Monday, February 15, 2010

Snow Dog Having Way Too Much Fun in Fresh Snow

After a blizzard dumped 54 inches of snow on Colorado, this dog decided to enjoy every moment of it. No snow hill was too deep for him to dive into, especially the powder that was dumped upon the Denver area. I originally had the song, "I Feel Good"' by James brown, but I was forced to remove it for copyright reasons. So this time I posted the video without any sounds. If anyone has a good idea for what non copyrighted song or even what classical music might fit, then let me know and I'll add it.


georgia peach said...

Loved this.Thank you.

pulmonary disease said...

Hello this dog look really happy in the snow he dont look cold and this dog even had the long hair so at serting point he will be cold .

Anonymous said...

made my day!

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