Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Swedish Sub Eludes Detection & Sinks American Aircraft Carrier USS Ronald Reagan (Video)

by Chuck Ness

Ever since WWII, America has been a dominant force upon the high seas. We have become so advanced in our military technology that the Soviet Union eventually collapsed, in large part because Ronald Reagan would not back down against them. In honor of his accomplishments and great leadership, congress named the worlds largest aircraft carrier after him, the USS Ronald Reagan

Thanks to Reagan, America has been able to set the standard for which other nations have wished to achieve. Well it has been 22 years since Reagan left office, and while we have been able to hold our status as the worlds most powerful military force the world has ever seen, those days could be coming to an end. Thanks in large part to the anti military sentiment that prevails in Washington, America is beginning to lose the battle of technological advancement. 

What you will see in this video is a report about the Swedish submarine, NemoSaltadSobrius, which cannot be detected by our navy. Even worse, this submarine has reportedly sunk our best and most powerful naval ships in mock war games. 

Check out this report by Chuck Henry of channel 4 news out of San Diego. Henry reports that the US Navy is attempting to figure out how to detect the Swedish submarine before our enemies can discover the secret of its elusiveness.

Many Americans do not realize that the US Constitution explicitly states that the number one job of the United States Government is to secure the borders of America, while defending our interests abroad so that we have a fair chance of trade via the high seas or in the air. Not social programs that turn Americans into lazy unproductive citizens, who are constantly demanding more of what they themselves are responsible for. 

 Most of all, the government was not supposed to be giving away our rights to people who are living illegally within our borders. They should be defending our borders from all who would do us harm, not defending the rights of illegals over the rights of citizens of this country. A nation who's citizens are fed up with the give me give me crowd, and tired of the pampering of illegal aliens, and the high taxation needed to supply the funds for such things will inevitably fall from within. 

 If we cannot stop the bleeding from within, then we will not have the funds needed to keep our military strong. When that happens we will be unable to defend ourselves from the likes of China, Russia or any other rogue nation hellbent on destroying us. When Ronald Reagan defeated Carter in 1980, he reversed the damage done by Jimmy and the liberals to the military. 

 However, after Clinton was elected in 1993, our military has continually taken a back seat to social spending. Now that the Obama regime and his Fascist friends in Congress have taken over 1/7 of the economy through their Health Care legislation, America's social spending dwarfs that of all the European countries combined, and that of all other Socialist governments in the world. 

Like Johnson, Carter, and Clinton, Obama is now in the process of destroying our military so that we will not be able to defend ourselves. Thus ending our sovereignty. Which is what the leftists have been wanting to see happen for almost a 100 years. The proof of our failures are right before our eyes. 

 We need patriotic leaders who will not only recognize those failures, but are also ready to reverse the damage done by years of unconstitutional socialist spending that has left America vulnerable to attacks by our enemies. Then maybe we can get back to rebuilding the military by producing weapons that will defend our children and their grandchildren from the dictators and mad men of the future.


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