Saturday, December 5, 2020

Never Back Down To Political Correctness

by Chuck Ness

Churches need to stop being at the mercy of the liberal mindset, the government, or even their own congregations and start being at the mercy of God.

Clergy long ago spoke the truth to their flock, during the revolutionary war, and after. They would not only minister to the families, they would be involved in the daily lives of the people. They would fight next to them in battle, walk with them many hard miles in cold harsh winters.

They did not sit comfortably by while their flock suffered. Pastors would guide and direct their churches. They would instruct them on many issues in life. They did not walk around on their tip toes among their church family, instead they would lead them, they would help them to pave the way in many areas of life.

Pastors and churches today, need to take a stand. They need to stop feeling pressured to give sermons that are politically correct. Sin is sin, sexual immorality, drugs, alcohol, gambling, or adultery; no matter what it may be, these things are wrong in eyes of God. It is time we stop dancing around and speak the truth.

Are you afraid of persecution? Maybe many Christians worry they will get physically hurt if they speak the truth. Well, history is full of Christians being martyred for their faith, and for speaking the truth. Maybe the reason church attendance is down is because Christians refuse to put their own skin in the game. Imagine if the Apostles feared retribution for speaking the truth.

They did not care for their own self survival, they stood toe to toe against those who tried to stop them as they spread the Gospel throughout the Roman Empire. One by one they fell on the Cross of Jesus to spread the truth about the Gospel of Christ. Today's Christians fear ridicule if they say something politically incorrect. No, they bled out for Christ, we in America yet to bleed. In the face of slander Christians in America run and hide, the Apostles faced death with a faith that moved mountains. We do not have that sacrificial faith that challenged the Roman Empire and won.

Well I say stand up and put your faith in the One who died for you, and preach the truth whenever and wherever God leads you to. Preach that sermon on homosexuality, the slavery that comes from using drugs, and alcohol. The destruction that comes with gambling, the betrayal of adultery. You can call it anything you want, but if it goes against God’s law, it is a sin.

If we the church, we the pastors, teachers, apostles of Christ, don’t tell them, who will? If we fail to speak God's truth because of fear or pressure, we fail to do as we are called and ordained to do by Christ Himself. If we do not do the jobs we are called to do, we are no better than the world that allows it. We are called to speak truth, All Christians, not just pastors, and teachers, but all.

Churches need to stop being at the mercy of the worlds influence and start being at the mercy of God. Pastors need to stop worrying about being politically correct, and start being God correct. Stop worrying about the rocks that may come your way. Paul was stoned often, but he never stopped and he never changed the message to suit the politically correct crowds of the time.

Politically Correctness is not found anywhere in the scriptures. You will never find Jesus or the Apostles teaching political correctness. Only men and false religions teach it. The last great commandment Jesus gave was the Great Commission where He told the Apostles, and us,
"All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen Matthew 28:18–20
Many things have changed since Jesus gave us this order over 2000 years ago. The Apostles wrote many letters to the churches setting them back on track when they messed up. But one thing that has never changed, is Gods Word and His Standards for our life.

God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, He never changes. The churches today are full of people that don’t want to admit their sin. The church body knows of the sin, but doesn’t speak of it. Pastors and elders seldom go to the their fallen member to call their sin out for repentance and prayer. Why is this happening in the churches?

I personally believe that too many pastors and churches are being pushed into the corner of being politically correct just like the rest of the world. Instead of changing the world, the world is changing the churches. They have forgotten that Christ is the head of the church, and His ways are not the world's ways.

Love the sinner, hate the sin. We all need help from time to time. The church has a duty to its people, why would you not tell them the truth. If we do not teach the truth, then we are teaching lies. The Bible is very clear that if you are not for God, you are against Him.

It is only by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony that true freedom comes. That is brought on by men gathering with other men, and women with other women, as iron sharpens iron, one man (or woman) sharpens another. The body of Christ is to speak life into the body. We are all the church, we are all the body, we all need to speak healing, freedom, and truth to those who need it. We would not go to a doctor who gives bad medical advice, we would not hire a carpenter who has no skills to fix our house, so why would we allow a preacher who is influenced by political correctness to lead a congregation away from the Light and into darkness?

When you were a little kid you came in from playing outside. Your mother would tell you to go wash up, and you would go. If after you washed up there was more dirt on that towel than there was in the sink. She would then tell you to go back and wash again, this time use the soap.

The funny thing about the truth is, like the soap , if you don’t use it doesn’t work. Just as we need soap to clean the dirt from our bodies, so too we must use the truth to heal the brokenness that is within us. Apply that soap. Stop tip toeing around truth, just because you are afraid of hurting someones feelings. Proclaim Gods Word in the Name of Jesus. Christ is no respecter of persons, He is a respecter of the truth and doing the Will of the Father.

What will we do church, pastors, teaches, apostles, and saints. What stand will we take, will we let this continue or will we make a stand. A warrior fighting a battle needs to sustain his body with hearty meal, milk is a nice refresher but the meat is what is going to revive his strength, and give him courage. When we are in a battle standing toe to toe with our enemy, we need to be prepared. Most battles are fought in close quarter combat. Long range snipers are not common in this battle.

So I ask you, what is it that you as an Apostle of Christ or a church will do? What stand will you take in this crisis that the church today is suffering?

I pray that those who have ears to hear, will hear what the Spirit says to the churches, and call upon His name. Amen


Clement Morrissey said...

There is a non-denominational church in Joplin, Missouri that literally destroyed themselves due to an astonishing knee-jerk reaction to the covid virus. A small totalitarian and fascist 'cabal' took over. Shut the church, the pastor's ultra liberal wife and the FORMER PASTOR and his vicious wife started bringing in so-called professionals to force BLM and ANTIFA crap down everyones throats. They lost (and continue to lose) lots of members. The conservative members of the church who objected were publicly labeled ' right wing extremists '.

Chuck Ness said...

Wow, sounds like it's time to find a new church or start a new one with the members who left

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