1966 El-Gi 1:12 Ferrari radio controlled car1967 Polaroid
1968 Smoke detector
1969 The Internet
1970 Digital thermometer
1971 Handy pocket calculator
1972 Multi socket power plug
1973 The Ethernet
1974 Breville sandwich maker
1975 Kodak digital camera
1976 Lithium batteries
1977 Mattel Electronic Football
1978 Victor HR-3300REK - first VHS video recorder
1979 Texas Instruments Speak and Spell
1980 Sony Walkman
1981 Epson HX-20 - the world's first laptop
1982 Sony Watchman - CD player
1983 Commodore 64
1984 Sony Disc-man
1985 The Leatherman multi-tool
1986 Bose noise cancelling headphones
1987 Sony super VHS camcorder
1988 Digital mobile phones
1989 World Wide Web
1990 Nintendo Game Boy
1991 Nintendo SNES
1992 Palm Pilot
1993 Dyson vacuum cleaner
1994 Digital cordless telephone /Mega Drive
1995 PlayStation 1
1996 Audio Highway - world's first MP3 player
1997 Motorola StarTac
1998 Panasonic portable DVD player
1999 DVR by TiVo
2000 The Trek Tech/IBM - flash drive
2001 Apple iPod
2002 PlayStation 2
2003 Blackberry 6210
2004 Samsung OLED TV
2005 Xbox 360
2006 SanDisk Micro SD
2007 Apple iPhone
2008 Beats by Dre
2009 Twitter
2010 Apple iPad
2011 Kindle Fire
2012 Nexus 7
2013 PlayStation 4
2014 Hover Bike
2015 Brain to Brain Communication Capability
2016 First Drone Delivered Package
2017 Pavement Electric Car Chargers
2018 DNA Programmable Pills
2019 Hyberlood Technology
2020 COVID 19 Vaccinations
Check out the movie, story by H G Wells, "Things to Come" from 1936.
Thanks for the link, I will.
“It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” ― Yogi Berra
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