Saturday, February 5, 2011

Obama Gives Away Britain's Secrets To Russia, on Nuclear Weapons

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If the report about nuke secrets being given to Russia are true, then it just proves what I have been saying about Obama from the first day i learned he was actually running for President back in early 2007. He is a communist who has more in common with Russia then he does with America, and if he ever gets elected he will sell us out by giving away our national defense secrets.

This my friends is High Treason, because he is violating existing diplomatic requirements with Great Britain, and if he is telling them secrets about the UK, which he isn't supposed to do...just what do you think the traitor has told the Russians about our missile arsenal...that maybe none of the H-bombs are any longer viable without tritium (which the liberals never let us replace...we needed a new plant) and that we are essentially disarmed right now...

This report, if true, confirms that he is an enemy of America whose sole goal is to help restore global communism via Russia, China, and the islamic califate movement. If the U.S. was attacked with a nuclear weapon right now, you can bet the change Obama has left you with that he would prevent any U.S. retaliation. The moment he was elected we lost all of our nuclear deterrent...and we have been at dire risk of being nuked....which only increases every day that the foreign enemies are strengthened in their understanding of his complicity with their schemes.

    This from Englands News,
    WikiLeaks cables: US agrees to tell
    Russia Britain's nuclear secrets

    Information about every Trident missile the US supplies to Britain will be given to Russia as part of an arms control deal signed by President Barack Obama next week.

    Defence analysts claim the agreement risks undermining Britain's policy of refusing to confirm the exact size of its nuclear arsenal.

    The fact that the Americans used British nuclear secrets as a bargaining chip also sheds new light on the so-called "special relationship", which is shown often to be a one-sided affair by US diplomatic communications obtained by the WikiLeaks website.

    Details of the behind-the-scenes talks are contained in more than 1,400 US embassy cables published to date by the Telegraph, including almost 800 sent from the London Embassy, which are published online today. The documents also show that:

    A series of classified messages sent to Washington by US negotiators show how information on Britain's nuclear capability was crucial to securing Russia's support for the "New START" deal.

    Although the treaty was not supposed to have any impact on Britain, the leaked cables show that Russia used the talks to demand more information about the UK's Trident missiles, which are manufactured and maintained in the US.

    Washington lobbied London in 2009 for permission to supply Moscow with detailed data about the performance of UK missiles. The UK refused, but the US agreed to hand over the serial numbers of Trident missiles it transfers to Britain.

    Professor Malcolm Chalmers said: "This appears to be significant because while the UK has announced how many missiles it possesses, there has been no way for the Russians to verify this. Over time, the unique identifiers will provide them with another data point to gauge the size of the British arsenal."

    Duncan Lennox, editor of Jane's Strategic Weapons Systems, said: "They want to find out whether Britain has more missiles than we say we have, and having the unique identifiers might help them."

    (Excerpt) Read more at The Telegraph


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