Friday, June 17, 2022

Distance From Jerusalem in Miles

Below is a chart I put together to give you an idea of the distance all the towns Jesus visited are from Jerusalem. Often times while reading my Bible, I find myself wondering how far away one place is from another. Seldom do we consider how far they had to travel on foot from place to place. Most people back then either walked or road a donkey. No cars, no busses, nop plabnes, just you feet and maybe a donkey pulling a cart. Next time you read any of the accounts in the Bible, consider how far you are from the next city, and how long it would take you to walk, instead of drive.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

2 Timothy 2:14-19

Be Not Ashamed,
Be Approved To GOD

(This is an outline of a message I shared via video conferencing with the volunteer student teachers of my Bangladesh Ministry. There are now over 7000 students with 50 student teachers. Theze student teachers travel to teach lessons in over 30 towns and villages in the South Eastern part of Bangladesh)

There is “handling the Word of Truth,” and there is “rightly handling the Word of Truth.” The difference between these two concepts is as vital as life and death. Mishandling the Word of Truth jeopardises both those who hear and those who are doing the handling. Tragically, mishandling the Word of Truth may be more common in the pulpits of this day than we might otherwise imagine.