by Chuck NessAllow me to digress from my Christian commentary, to share my opinion
on the ongoing election fiasco we call, "The America Presidential Election."
Many times we read articles filled with words to describe a situation that can be just as easily summed up in a short phrase. That's where we stand today with the lie that Joe Biden is the President Elect. Well even if they are successful in stealing the election through fraud, he will never be the President elect. That's because he was selected by those who desire the United States to be subservient to the rest of the World.
Remember, it was George Herbert Walker Bush who ushered in the New World Order on September 11, 1991. Ten years before 9/11, and almost thirty years before the massive election fraud we are now witnessing before our eyes. Bush and his buddies have tried for many years to make the United States subservient to the World. Now we may find ourselves ruled by a puppet SELECTED by the powers that be who want to take away our sovereignty.
Today, that One World New Order cabal is controlled by the Chicoms who own the Democrat party and many Republicans like Mitt Romney, Lamar Alexander, Ben Sasse, Cory Gardner Johnny Isakson, Lisa Murkowksi and a others. All have soled their souls to Satan for what the World has to offer.
“For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, andThere is but one question that remains. How many of the five Conservative Supreme Court Justices are truly Constitutional Conservatives? Or have any of them also sold their soul to Satan? Soon, we will learn if they are true to the Constitution, or if they are no better than Judge Roberts. We need all five to stand up for what they know is right. If any of the five fail to b strong for the truth, then they too, will have Selected the puppet chosen by the rulers of the New World Order. If that happens, then this ongoing experiment we call America is over.
loses his own soul? “Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?
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