Sunday, April 10, 2022

Rush Limbaugh, A Picture Worth A Million Words

In his September 2017 issue of the Limbaugh letter, Rush wrote the following.

"The democrat Party is seen by more and more people as a Bullying Bog Government brute. Democrat policies aren't working for the people - they fail, every time they're tried. That's what the Republicans are missing! They're blowing the greatest chance imaginable to deal a lethal blow electorally, to reduce the Democrats to a weak, hallowed-out shadow of their former status for a generation."

Now at the time we had Trump as President, and both houses of Congress. Yet the Republicans refused to take the bull by the horns. Sadly, a year later, over 40 Republicans would retire without fighting. They left Congress and watched as the Democrats took control to stop Trump.

Today the Democrat party is in a more vulnerable spot than at any time since the Civil War. Unless the Republican starts acting like it, they could blow it again. Oh we have some Republicans fighting, but we also have the same deep state Republicans doing all they can to toss life jackets to the Democrats drowning in their own quagmire of self destruction. It's time for us all to heed Rush's advice and burry the Democrat Party once and for all. If we don't, we may never get a better chance.


rappini said...

The Maharishi will always be missed.

Chuck Ness said...

Yes he will be my FRiend.

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