By Chuck Ness
I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." (Hillary Clinton)
In this picture you see hired protesters reading a script. They have been hired by Obama's supporters and are being trained on what to say.
Well it seems as though the only ones being accused of not being patriotic are those who disagree with Hillary's boss, Obama. What they accuse normal Americans of is what they are themselves guilty of, because several DNC front groups are placing thousands of ads in 100's of cities across this country. All while calling any citizen who disagrees with this current administration as being "un-American." I have personally found 100's of ads on Craigs List in different America cities whether they be medium to large metropolitan cities. Check out the links here from Craigs list and I want you to remember what Lenin said almost 100 years ago. "Always accuse your victim of what you yourself are doing." That's right long before Saul Alinsky was giving lessons on how to destroy a society, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was doing it.
As I said, there are hundreds if not thousands of adds being run across this country that are offering up to $15.00 and hour to become activists who will protest and support the administrations drive to get National Health care passed. Yes CNN, yes Olbermann, yes Chris Mathews, and yes to the rest of the MSM. We have already shown you the pictures of the so called angry paid mobs that have shown up at various town hall meetings, well, now take a good look at the ads being run by such groups as,, HCANA, CALPIRG, and other left wing radical socialist groups. Here is the mission statement for one of these groups, CALPIRG.
CALPIRG Mission statement: When corporate wrongdoing threatens our health or our safety, or violates fundamental principles of fairness and justice, CALPIRG stands up for the public. We conduct investigative research. We publish consumer reports and exposes. We advocate new laws and other protections at the local, state and federal levels. And when necessary, we take corporate wrongdoers to court. Our results-oriented approach has won victories for Californians on a wide range of issues, including healthcare reform, prescription drug pricing, consumer privacy and product safety.
Here are just four of the thousands, take a look and see how they are doing what they accuse the opposition of doing.
1.) **TALENTED LEADERS needed to work for health care reform $11-16/hour** (Downtown Sacramento)
2.) *** FT ACTIVIST JOBS TO REFORM HEALTH CARE !!! $10-15/hr**** (Berkeley)
3.) Paid Union Organizer Training (Washington DC)
4.) Make social change - Help Pass Obama's Health Care Reform!!! (Sacramento)
To save bandwidth I just grabbed this screen shot of the Craigs list in Los Angeles. Click on it to enlarge and then you will notice how they are running new adds everyday.

So if anyone still does not get it, you never will. For those who feel like they might want to quit fighting, I again remind you of the tirade from Obama's Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton just a few years ago.
"I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration."
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