I first wrote about the topic of "Dark Matter back in 2009, but it was scrubbed from the files of the Chico Enterprise Record Newspaper I wrote for and lost to history, after I was unceremoniously let me go. Well, I just found it in a file I was going through which someone sent me a few years ago. I lost the email address of the person, since I changed internet companies, even at that the person who sent it to me preferred to remain anonymous. Anyway, I updated this article with some new information and this is what I now have.
by Chuck Ness
In their never ending attempt to explain away GOD as the Creator and Master of the universe, secular scientists come up with all kinds of explanations to convince young and old brains full of mush that we, and the universe, came into being by pure chance. One of those yet to be proven theories is the presence of Dark Matter. However, many decades and billions of tax dollars later, astrophysicists still have yet to prove Dark Matter even exists.
I first read about the search to prove Dark Matter exists back in 2006 at space.com. I was shocked when I read that a scientist actually said you need to believe it exists. I thought, "Wait a minute, did I just read a scientist use the phrase, “you must believe” something exists that has not yet been detected? Sounds a lot like religion doesn't it? The article was posted in space.com way back in September 2007. In case the article in question is ever removed from space.com's website, I have learned that the Wayback Machine is holding many copies of their article. So they can never say I'm sharing false information. Hear that DHS?