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Then & Now
As I was reading Habakkuk during my morning quiet time, I was given some insight I have not considered before. The phrase, ”The more things change, the more they stay the same,'' came to my mind. Jeremiah and Habakkuk were contemporaries living in Judaea just before and during the time when Babylon took them away. While Jeremiah taught that wickedness in God's own people has doomed them, Habakkuk preached about the corruption that had infested the government of their day. His opening verse gives us all we need to know about how evil the government of the Southern tribe of Judah had become.
Selected Videos Of The Month
Man Scale
Ken Graves, the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Bangor ME, offers up his opinion of the, "Man Scale". Ken's scale has men like Mr Rogers on one end, and men like to Mr T on the other end. His advice to all men is to get on the man scale and be a man. So, are you some place between Mr Rogers and Mr T? If not, then you better look to God through Christ to find out where you are lacking, because God wants all men to be men.
Gospel of Matthew Notes & Outlines
Notes & Outlines
Please join me in my new study in the book of Ruth.
Ruth is a poignant story of faithless disobedience, that leads to death, sorrow, bitterness, and then loyalty and finally redemption. It's my prayer that you will realize that if an inconspicuous Moabite peasant woman could achieve royalty for her descendants in Israel, then anyone can gain Salvation.
A Train Ride
From My Past
Have you ever wondered how people get from point A to point B? I don't mean in a physical mileage way, but rather an emotional, phycological, and spiritual way. We all take in our surroundings and make decisions based upon the way we see things happening, and the way we feel. Then we get to a certain point in our life when we take an inventory of how we are doing. Sometimes we're relatively satisfied, other times we're disappointed, but do we ever really reflect upon the decisions we made that ultimately got us to point B?
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The Message Behind The Movie (A Book Review)
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Wal-Mart's Superstore, A Bad Idea
by OneVike
On Thursday evening of July 16, 2009 @ 6:30pm in the City Council Chambers at 421 Main Street, a group of representatives from Wal-Mart will come before the Chico Planning Commission for approval on a new Supercenter to be built in Chico. They promise to create almost new jobs for those who live in and around Chico. So I did my civic duty and informed you of the meeting, now while I will tell you why I am against it.
I originally started writing this article in favor of Wal-Mart and their new Superstore. However as I looked into all the particulars of the current situation, I must admit I have changed my position. While I do not doubt the sincerity of Wal-Mart's representatives, I do question the wisdom of the corporate bigwigs at Wal-Mart. I read a quote somewhere that has stuck with me through the years. “When a company becomes large enough it will inevitably become part of the establishment". I believe Wal-Mart has become so big that it has gone beyond beating its competitors by having lower prices, but now Wal-Mart is supporting government policies that will decimate small businesses. In a reversal from their prior stance, Wal-Mart is now in favor of Obama's healthcare plan.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Will the Political Establishment's Hate for Sarah, Help Create a New Party?
Saturday, July 11, 2009
The Attempted Destruction of a Self Made Woman
by Chuck Ness
I have never been a big fan of the Huffington Post, but I do believe in watching the enemy, so you can just imagine my shock when I read this article that took the left to task for attacking Sarah Palin as savagely as the left has.
Heather Robinson writes that in the aftermath of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s announcement last weekend that she plans to resign from office, pundits have been scrambling for an explanation. Personally, the whole matter has left me feeling a little like I did at the end of seventh grade, after a year spent passively watching bullies ostracize and pick on one of the only black girls in the school: sick, and embarrassed for all of us.