You ever been sitting in the house, and out of the corner of your eye, you spot something moving along the corner of the wall? Or maybe you’re lying in bed and you hear some scraping and scratching, the patter of teeny tiny feet in the attic? When you have a mouse on the loose around the house, then you need to set a trap or two.
Everyone has their idea of what the perfect food is to trap the mouse. Cheese, peanut butter, or maybe a piece of sweet chocolate The idea is to use something that will attract the mouse over. Then when the mouse takes the bate, it meets it's maker. Well humans are no different, and neither is Satan. The only difference is the bate. If you take the bate that Satan sets out for you it could cost you your very soul.
Every choice we make in our life can be seen by the Lord. Even if we just make that choice in our heart by desiring it to happen. We are told by Christ that we are just as guilty as if we did the action. Matthew 5:28. The point being, the LORD knows everything. So keep in mind that every step you take can be a step into a trap that could lead you to spiritual destruction.
So Judge yourself in everything you do, and in every step you take. Consider the destination that will be your future, because if you don't judge yourself, then be prepared to face God on judgement day. We learn from Psalms 1:5-6 that the ungodly shall stand in the judgment, while those who choose wisely will live to stand in the congregation of righteous and gain eternal life.
Matthew Henry wrote on this verse in Proverb 5 in his commentary.
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