Every now and then, a champion for the rights of the disenfranchised American citizen comes along to give us hope that not all is lost. Those champions know that we citizens go about our business of working hard, raising children, enjoying our leisure activities, and voting to put responsible people in power to protect and defend our constitutional rights.
Sadly, many times we are fooled by charismatic liars who convince us they are for us. Just to find out too late they are nothing but a well spoken snake oil salesmen, selling us tainted spirits disguised as medicine that will cure all our ills. However, from time to time we stumble upon a true patriot who does care and understand the plight we are faced with. A person like the fictional character, Jefferson Smith.
In the movie, “Mr. Smith Goes To Washington”, a naive man is appointed to fill a vacancy in the United States Senate. His plans promptly collide with political corruption, but he doesn't back down. He speaks his mind, because he believes that America is a land of freedom for all who desire to live the American dream. The movie was made back in 1939, because by then Congress had already become a swamp full of self motivated creatures who could less about the plight of the American citizen.
In my lifetime we have had two such champions ascend to the Presidency, Ronald Reagan in 1980 and Donald Trump in 2016. We have also had numerous US House and Senators champion our causes. All of which have faced the wrath of the the MSM, the Democrat/Republican Establishment, and the entrenched D.C. Deep State. Something I will call, “The Axis of Evil”. These are the American Totalitarian elitists who promote the New World Order. Today we are witnessing the destruction of President Trump's re-election at the hand of this Axis of Evil.
Yet, we had a chance to stop what is unfolding before our eyes some 24 years ago. It was in 1996 when the Democrat party was given the green light by the establishment Republicans to steal an outspoken conservative's seat. Since then, the left has perfected their ability to steal race after race, all while the Republican establishment sits idly by never lifting a finger to stop it, nor bring the perpetrators to justice. That act of treason has led to today's disgraceful Presidential election fraud.
Does the name, “B-1 Bob”, ring a bell to anyone's memory? Some consider him to be the original Tea Partier. He was anti-establishment long before Obama's policies created the anti-establishment movement. For those who do remember him, you will remember how the Republican establishment refused to fight for Bob Dornan after Loretta Sanchez stole his House seat in the 1996 election.
See, B-1 Bob was a lot like Trump. He was outspoken and in our face about the truth. A truth the Democrats, MSM, and the Republican establishment did not want to hear. Like Donald Trump, he was an unabashed patriotic American who fought tooth and nail for the rights of all Americans. Yup, long before the anti-establishment Donal Trump came on the scene, B-1 Bob was loudly fighting for many of the same issues Trump has championed. Like Trump, B-1 Bob was not shy about the words he used when attacking inside the beltway traitors of the American way of life.
One memorable moment was while Dornan was speaking on the floor of the House during a debate on a bill that would have discouraged school districts from adopting a gay-friendly curriculum. He actually outed Steve Gunderson, a seven term Wisconsin Republican Congressman who at the time was still publicly in the closet as being a homosexual. That is until Congressman Bob Dornan said the following, which was promptly removed from the official record by the Republican leadership,
"My fellow Republican has a revolving door in his closet," said Dornan. "He's out. He's in. He's out. He's in."B-1 Bob used his aggressive oratory, in a way that was both lethal towards his targets, but crude to the establishment snobs. Often times he would anger the snobs of both sides of the isle which led to many of his remarks being stricken from the records. Yet, you would never ever see him apologize for his jibes, because in his heart he knew he was right. Those who admired his straightforwardness, admired him for his honesty as he outed those from both parties who would dare try to pull the wool over the eyes of the American citizens.
From defending life in the womb, fighting against the left's pro gay agenda, boosting our military, working tirelessly for the American worker by helping to lower taxes and alleviate burdensome regulations that sent their jobs overseas, and by trying to stop what had already become a huge problem of illegal aliens streaming across our Southern border in California, Texas, New Mexico, & Arizona Bob was a true champion for America.
In one amazing moment, B-1 Bob chastised President Bill Clinton On the floor of the U.S. House, for giving aid and comfort to the enemy of America, and for misquoting Biblical Scripture. (video below) The Democrats complained so violently about Bob's House Floor speech, they scared the Republicans establishment into agreeing with them on censoring his speech out of the records. Like Trump today, Bob's outspokenness never set well with the establishment Republicans, and thus they conspired to get him defeated. The Axis of Evil despises the truth being told. Just look how Social media, and the MSM refuse the truth about of evil to ever be seen or heard. This is why they refused to help him against Sanchez. Now they refuse to help Trump.
After the 1996 election, Dornan's campaign staff had physical evidence of 5,000 illegal registrations in a race he lost by less than 1000 votes. Yet, the Republicans, who controlled the House, stopped the investigation before it got too close to proving him right. They stood down and allowed the Democrats to steal his seat. That day, the Democrats learned that they had an Allie in the Republican establishment. Eventually, the Republican establishment would stand by as they helped get Newt Gingrich's and his entire leadership team removed and replaced, one by one under false charges.
Mind you, Gingrich himself was partially to blame, because he wanted everything to look so honest that he set a new rule in place. If any House leader is under investigation for anything they had to step down during an internal house investigation. Thus the Democrats started accusing the Leadership of all types of misconduct, and the Republican establishment types were more than willing to go along with the charades. They even stood by as Tom Delay was eventually charged and convicted of false money laundering charges. He would eventually have the conviction tossed out by an Appeals Court, but the damage was done to his reputation. The, “Axis of Evil” had prevailed.
Today as I watch the systematic theft of the Presidential election, I am reminded of how this could have been avoided. All Bob and Tom needed was for the establishment Republican's to stand with the American people. Instead of becoming part of the modern day Axis of Evil. Just as they are now telling Trump to sit down and shut up, these snake oil salesmen told B-1 Bob to take the medicine of defeat like a good loser and go away.
From the day Bob Dornan was defeated with illegal aliens voting, the Democrats have successfully defeated Republican after Republican in similar fashion. They have perfected their ability to steal elections, and with the help of a compliant media and the Republican establishment standing on the sideline refusing to fight for the truth, the Axis of Evil is dotting the "i's" and crossing the "t'"s on a coup they started before Donald was even inaugurated in January 2017.
The one thing that still baffles me, is what makes the never conservative Republican establishment think they can ever survive once they helped the left gain complete control? After all, their days are numbered. It's just a matter of time before every Republican, wether they be liberal or conservative, male or female, black, white, or hispanic is removed from any power. Just look at every state controlled by Democrats. Siding with the left is a suicide pact. Power is a strong drug, and like heroin it can be lethal when you trust the wrong person to inject the drug into your veins.
It's been said that the only thing which allows evil to prosper is when good men do nothing to stop it. As a Christian, I am often times asked why I fight so hard to defeat evil politicians when I am called to save souls. My response is always the same.
As a Christian, I am called to defend the truth, regardless of where truth is being attacked. Jesus told the Disciples, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Why would I not defend the Truth? There is right and there is wrong. Regardless of where I see falsehood being spewed, I am called to correct it. In America, God gave me the right to hold my leaders accountable.
Just as I correct false Christian Doctrine that can lead to one being a slave to sin and eternal death, I will correct false political doctrine that leads to misery, death, and a loss of freedom. Defending the truth and standing for it will inevitably set us free. Even if it leads to my death, I would rather defend the truth so that all can be free. Why would anyone stand idly by and allow loved one's and friends to become slaves?
You either fight or you become part of the problem. Those who refuse to fight for Trump, are part of the problem, and thus the enemy of “We The People”
You either fight or you become part of the problem. Those who refuse to fight for Trump, are part of the problem, and thus the enemy of “We The People”
The United States is a republican democracy. We are governed by the voters through our elected representatives. Elections are very honest, with ample opportunity for people to challenge the results. However, once those results have been challenged and the challenges fail to prove a reason for turning away the results, it is time for all loyal Americans to accept those results.
You can blame anyone you like for whatever electoral loss you have taken, but you have to prove it through the courts. Neither B-1 Bob nor Donald Trump came close to proving they were cheated in their election losses. Yet, both of them continued to peddle those lies long after the election was over. Making bogus allegations about "the left" is no substitute for facts.
Trump managed to enrage enough gullible followers to actually engage in vigilante rioting in the Capitol. That was a crime. He should be prosecutied.
So you dispute the proof of 77,000 ballot in Arizona were uncounted in Arizona?
You dispute the 20,000 plus affidavits of citizens in the of Wisconsin who were told they already voted when they did not?
Why is it that 6 states stopped counting the same time?
Never I. The history of the country has that happened before
Yet when the counters and judges were kicked out the counters and closed the doors, Trump was up by enough top win each state and not enough ballots on hand to change the outcome, yet 10 hours later when they started officially counting they had more than enough ballots to change the outcome in Biden's favor. Not in one state, but in all 6 states. .
There were truck drivers who gave sworn affidavits that they delivered ballots to the counting area, and told to leave them, but the next day the trucks were unaccounted for.
Affidavits signed by employees of voting precincts in several states where trucks with out of state license plates dropped off hundred's of boxes full of ballots. After the counters had been told to go home.
Videos of Predict employees opening boxes not tagged as ballots, yet they were full of ballots.
You can believe all you want, but every place they have done forensic examinations they have huge irregularities that allows the election to be stolen
Mind you, the same forensics used in New York, Minnesota, California, Oregon, Washington, and other Democrat states to give Democrats wins in contested races, are now being called frauds at questionable by Democrats, only because those tests and standards are being used in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, to prove fraud.
You cannot have it both ways.
The election was stolen and it’s provable
I find it interesting that you are so bold that you will comment on my article, yet you refuse to allow me to see who you are, and you blocked me from seeing your google user profile.
As for me, my identity is open for all to see. I have nothing to hide from.
Your cowardice to name yourself and to hide your profile proves you do not even believe what you wrote in your comment. Otherwise you would stand behind it by allowing others to know who you are.
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I welcome differing opinions, I do believe in free speech, just not vulgar cuss laden comments written for the only purpose of offending people in general.
Differing opinions is not what I refer to, go ahead and disagree, but in a polite way so we can have a logical respectful discussion.
By offensive, I mean by being vulgar, as in swearing, using God's name in vain, or derogatorily offensive in a way you would not talk to your own Grandmother, Mother, or daughter, and then the comment will be removed.
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