I decided to take a break today, from posting commentaries. Oh, I'm working on one I'll post tomorrow, but I thought I would share some images I found on an old HD I use for storage. So if you stumble by looking for something different, then check out these immages of secluded homes and cabins. For those who are looking to get away from the cares of the World, you will find these cabins to be very alluring. They all give you the feeling they would be a great place to get away from the crazy cities, and even from some small towns where too many people know too much about everyones business. Some cabins are elaborate, and some are no bigger than a one room cabin.
Pictures can be deceiving however. I'm sure what looks like seclusion to us, could just be the angle the pictures was taken from. Anyway, if your looking to get away, or just want the feeling of getting away, these images should give you a good feeling that someone has gotten away, even if it's just for a weekend.

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Differing opinions is not what I refer to, go ahead and disagree, but in a polite way so we can have a logical respectful discussion.
By offensive, I mean by being vulgar, as in swearing, using God's name in vain, or derogatorily offensive in a way you would not talk to your own Grandmother, Mother, or daughter, and then the comment will be removed.
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