Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Obama Worship in Schools Continue (Youtube removed videos in 2115)

By One Vike

As expected, the left is continuing its indoctrination of the children in public schools across America. What has become almost a weekly revelation, we hear of school after school teaching the children to sing songs of praise and worship to Obama. This is reminiscent of how the old Soviet Union used to raise its children to worship the leaders of the state. 

They would do this by having the children sing songs of praise to the leaders, sound familiar? In America we used to raise our children to respect the leaders, but not worship them. We taught them to worship God, love traditions and be proud of America. Well things have changed, because now we tell them that God is whatever you believe he is and that it is against the constitution to mention Gods name in school. We teach them to despise America and its traditions, but that it is OK to worship certain leaders of the country.

I have said before and I will continue to say it time and time again, these incidents of Obama worship by the children has been orchestrated from the very beginning. One, two, maybe three incidents of school children singing songs of praise and worship for Obama is a coincident. However we are way beyond experiencing something that is coincidental.

What follows is a list of eleven more videos of children singing songs of praise and worship for the man they consider a modern day Messiah. To save space I am only posting two videos, but there are links for the rest for those interested in watching them.

01.) Video from WEST HIGH SCHOOL — 12-6-08
Video Title:Multico’s Finale is Obama’s victory speech!
(This first video has been removed by the school. Interesting that they had no qualms about producing it, but after the news got out that they did it, they got cold feet and removed it from YouTube. However, the damage has been done to the children that were used for the purpose of propagandizing Obama's message.)

02.) Video from MORGAN PARK HIGH SCHOOL — 11-13-08
Video Title:Change We Can Believe In-Song
Morgan Park HS is located in Chicago, these are high school students in the choir.

03.) Video from an UNIDENTIFED SCHOOL — 3-9-09
Video Title:Yes We Can – Obama Music Video 7th Grade Version
This video is interesting because they sing the praises of yes we can do what ever we chose to do.  Well, for the first time we have a black man as the President, yet they feel the need to convince children that they can achieve something in this world that they think has been impossible until now. All the while the man they are worshiping is doing everything in his power to inhibit their ability to do in the future what he and millions of Americans have accomplished. That is because he and his fascist buddies in Congress are destroying their future by spending trillions of dollars that will burden these children for the whole if their adult life. Not to mention that the very procedures used to save and extend Obama's grandmother will be denied to these children's mothers and grandmothers under the health care plan he wants them to have. So if you are not young and healthy, Obama, their god, does not want you in his society, can anyone say Logan's Run?

04.) Video from GIFFEN ELEMENTARY — 2-12-09
Video Title:
The opening titles state the song’s video was written by the students of Mr. Dobson and Mrs. Dudley, which means these are 5th and 6th graders.

05.) Video from GIFFEN ELEMENTARY — 3-29-09
Video Title:Barack Obama Rap at the Albany Institute
Here’s Giffen again. The video quality makes it impossible to tell if these are the same students as the last video, but according to the YouTube dates this performance occurred a month after the one above, this time in front of something called The Association of Teaching Artists.

06.) Video from GOTHAM AVENUE SCHOOL — 2-7-09
Video Title:Ending – Part II of the 5th Grade Performance

07.) Video from POWELL ELEMENTARY – 5-6-09
Video Title:Powell Elementary Present Kings of Rock
Though the age of the students in the video isn’t given, the website says the school’s age range is pre-kindergarten through the third grade.

(((video removed by YouTube)))

08.) Video from HENNIGAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL –1-6-09
Video Title:Obama
If you go to the link you will find that this video has also been removed. The words used in this song had the children singing with clips of Obama speaking interspersed into the song. Here are a few excerpts from the song they sang for Obama.
It begins with a clip from one of Obama's speaches where he is saying,
Blockquote>“Because of what we did on this day, in this election at this defining moment, change has come to America.”Then the children begin singing with these lyrics,

Obama is fresh. Obama is cool. He has two daughters that like to go to school. It’s hot outside, they jump in the pool. [unintelligible] to follow the rules. Obama is President and has a new residence. There’s people all around who questions all the evidence.
Michelle wants her daughters to think their own things. She doesn’t want their colors to do it instead. The 44th President of the USA because he beat Senator John McCain. Obama in charge of the oval office. He told Bush and his cabinet to get off this. A – a-a-a-aay. Obama is President of the USA-aaaay. Tomorrow’s a new day – ay – ay- ay- ay. And we’re living our life.
The song continues in this way praising and worshiping Obama as if he is the Messiah Himself.

Video Title:Barack Obama is Our New President

10.) Video from MARYMOUNT SCHOOL — 3-18-09
Video Title:No One’s as Irish as Barack Obama
Now when it comes to this school, they want the children to believe that Obama is Irish, he isn't, but it is a catchy song.

11.) Video from BARACK OBAMA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL — 1-31-09
Video Title:Barack Obama School Song, Do You Hear The Sound, Janelle Kirton, Barack Obama Song.
In this video, the woman , Janelle Kirton, is performing the school song. Now the song does not mention Obama by name, but pay special attention to the school decorations interspersed throughout the video. As you listen and watch the video keep in mind that within days of winning the election in 2008, Ludlum Elementary School, petitioned and won the right to change the name of their school to Barack Obama Elementary School.

For more evidence of the depth of the indoctrination and worship, check out this slide show from the school’s official website.

Now let's go to the Middle East and see what the children are learning there.  What you will see in the video below, is nice little Muslim boy singing a song of praise for the Kenyan Muslim who will destroy America from within. The words that he is singing are translated for us in the video. As if it is not bad enough that our own children are being indoctrinated into this new form of the old Roman idea of emperor worship, now we even have our enemies teaching their children to worship the modern day Emperor god. Now, while many in America may not want to believe that Obama is a Muslim, who's loyalty does not lie with America, it is interesting that our enemies in the Muslim world know the truth, and they are teaching their children what and whom to worship.

((((Video removed by YouTube))))

Now could someone tell me again, why I am wrong for thinking that our children are being brainwashed to worship Obama like the children were brainwashed to worship Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Mao Tse-tung, and other totalitarian dictators of history? By looking at the evidence of all these sychophantic videos and the way the MSM conveniently ignores them, I can only come to the conclusion that this is all being orchestrated from the highest levels of our new Fascist government.


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I welcome differing opinions, I do believe in free speech, just not vulgar cuss laden comments written for the only purpose of offending people in general.

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