Monday, November 9, 2020

A Message To The Church Of America

by Chuck Ness

Are you living a safe and comfortable life? Then maybe you are not doing enough. Tertullian said that The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church. Yet today I see the church in America dying a slow death due to the fact that the Saints in America like their blood too much to offer it as a sacrifice for Christ and His church today.

That’s because too many Christians in America are so connected to the world that they refuse to face the danger, Christ told us we must face for Him. Jesus said to the disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. (Matthew 16:24-25) At that time the disciples did not understand that Jesus was going to die on the cross.

Imagine if Paul was more worried about his flesh and comfort than his soul? Paul, and the rest of the Apostles picked up their cross and followed Christ to their death. Like Paul, they faced many dangers and I am convinced they all came close to death many times before they paid the ultimate price of following Christ.
Remember, if your doing the Lords work, He does not promise that you will succeed at your task unmarked or even alive. What he promises, is an eternal existence in a place He has prepared for you in one of the Fathers mansions. If you die in the process of carrying that cross, then the Lord is saying your work in the world is complete and it’s time to take up residence in your new home in Heaven.

Now I realize that not all Christians are called to sacrifice in the same way, but if you are living a safe and comfortable life, then maybe you should reevaluate what you are doing. After all, carrying your cross should be a difficult thing to do. It was for Him, but he did anyway.

I ask this question of my fellow American Christians, because the Churches are empty. Oh I know Covid is threatening everyone. Yet it doesn't seem to stop you from going to the store for food. Well, what about the food for your soul? Or the food you are supposed to be sharing with others too save their souls? Imagine if Nero, Or any of the many Roman rulers who persecuted the Christians could have been as successful as the fear monger scaring you about a flu that has a 99% survival rate?

Wake up American Church, wake up and remember your first love. Wake up and get back to church, back to evangelizing, back to doing the ministry for Christ you were called to do. Stop fearing the lie from man more than you love Christ.  He did not call you to cower in fear so your flesh will survive on earth. He called you to be bold and fear not.

Christ is watching the church members of America, and what He sees cannot be pleasing to Him. We American Christians have become so cozy and complacent, that we would rather risk losing our lampstand than our comfort. Is that you Christian? Wake up, and get back to the business of Christ. 

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the church of America.
Often times we act as if the American Christian church is the most faithful in the world, yet we would be sadly mistaken to think that.

Consider how even when the churches in America are overflowing, many members start fidgeting in their seats if the service lasts longer than an hour. Many start looking at their watch. Then after services, 99% of the congregation makes a B-Line for the exit so they can get on with the last day of their weekend.

Compare that to church services in many countries around the World, especially in third World countries. Church services can last up to 4 hours, and some just take a break after the service to congregate and visit, before sitting through another service that can last a few hours. For them, it's an all day event.

Their is a reason I was moved to write this message in the way I did. The American Church is fading in it's fire. Christians seldom do more than attend a service once a week, and even fewer get out to share the Gospel with the lost.

It was easy to shut down churches in America with a lie, because so few Christians in America will sacrifice more than an hour a week for Christ, let alone sacrifice their livelihood by standing up to the government by picking up their cross in defiance of a lie.


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