Tuesday, December 14, 2010

World Towers

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Helicopter crashes off Ship

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Truth About Those Airport Scanners & What They Really Reveal (Warning Very Graphic Photo)

by Chuck Wolk

We have all seen the images of airport security passengers before they board the planes.  It's a part of life we have all grown to accept since 9/11.  If we desire to fly to our destination we may be asked to go through a scanner or be frisked like the nun to the left who has a Muslim security worker frisking her. Nothing like profiling.  We wouldn't want some nun to hijack a plane with the idea that she will fly it into a building to kill thousands of Americans like a bunch of Islamic terrorists did back in 2001.  It's nice to know we are not profiling, wouldn't want anyone's rights violated.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ben Underwood, Blind Boy Uses Echolocation to see

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Puppy Yelping in His Sleep

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mission Impossible

Here is a video of a Grey squirrel, or as my friend Carlos likes to call them, "A rat with a better pr campaign", breaking into a vending machine to get a candy bar. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Call Me Senator (Barbara Boxer errogance)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Red Skelton's "Pledge Of Allegience"

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sand geyser in Saudi Arabia

The video you are about to watch, was filmed by a driver who stopped along the freeway with many others just outside Al-Ajsae City, in Saudi Arabia. What you are about to see has been called many things, including a "Sand Geyser", "Sand Fountain", or a "Sand Volcano".  The quality is not the best, because it was filmed with a cell phone. but it's good enough to let you know that something very powerful is underfoot in the desert. 
I've had this video in my archive of articles to be written for almost a year now, and I have finally decided to post it.  What took me so long to actually present it was the limited information about what exactly happened to create such a spectacular phenomenon. It happened back in 2006, and from what i have found from reading over 30 different articles from news sources and blogs is that no one knows for sure exactly what caused the phenomenon.
There is one thing I have constantly run into as I looked into the reporting about this event.  It seems that the Saudi Arabian government had scientists, and the government controlled Aramco Geological Team investigate it because of the enormous size of the geyser.  However, after extensive research they are refusing to release their finding to the public. This actually fits right in line with the way the royal Family likes to keep their subjects in the dark on scientific matters. The less they know, the easier it is to control them by using religious explanations for unexplained miracles.  
There are plenty of speculative ideas, but as of yet nothing has been
agreed upon even by the experts outside of Saudi Arabia. Below the video I have listed the many
different explanations that have been suggested.  If you have any ideas
that could help explain the phenomenon then please share it with me and I
will add it to my list.
(Note, I edited the video to inform the viewer of the phenomenon and to replace the Muslim soundtrack that was a recitation of Quran Aya's, (Quranic scripture) with a portion of Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus's, #40 in G Minor, K 550_ I-Molto allegro. Just because I could)


  • A certain Muslim named Subuhanallah. claims that It is a supernatural miracle caused by Allah himself, which he does quite often in this world. This person say that it is way beyond our limited scientific knowledge to find out the whats, hows, and whys, regarding this phenomenon.
    (note, God, not Allah, has given mankind the ability to know everything we wish to know. Jesus tells us to,

    "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7 (NKJV)
    I am a firm believer that if we have the faith of a mustard seed then we can and will have the scales of confusion lifted from our minds.)  

  • Another Muslim has suggested that the Qur'an mentions such peculiar events. The person quoted from some obscure ambiguous passage that refers to the earth releasing its burdens in ways that can even make the sands of the desert do strange things.
    (note, I did all I could to find this passage and I was not able to locate it, but maybe someone else can. Here is a link to the Qur'an. )


  • It was caused by a busted sewage pipe.  Notice how you see only the sand from the outer shell of the eruption? Well if it were truly a sand geyser you would see the sand piling u fairly quickly into a huge sand dune.  This happens in the Middle East all the time.  Notice also that the people
    are just standing there as the traffic seems to be moving at a normal pace.
    (note, yea right, so why isn't anyone holding their nose.)


  • It was caused by an underground Armaco oil pipeline that busted.
    (note from editor, so why is the sand not black?)

  • It was caused by a broken water main underground.
    (note, That is a lot of sand to be kicked up by a broken water main, or any broken pipe for that matter.)

  • It was caused when an underground natural gas fissure broke through the tectonic plates and the sand geyser is a result of the gas forcing its way to the surface.
    (note, That is a lot of pressure for a natural gas leak.  Also, if it were a natural gas leak I doubt the people would be standing around watching it very long before it blew up.  After all a vast majority of Arabs smoke cigarettes. Someone would have ignited it and thus the official explanation would be very evident.)


  • a sand injectite which is created under certain conditions, when unconsolidated sand is remobilized and forced upward through overlying layers. These sands can have high porosity and permeability and play a huge role in planning and optimizing hydrocarbon recovery.

    (note, this is a very good possibility, However, as of yet no expert has officially stated this was a sand injectite)


  • It was caused by the drilling for oil. When they pumped air into the ground to cause the pressure needed to force the oil up the pumps, they failed to consider that another hole would be caused releasing the air pressure which created the phenomenon.
    (note, there was no report of an oil well being put in place when it happened)


  • A sand blow, or sand volcano. This occurs (usually after an earthquake) when an Intense seismic shaking causes the sediments
    that are loose to change from a solid to liquid (not literally), due to
    the the pressure of the seismic shaking. This opens up gaps between the clay. A
    fracture occurs through the loose sediment that causes an upward flow of
    sand to fly out of the ground that looks like a geyser.
    (note, I read of no earthquake prior to the phenomenon)

  • It's sand being blown upwards from a gigantic Muslim sand worm who is working it's way through the desert to join the 13 million Muslims who go to Mecca every year to walk around the Kaaba seven times.
    (note, wrong, the worm would slither not walk. I'm not stupid)

  • Either the Mummy is returning for a sequel, or the Scorpion King is digging an underground tunnel for an express train from Saudi to Iraq.
    (note, this makes a lot of sense because I really liked the Mummy movies)

     Finally, regardless of what you or I may think caused this phenomenon. You must admit that after 4 years of speculation by the public, it is quite strange that that there is still no official explanation offered by experts from around the world. So, what do you think?

    Monday, September 13, 2010

    Video of Tanker Crashes into Police Car

    I apologize for the inconvenience, but I am in the process of moving my articles and videos to a new site. Please
    follow the link below and you will be redirected to the video of the

    Tuesday, September 7, 2010

    Rare Color Video Found of London after Hitler Began Bombing it 70 Yrs Ago

    by Chuck Ness

    For those who forget the past, I offer this article and accompanying video.  This is what happens when citizens allow their government to become so powerful that it can take away everything they cherish and hold dear.  Then when they have nothing left to be taken, the government then takes what it wants from other countries.  What Hitler, Stalin, and Mao were able to accomplish is what the left desires for the Islamofascist, Obama, to accomplish.

    Thursday, September 2, 2010

    Bubble Bubba Challenge

    Sex Doll Race 02.JPG
     Originally conceived as a joke in 2002 during a long rafting trip involving only men. The race down the rapids has since gained popularity to the point that it is now known officially as the "Bubble Baba Challenge".  It has become the only sex blow-up doll rafting race in the world, and it happens every year now on the Vuoksa River in Russia. Contestants with rubber inflatable sex toys purchased from sex shops race to the finish in this strange and somewhat weird race that obviously has an immoral twist to it. Oh yea, just in case you are curious, the motto of this race is,

    "A rubber babe is more than just a vehicle.”

    There were over 450 participants of men and women floating down the river in the
    embraces of their inflatable sex dolls. All competitors are required to be at least 16 years old,
    and pass a sobriety test prior to the race.  Contestants must also wear some other form of protective gear to keep from drowning other than their sex toy.
    This years winner was Pavlenko, who finished with a time of 2 minutes, 47 seconds.  Coming in second place was Dmitry Arsentiev riding a “Killer Whale” and
    Alexander Marasin, riding an inflatable “Fearless Zina”.  I really do not want to know what an inflatable whale has to do with sex shops, and if you know the connection, please keep it to yourself.  Enjoy the video.
    After watching the video, let me know what your thoughts are.  Personally I think it goes a long way to explain why many Muslims are shocked at the way most Westerners are so immoral.  Not to say the Muslim aren't, but they do try to keep their perversion away from most of society.  We used to, but now everything seems to be fair game and acceptable for the general public to see.  You must admit that in the west we have pushed the envelope quite a ways since the days of "Leave it to Beaver", and "My Three Sons"..

    Sex Doll Race 03.jpg

    Sex Doll Race 04.jpg

    Monday, August 30, 2010

    The Many Contributions To America, by Illegal Immigrants (Video & Photos)

    By Chuck Ness

    (Remember to watch the video at the bottom of the article)

    The citizens of Arizona would like everyone who plans on boycotting them, to come on down and see the great contribution the Mexican Nationals and other illegal immigrants have blessed the once drab looking Sonoran Desert with. So why not take a vacation this summer and stroll on down immigrant Highway to see for yourself all the wonderful abstract works of art that they have left for us to enjoy.

    After all, Obama and the Democrats want us to believe that these innocent immigrants have contributed a lot to America. Well, I think that every liberal who desires to boycott Arizona, should go on down there and experience the contributions these illegals have given America for themselves. When they get there, they will be quite impressed with the way these misunderstood immigrants have transformed this once boring empty desert, into a real work of art that they will remember for the rest of their lives.

    Friday, August 27, 2010

    Swinging Dog

    Wednesday, August 4, 2010

    Sailboat Destroyed by Whale

    Sunday, July 11, 2010

    Sneezing Bear Cub

    Saturday, July 10, 2010

    Video of Bambi's True Nature, When Protecting Her Fawn

    Thursday, July 8, 2010

    The Horrors Behind The Doors of a Drop House

    by Chuck Ness

    Electrocution, gang rape, sodomy, starvation, pistol whipping, amputation and other atrocities are all daily occurrences for those who thought they had paid the full fee needed to get into America. This and more is all going on right next door to many unsuspecting citizens living in the suburbs. 

     When Barney Frank, Christopher Dodd, and other politicians decided to force banks into giving loans to people who could not afford them so they could purchase homes, the housing market was bound to eventually come tumbling down. Well today, millions of foreclosed homes sit empty in suburbs all across America. Most have no buyers in site, and while the neighbors are paying little or no attention to who is coming or going at the homes. All the while human smugglers have moved in under the cover of darkness to turn many of them into house of horrors, also known as "Drop Houses".

    Wednesday, July 7, 2010

    America is Under Attack, & Obama Surrenders A portion of Arizona

    While Obama is playing the blame game over an oil spill, he is surrendering a part of America to Mexican Drug Lords. Instead of putting three Arizona counties off limits to American citizens, Obama should be sending in the National Guard to kick a*@ on the drug Lords. Unfortunately for Americans, the only enemy that Obama ever sees are American citizens and businesses. Just like Obama is doing nothing about the attacks by the drug lords on American fisherman on Falcon Lake as I reported, he continues to do nothing to stop the enemy from coming into America to destroy us from within. Check out the video below and be afraid of who sits in the White House, because in my opinion, Obama is America's number one enemy.

    Tuesday, July 6, 2010

    Dog Tears License Plate Off Car

    Wednesday, June 30, 2010

    Woman Sets Boyfriend on Fire Acquitted Of Murder (Graphic Video)

    by Chuck Ness

    Burn Victime Found Innicent

    Former Wall Street trader was badly burned in the blaze was aquited of all charges.
    Jury calims they weren't swayed by sympathy for her - they just weren't sure she did
    it. She was the only witness, and she testified her abbusive boyfriend started fire.

    50 year old Agnes Bermudez, of New York City killed her ex-boyfriend, 32 year old William Salazar, and three neighbors on Father's Day back in 2008 when she set Salazar and herself on fire in a jealous rage. The three neighbors died when the building they were in went up in flames. The just released security video shows the couple engulfed in flames. Salazar can be seen running into the deli located downstairs from the apartment building looking for help. 

    The shopkeeper, Mohammed Almatari and George Zugajewicz eventually douse the couple with a flame retardant cleaning fluid while Bermudez falls to the ground and Salazar paces back and forth, holding his head. Four days later, Salazar would die in New York City's Hospital Burn Center. He had 3rd degree burns over 50% of his body.

    Wednesday, June 23, 2010

    Legalizing Marijuana, So Politicians Can Spend More Money

    by Chuck Ness

    Come November, Californians will have the chance to legalize marijuana for the specific purpose of raising revenues via taxes. We all knew that it would be just a matter of time before the same individuals would get enough signatures to put the legalization of marijuana up for a vote by the California citizens. It is a bit ironic when you consider how militant the same individuals wanting marijuana legalized have gone on a witch hunt against tobacco products. 

    Mexican drug cartel threatens Nogales police officers

    Could someone tell me why the federal government is not giving the Mexican President an ultimatum that if he does not take care of the drug lords, we will? It was just two weeks ago I reported about the drug cartel pirates chasing fishermen on Falcon lake in an attempt to steal money and equipment from them, now we learn about the death threats to American police officers. This is war, and if the Mexican government cannot do something, then it is the federal governments job to take care of it.

    Now the report does say that the drug lords are only telling the officers to turn their back when they are off duty, their are not expecting the police to shirk their duty while on the clock. See, that's how they start, and that how Mexico got where it's at with the drug lords running things. If a man is a policeman, then he is an officer off the clock as well as on the clock. So for them to threaten the officers off the clock means they are threatening the officers on the clock.

    Tuesday, June 22, 2010

    700 Illegals in 40 Days (Video)

    by Chuck Ness

    I had recently written about the environmental disaster and the rape trees in the desert, and I shared with you the video from a ranchers kitchen window that showed illegals walking on their land. Now I offer you a video that shows 700 illegal aliens crossing the border on a path in Arizona in a 40 day period. I also have a shorter version which I edited with some pertinent information that will help put this whole illegal immigration problem into some perspective.

    Thursday, June 10, 2010

    Purple Snow in Russia (Video Report)

    Hosted by imgur.com

    by Chuck Ness

    Earlier this year on March 9, 2010 it snowed in the Southern Russian region of Stavropol. Normally I would not write an article about snow in Russia, but the snow that fell on that day, was not the kind of snow one envisions when dreaming of a white Christmas.  No, the snow that fell to the ground that morning was actually purple instead of white.  That's right purple snow.  Now I am pretty sure most of you have heard of the song "Purple Rain" by the artist formerly known as Prince, but have any of you ever seen purple colored rain?  I only ask, because if it had not been so cold that day in March, then maybe I would be writing an article about purple rain instead of purple snow.
    So then, what caused this phenomenon to happen you may wonder?  Well after having analyzed the samples, climatologists determined that a massive dust cyclone in Africa rose to the upper atmospheric layers and eventually traveled into Southern Russian air space.  Once over Russia, the red dye in the wind blown sand mixed with the precipitation in the clouds and the normally white snow fell with a purplish hue. 

    After watching this video myself, I decided to do some investigation to see how rare this phenomenon is, and what I found was fascinating.  The phenomenon is not as rare as I thought it would be.  Fact is, I found several reports of colored snow and rain being reported in various different areas of our planet.  The oldest report on record took is almost a hundred yeas old.  In 1912 black snow fell on parts of Alaska and Western Canada. In 2006 yellow snow blanketed the capital of South Korea, and just a few years ago it happened twice in Russia. Counting the purple snow in the video below, that makes it three times in four years that colored snow fell somewhere in Russia. I ran across over a dozen such occurrences mentioned in various venues, and only God knows how many have never been reported. 
    I'll begin with the black snow that landed on parts of Alaska and Canada in 1912 after a volcano near Mount Katmai, called Novarupta, erupted.  The volcano spewed seven cubic miles of blistering rock and ash into the upper atmosphere where it mixed with snow clouds over parts of Alaska and Canada.  When it eventually snowed, the snow was black.
    In 2006 the South Koreans were treated to a rare weather phenomenon that caused yellow snow to fall on their capital city Seoul. After a massive dust storm blew through China's Gobi Desert, it carried yellow sand into the high atmosphere over the Korean Peninsula.  When the yellow sand mixed with the precipitation, it was just a matter of time before the temperatures would be just cold enough for it to dust South Korea with yellow snow. N
    ow this was not just a few spots of yellow snow like the kind our parents told us not to eat when we were younger either.  The yellow snow covered more than just the city, it also dusted the surrounding countryside. 
    In Russia, the first time it was powdered with some snow of a different color, was in Western Siberia.  The incident that set things in place for the occurrence was a cyclone that began to form in the southeastern Caspian Sea area.  After the cyclone winds moved inland they traveled over the territories of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and the Russian Volga and Ural regions. The climatologists determined that the cyclone carried mineral deposits from the region that contained a natural yellow dye.  When the dust saturated clouds eventually burst, they rained yellow snow down on Russia's cold Siberian countryside.  
    The second time it happened in Russia was about a Month late
    r near the Siberian village of Pudinskoye. The local residents woke up one morning to find orange snow falling from the sky.  It was again determined that dust in the atmosphere mixed with the precipitation, and when it was time for the clouds to disperse their moisture, it came down as orange snow. Now unlike the colored snow in Alaska, Canada, South Korea, and Southern Russia the dust over Siberia was instead created when a meteorite the size of a volleyball exploded high in the atmosphere just a few week earlier in a neighboring region.
    Finally there is the incident that happened in Kerala India, back in 2002 when red rain sporadically fell for over two months, staining clothes with an appearance similar to that of blood.  Many citizens also reported seeing yellow, green, and black rain.  Similar to what created the orange snow in Siberia, most experts believe that the red rain in was the result of the atmospheric disintegration of a comet. 
    In all these instances you can find differing opinions of what caused the snow or rain to be colored. One such opinion is that it is caused by man made global warming, and that the instances of colored moisture proves that global warming is a scientific fact.  The proponents of this great scheme will tell you that it is caused by all the pollution we have been spewing into the atmosphere by using fossil fuels that drive our evil capitalist societies of the world.  Their cure for this problem is to tell us we need to eliminate our dependency on fossil fuels or we will be seeing more and more instances of red rain and yellow snow.
    Then there are the Darwinists, who look at the evidence of the red rain and claim that it proves humans were actually planted here, via extraterrestrial cells attached to the comets and meteorites exploding in our atmosphere.  This is actually a theory put out by
    Dr Godfrey Louis and his student Santosh Kumar.  Basically, their theory states that one day lightning hit a primordial pool of swamp water filled with cells from these meteorites and comets.  The next thing you know there was life on earth, while Darwin's theory of evolution explains the rest of the story.  For those who wish to explore this theory a little more, I offer these two links [ (1 ) (2 ) ] where you can read about Dr Godfrey's studies.
    As for me, I believe the colored snow and rain are all caused by dust particles in the atmosphere, which dyed the normally colorless precipitation.  Thus we have colored rain or snow depending what the temperature is when the clouds burst over head. I believe this because of the sound and proven work Victor Clube of Nuclear Winter Fame did on the study of particles in the atmosphere.  While I do have some problems with Mr Clube's conclusions about nuclear fallout itself, the portion of his conclusions pertaining to dust particles in the atmosphere have been tried and tested to be true.  What Clube's studies have shown us, is that very fine particles from exploding meteorites can easily float around the atmosphere for as long as a month or more before it clears away.  So just as the dust storms or cyclones can carry dust particles into the atmosphere, the meteorites and comets exploding in the atmosphere can and does give us red rain, or purple snow from time to time.
    Which brings me back to the artist formerly known as Prince.  Do you think that maybe he witnessed a similar phenomenon when he was inspired to write the lyrics for the song "Purple Rain"?  Well as you ponder that question, enjoy these two videos about the day it rained down purple snow upon Southern Russia, and red rain that fell on India. 

    Next is the video that reports about the red rain that fell on in Kerala India in 2002.  The villager being interviewed in the video mentions the Kali Yuga.  He says that he believes the red rain is a sign, or portent of bad times to come. 
    For those who are unfamiliar with Hinduism, Kali Yuga is the "Iron Age" of Hindu mythology. Hindu mythology says that the history of every world of time is separated into four four ages as follows.
    • 1.) The Krita Yuga (Golden Age of Truth), lasting 4,800 years of the gods
    • 2.) The Treta Yuga (Silver Age), 3,600 years of the gods
    • 3.) The Dwapara Yuga, 2,400 years of the gods
    • 4.) The Kali Yuga (Iron or Evil Age), 1,200 years of the gods.

    Since a year of the gods equals 360 years of men, the extent of Kali Yuga is said to be 432,000 years.  So extrapolating the numbers out from the probable beginning of their four ages, means that Kali Yuga would have begun in 540 B.C.E. Now during the Kali Yuga stage, righteousness has diminished by three-quarters, and the age is one of devolution, culminating in the destruction of the world prior to a new creation.  Then another Krita Yuga begins another set of cycles which in essence means there is an endless cycle of time.

    I know, only lost men could come up with something so illogical and insufficient when speaking of ones eternal salvation.  I just wanted to give you an idea of what the villager is speaking of when he mentions the Kali Yuga.  Also, I took this video clip from a much longer BBC documentary about Dr Godfrey's theory of extraterrestrials seeding earth with life. My purpose for using only a short clip is so you can see the red rain. 

    Friday, June 4, 2010

    The Horrors, Behind the Doors of a Drop House (Video of Interview)

    by Chuck Ness

    Electrocution, gang rape, sodomy, starvation, pistol whipping, amputation and other atrocities are all daily occurrences for those who thought they had paid the full fee needed to get into America,.  This and more is all going on right next door to many unsuspecting citizens living in the suburbs.  When Barney Frank, Christopher Dodd, and other politicians decided to force banks into giving loans to people who could not afford them so they could purchase homes,  the housing market was bound to eventually come tumbling down.  Well today, millions of foreclosed homes sit empty in suburbs all across America.  Most have no buyers in site, and while the neighbors are paying little or no attention to who is coming or going at these homes, human smugglers have moved in under the cover of darkness to turn many of them into house of horrors, also known as "Drop Houses".

    These "Drop Houses" are where human smugglers keep illegals who paid money to be brought into America.  The men and women being held, thought they would be waiting in comfort while the smugglers worked on transportation to take them even deeper into America to find employment and a new life in the land flowing with milk and honey.   Instead, what they found was that their smugglers turning on them to demanded more money. If they cannot pay, then they are held as hostages until their family members back home can pay the  ransom needed to free their loved ones.  All the while the men are sodomized, beat, electrocuted and even have fingers removed as proof that their captors are serious.  The women and young girls fair no better as they too are physically abused, but also they are raped by the Coyotes repeatedly again and again, day after day.

    Illegal immigration has reached epidemic proportions in America, and every state of the Union ifs feeling the effects.  The many problems that stem from the illegal aliens coming to the United states are beginning to put such a strain on the country that even many liberals are now beginning to say enough is enough.  I have already reported about the ecological disaster the illegals have done to the Sonoran Desert, and the "Rape Trees" that the Coyotes and drug runners have erected throughout the border states as a monument to the many women they have raped.  I also showed you a video of what>ranchers along the border see from their own kitchen windows on a daily basis.

    Today I offer you a video of two illegals being interviewed who were held for ransom from family members back home, in a one of these many "Drop House" that the Coyotes control.  Their names are Mario and Daniel, and they tell the reporter about the horrors inside the drop house they were held.  For those of you who have yet to come to the proper conclusion that illegal immigration hurts everyone involved, please pay attention to what they say happened to them.  After watching this it is my hope that more liberals will see that it is time to shut down the border so we can put an end to the many crimes associated with illegal immigration.

    As I said, these "Drop Houses" are more then just rest stops for illegals on their way to a new life in America.  These houses are actually centers of criminal activity that directly threaten neighborhoods in Phoenix and every other city that has illegals coming in from Mexico.  The violence that goes on inside these homes is nothing short of torture, as the sadistic gang members meet out punishment in many ways from genital electrocution to rape, of both men and women. 

    For those who will claim these individuals deserve what is happening because of their desire to skirt the laws in coming to America, I can only say that you are wrong.  No human deserves the abuse these individuals are receiving from the hands of those they thought would help them. Our compassion, even for the lawbreakers of society, are one of the many reasons people desire to come to America. When we lose our compassion, then we become no better then the countries these  people are fleeing from.

    There is another tragedy that could soon take place because of the way these gangs have moved their operations into many of these foreclosed houses in many middle class suburbs.  That would be the inevitable violence they practice will one day begin to spill onto the streets of unsuspecting neighborhoods, whose residents often have no idea that armed and dangerous coyotes are right next door.

    For anyone not sure if there is a drop house in your neighborhood, here is a short list of what to look out for.

    • Minimum to no activity during the day and large groups of people coming and going, especially during night time hours
    • Vehicles with out-of-state license plates coming and going
    • Heavy traffic through the garage (U-Haul type vehicles pulling into the garage and closing it before unloading)
    • Trash not being taken out (to avoid signs of activity)
    • Large piles of day to day trash in the back yards
    • Strong/foul body odor coming from the house
    • Boarded up window/sliding glass doors
    • Pad locks and chains on doors out of view from the streets
    • Gunfire, especially what sounds like machine-gun fire

    The authorities ask that you contact them even if you think there might be one in your neighborhood.  You can your local police department or the Sheriff's office's 24-hour illegal immigration hotline at (602) 876-4154, the Department of Homeland Security I.C.E. tip line at (866) 347-2423 or CrimeStop at (602) 262-6151. If it is an emergency, however, always call 911.

    Tuesday, June 1, 2010

    Seems Americans Are Too Uneducated To Understand Obama

    According to Paul J.J. Payack, president of Global Language Monitor, Americans are just not intelligent enough to understand what Obama was trying to say in his speech Tuesday evening. He says that Obama speech was written to a 9.8 grade level of understanding. I guess us hicks in the hinterland just don't git wat Obama were trying to tell us unejacated folk out here. Despite using slightly less than four sentences per paragraph, Payack says that because Obama used 19.8 words per sentence, that our ability to go comprehend what he was saying went right over our heads. Payack especially had a problem with the following sentence because he states that the phraseology used made him come off as aloof and out of touch.
    "That is why just after the rig sank, I assembled a team of our nation's best scientists and engineers to tackle this challenge -- a team led by Dr. Steven Chu, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist and our nation's secretary of energy."

    Saturday, May 29, 2010

    Big Woman Does Faceplant Off a Mechanical Bull

    I apologize for the inconvenience,

    but I am in the process of moving

    my articles and videos to a new site.

    Please follow the link below and you

    will be redirected to the video of the

    Big Woman Doing a Faceplant

    Off a Mechanical Bull

    Friday, May 28, 2010

    Mexican Pirates Chasing American Pro Bass Fisherman In American Waters

    Hosted by imgur.com

    (This is a new article I wrote over 12 years ago for the Chico Enterprise record, before they fired me for my politics. I recently found it via the wayback machine on archive.com. I am posting it with the original comments. It originally had a video report, but the news site that carried the live interview has since removed it to conform with todays leftist agenda.)
    by Chuck Ness

    We have all read the reports about the Somali pirates taking merchant ships and oil tankers in the Gulf of Aden and now even Thai fishermen in the Indian Ocean to hold for ransom.  Well it would seem that such pirate activity is something that could only happen in lawless places like Somalia.  However, right here in America many citizens of this country are now under assault from pirates who are operating with virtual impunity as they steal cash and electronics from Americans just wanting to fish on Falcon Lake between the American and Mexican border.

    Saturday, May 22, 2010

    Studies on Spiders show the dangers of Drugs Like Marijuana (Very cool Video)

    As I told you a few weeks ago, this November the voters of California will decide whether or not marijuana should be legalized or not. In the article, Legalizing Marijuana, So Politicians Can Spend More Money, I gave my reasons for being against the initiative. After all, the last thing we need to do in California is feed the drug habit of politicians by giving them another product to tax millions of dollars on for their already failed programs. That's right, tax dollars is just as addictive to politicians as crack cocaine is to those caught in it's web of short term euphoria. History has shown us that if a politician just smells tax revenue that they will break as many laws as a drug addict to get their fix.

    Well there was a scientific study done a few years back on the effects of certain drugs on spiders, and the results were astonishing. What they discovered was that different drugs had different effects on the way the spiders created their webs. The results from these types of studies should help convince those still on the fence about the dangers behind legalizing drugs, even marijuana.

    Friday, May 21, 2010

    FLIP, The Wolds Strangest Ocean Vessel, How Does it Float? (Interesting Video)


    Here is a short mpg video of (
    ) you can download that is 3 min long if you like, or you can watch one of the two the embedded videos at the end of this article.

    Considering we live on a planet who's surface is 71% water, it only makes sense that we should understand as much about the oceans as we do dry land. So throughout the years there has been countless expeditions who's main purpose was to collect information about the vast bodies of water throughout the world. The men and women who have dedicated their lives to the specific purpose of unlocking the secrets of the vast waterworld that resides within our planet, have benefited from various vessels designed specifically to meet that challenge.

    In 1950, French explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau
    acquired the minesweeper Calypso, and

    transformed it into an oceanographic research vessel. Then in 1966 he was invited to produce a documentary on about ocean life for television. So for the next 10 years "The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau" would become America's eye into the world of sharks, whales, dolphins, sunken treasure, and coral reefs. Many of today's Oceanographers credit Jacques Cousteau for their passion of Ocean exploration. With the awareness of Cousteau's show, there would soon be many more research vessels designed by many engineers for the purpose of understanding the Ocean, above and below the surface.

    The American public's awareness of what was beneath the ocean waves would be aroused by the discovery of the Titanic on September 1, 1985 by a submersible named the Argo. The Argo was used by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Research Vessel Knorr to find the sunken, unsinkable ocean liner. Then in 1997 Director James Cameron introduced to the world to another submersible vessel named Alvin, when he released his mega hit movie "Titanic". As early as WWI, submersibles have been used by the navy for the specific purpose of exploring the Ocean floors. Then on January 23, 1960, the navy's Trieste set an all-time depth record by diving to the bottom of the Challenger Deep in the Marianas Trench in the Pacific Ocean. However, all these deep sea research vehicles need ships to get them to their destination of exploration.

    Like the research vessel Knorr Research Vessel Knor.jpg
    (pictured to the right) which is owned by the
    U.S. Navy, these ships are all equipped with the newest technology that allows for anywhere from 10 to 38 scientists to be on board at the same time performing various research projects in the laboratories. Like the Knorr, these ships can stay at sea for upwards of 2 months at a time before they need to come to port for supplies. There is the R/V Atlantis which has a crew of 23 while allowing for 24 scientists, and the R/V Kilo Moana which is operated by the University of Hawaii, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, in Manoa. The R/V Kilo Moana is 186 feet long and displaces 2,542 tons. It holds 17 crewmen and 31 scientists and can travel at 15 knots. Except for some strange looking equipment on deck, you would not be able to distinguish one of these research vessels from any merchant ship. That is all but one.

    That one research vessel is so distinguishable from the other research vessels that it doesn't even look like a ship. Nope, fact is this research vessel looks more like a Louisville slugger while being towed out to sea, and a giant water buoy when it is fully deployed. They call this vessel the FLIP, which is short for Floating Instrument Platform. Made in 1962, yet still being used, the Flip is one of the worlds best kept secrets of the Oceanographic industry, but this secret has not been on purpose however. No its low profile in the awareness of the public's eye is probably due to the type of work it's scientists perform.

    These experiments are not the kind of stories the MSM would dare bump more important stories like, the effects on old people if Republicans are successful in blocking the increase of taxes, or how many innocent thugs were murdered by guns thanks to the evil and unneeded 2nd Amendment. No, the MSM would never waist valuable air time to show you a short video clip of FLIP and what experiments they do. Besides, the kind of experiments that are conducted aboard FLIP are "Ocean Surface Wave Optical Roughness: Innovative Polarization Measurement", or testing the relationship between pipe length and seawater entrainment or exit velocity towards development of a salinity gradient power source. So as you can imagine, not many have heard of this extraordinary research vessel, and to be honest not many would probably understand the need for such a vessel.

    At a total of 355 ft long, when Flip is flipped it still has 300 feet in the water which allows the scientists on-board to carry out experiments that otherwise could only done in submersibles. Due to the natural motions the ocean waves, along with violent storms, a normal research ship is limited by what tests it can perform. FLIP is not limited by these factors though. See natures most powerful force of waves is rapidly dissipated just beneath the surface of the ocean. Even during the most severe of storms that could cover hundreds of miles of ocean surface, the water is relatively calm just a few hundred feet below the surface. So the 300 feet of FLIP that is still beneath the oceans surface can carry out those experiment that has become its domain for the last 50 years. Below is some of the statistics of this interesting vessel, then a short video that will get you a little acquainted with this most interesting of all ocean research vessels.

    Class overview
    Name: FLIP (Floating Instrument Platform)
    Builders: Gunderson Brothers Engineering
    Operators: US Office of Naval Research, Marine Physical Laboratory of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography
    General characteristics
    Tonnage: 700 GRT
    Length: 355 ft (108.2 m)
    Beam: 26 ft (7.93 m)
    Draft: 12.57 ft (3.83 m)
    Propulsion: None, towed
    Speed: 7-10 knotts (towed)

    If that video whetted your appetite, then you might be interested in watching this longer 37 minute video from Scripps Oceanography institute about FLIP.

    Wednesday, April 7, 2010

    The Prototype for America's Future Car?

    by One Vike

    The Messerschmitt Aircraft Company went into business in 1923, but because they produced the popular Bf-109 fighter plane for the Nazis during WWII, the German democratic government disallowed them from manufacturing any aircraft after the war was over.  So from the end of the war until the 1960's, it was limited to producing sewing machines, pre-fab housing, automobile parts, and by the 1950's they began manufacturing an automobile. 
    The car that the Messerschmitt company is mostly remembered for is the Messerschmitt KR-200 three-wheeler, which had a distinctive bubble canopy.  Designed by aircraft engineer Fritz Fend, and manufactured at Messerschmitt's aircraft factory, this three-wheeled vehicle was powered by an air-cooled 199cc 1-cylinder, 2-stroke that developed 10 bhp at 5250 RPM.   From February 1955 to December 1966, there were a total of 16,000 Messerschmitt KR-200's produced

    Tuesday, March 30, 2010

    The Dinner Roll

    Richard Gleaves

    This was emailed to me, but credit must go to Richard Gleaves as amended. You can reach his blog here; "Uncommon Sense"

    Once upon a time I was invited to the White House for a private dinner with
    the President.

    Monday, March 15, 2010

    Gone Fishing

    It has been a very long and hectic year for me, and I find myself a bit burned out and and not very creative. Oh I realize it is only March 8th, but the past 12 months of my life have been very strenuous. I have tried time and time again to actually step back and slow down, just to find my self being pulled back to do even more then I was before. Well, I truly believe that now is the time for me to take a hiatus from my writing. I have been blessed in that the Lord has led some who have volunteered to write some articles and thus step up to assist me in keeping my blogs somewhat up to date. These guest writers will write articles and Sunday messages as the Lord moves them.

    Wednesday, March 10, 2010

    Flying My Flag at Half Mast

    By ChuckOn the morning of March 22, I raised my flag to the top of the 25 foot pole In my front yard. I must have forgotten to tie it off, because when I returned later in the afternoon from presenting my Sunday message I noticed that the flag had been lowered to half mast. That evening I watched the the House of Representatives vote on the Senate's version of the Healthcare legislation. As the remaining votes needed to pass the legislation were cast, I began to thinking about the damage this legislation would do to America. It was then that I was struck by how prophetic my flag being lowered to half mast really was. I decided at that moment to leave my flag at half mast where I believe God had lowered it to.

    Thursday, March 4, 2010

    OK Go - This Too Shall Pass (Rube Goldberg Machine Video)

    Ok, I am into country music, but this I would categorize under the heading if interesting.  I have always enjoyed watching the many domino setups that are put together for the Guinness book of world records and when I saw this it caught my eye.  I don't know how many will like it but even if you don't like the music I hope you at least enjoy video that was directed by James Frost and Syyn Labs for the alternative rock band OK Go
    Well the band, who's
    low budget, award winning "treadmills" video which has has garnered almost 50 million hits on YouTube, wanted to feature a 4-minute long Rube Goldberg Machine in an upcoming video.  So they contacted Syyn Labs to help them build it.  The requirements for the machine was that it had to be interesting, but not overbuilt, nor too technologically heavy, and easy to follow. Like their "treadmills" video, it also had to be built on a shoestring budget.  They needed the machine to be synchronized to the beats and lyrics of the music the composed and it had to end precisely at the same time as their 3.5 minute song.  Oh yea, the machine needed to play a part of the song, and be filmed in one shot. To make the whole video even more challenging, the space chosen was divided into two floors and the machine would have to use both both.

    "We had our work cut out for us; every facet of Syyn Labs
    expertise was required to meet this tremendous challenge." 
    As you can see in the video, their work payed off because the machine the shoot was accomplished in one take and fit the song.  Well thay say it fit.  However, every time I watch the video I fail to hear the lyrics or the music because I'm so caught up in the workings of the machine.  Well, I hope you enjoy this tremendous work of art that was put together for the video, I did.

    Sunday, February 28, 2010

    Dog Grabs Roman Candle and Runs With It

    Some things are just too funny to describe, but what we have here is Dauchshund that decided to grab a Roman Candle that was already lit and run around with the thing shooting it's flares. The adults in this video can thank God that no one, especially the children, was injured. Fortunately, we can enjoy this while laughing because no one was hurt.

    The 50 Points of the Retrosexual / Neosexual Code, for Real Men Today

    by Chuck Ness

    After writing the piece,
    "Sorry Obama but Women Desire Real Men", I learned about a list of what women like in men. So I looked around around for the genesis of this list and found out from Michelle Malkin site that the author of the Retrosexual Code is Grau Magus, whose anti-metrosexual manifesto has made the rounds on of the Internet and eventually took on a life of its own.  Now you can find the list in many places and with many various points added onto it.  There was even a facebook site named, The Retrosexual Code that men of like minds could have joined to share and discuss the way they saw the feminization of the modern man. Unfortunately that page has since been closed.
    I have added to the word "Neosexual" to the title of the code since it better fits the poll I shared in the article which brought this code to my attention. Unfortunately the blog that had the original rant and list have long been removed from the web for whatever reason that only the author would know. Here is what remains from the original rant by Miss Grau Magus. 

    Ok folks, I have had it. I've taken all I can stand and I can't stand no more. Every time my TV is on, all that can be seen is effeminate men prancing about, redecorating houses and talking about foreign concepts like "style" and "feng shui." Heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, trans-sexual, metrosexual, non-sexual; blue, green, and purple-sexual-bogus definitions have taken over the urban and suburban world!

    Real men of the world, stand up, scratch your butt, belch, and yell "ENOUGH!" I hereby announce the start of a new offensive in the culture wars, the Retrosexual movement.

    Saturday, February 27, 2010

    Rambunctious Dogs

    This is just too funny for commentary. Enjoy it for what it's.

    Friday, February 26, 2010

    Sorry Obama but Women Desire Real Men, Not Metrosexuals

    by One Vike

    For the last decade, American men have been inundated with the idea that women prefer men who are in touch with their feminine side, men who are not afraid to spend a little extra time in front of the mirror, and maybe even wear a little make up to highlight the features of their face. We are told that men like John Kerry and Barack Obama are what women really want. Men who are not only unashamed of their femininity, but men who will even go so far as to display such faith in their feminism in public as Obama has time and time again.

    Well, please allow me to set the record straight, because it seems that Al Gore, John Kerry, and Barack Obama are really not the type men that turn the ladies on. I found this survey from a deodorant company that inherently, just makes sense to me. I had not heard of this survey before now, but I have read numerous reports in Australian and European papers about it. I'd link you to the survey itself, if only I could find it, but like many polls and surveys it has disappeared within a few months.

    Thursday, February 25, 2010

    Picking and a Grinning

    I received this in an email from my Uncle. I really don't know who's children these are, but considering I have hundreds of relatives around America that I have never met, I will not even attempt to guess who's children they are. I did ask who they are, but he and his wife are somewhere over the Atlantic on their way to France right now. If I could have played a guitar this good at that age, I do think my occupation would have been much different then it is today. These boys are good, considering their age. However, keep an eye on the youngest boy because he seems to do it with the kind of ease that you don't see very often.

    Saturday, February 20, 2010

    Handicapped Bear & A Quadriplegic Man, Proof the World Doesn't Need Socialism

    Cartoonist, John Callahan
    by OneVike

    No one really knows who took this video of a 3 legged black bear, except that it was possibly taken in the Canadian wilderness. I have been told by some reputable sources, that some thought they had actually found the elusive Sasquatch. Unfortunately for those who continue to believe in the story of Big Foot, what they actually found was a mother black bear who had either been born with only one front leg or lost it in a fight at a younger age. When watching this video you will be struck by the almost human aspect of the bear as it walks around upright.

    Another thing I would bet you will come away with, is a feeling of sadness for the mother bear. However, the lesson you should glean from this video is that just because a person, or an animal, is handicapped does not mean they are helpless. This bear shows that even the handicapped can survive in the wild with out any extra help from others. Now only if we humans just quit trying to inflict our feelings of sorrow and uselessness upon those who are handicapped, maybe they won't feel the need to depend upon others as much as we make them feel.

    Representation for Taxation Is Finally Restored

    by OneVike

    It is about time the Supreme Court has leveled the political playing field by returning to corporations their right to be represented for the taxes they are burdened with. Our American Revolution was based upon the complaint that the people were taxed without representation, but if American corporations don't have a 1st amendment right to free speech, then they shouldn't be subject to taxation either. So If anyone really dislikes the Supreme Courts ruling and would also like to take your opinion that corporations are not people so they should not have a say so in politics, then I have but one solution that will be fair to all, and that solution would be the government should not be taxing American cooperation's.

    Think about it, if you really want to restrict the ability of corporations to influence elections and legislation then I suggest leveling the whole playing field for them by doing away with all taxes paid by them. That means no more corporate income tax, and no more forcing corporations to be servants of local, state, and federal governments. I say servants, because the government forces them to collect the governments taxes, but they do not get reimbursed for their services. After all, that is called forced servitude, and slavery is unconstitutional.