Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Message Behind The Movie (A Book Review)

by Chuck Ness

When I first read the title of the book, “The Message Behind The Movie” , my initial response to the title was, the message behind all the movies made today is bad! Now I don't claim to be a movie critic, but I do admit to being very critical of the product put out by Hollywood these days. It is not an opinion I have had all my life, fact is until a I gave my life to Christ I was more of an agnostic when it came to my opinion of movies. 

Like many Americans, I was oblivious to the influence movies and television had on the way I looked at the world. Whenever I heard others complaining about the bad influence movies had upon society I would shrug my shoulders and consider them a bit too critical for life. I mean, after all, it was just entertainment as far as I was concerned.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wal-Mart's Superstore, A Bad Idea

by OneVike

On Thursday evening of July 16, 2009 @ 6:30pm in the City Council Chambers at 421 Main Street, a group of representatives from Wal-Mart will come before the Chico Planning Commission for approval on a new Supercenter to be built in Chico. They promise to create almost new jobs for those who live in and around Chico. So I did my civic duty and informed you of the meeting, now while I will tell you why I am against it.

I originally started writing this article in favor of Wal-Mart and their new Superstore. However as I looked into all the particulars of the current situation, I must admit I have changed my position. While I do not doubt the sincerity of Wal-Mart's representatives, I do question the wisdom of the corporate bigwigs at Wal-Mart. I read a quote somewhere that has stuck with me through the years. “When a company becomes large enough it will inevitably become part of the establishment". I believe Wal-Mart has become so big that it has gone beyond beating its competitors by having lower prices, but now Wal-Mart is supporting government policies that will decimate small businesses. In a reversal from their prior stance, Wal-Mart is now in favor of Obama's healthcare plan.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Will the Political Establishment's Hate for Sarah, Help Create a New Party?

By OneVike

The pundits are wrong. Conventional wisdom is wrong. Sarah Palin's decision to step down as Alaska governor was a brilliant move................. The pundits call her a quitter, but let's be honest - the pundits never liked her to begin with. Better to take one hit for stepping down and move on than to stay in Alaska and die a death by a thousand cuts. Willie's World-Willie Brown

Those are the words of one of the most savvy politicians in California's history, Willie Brown. Many pundits and politicians have taken Sarah Palin to task for resigning her post as Governor of Alaska. This criticism is not exclusive to the left, she has her share of detractors on the right. It is amasing how none of these individuals who are attacking her, can stop her. She is quite unique in today's political world. It's even being reported now that she plans to eagerly campaign for Republicans, Independents and even Democrats who share her values on limited government, strong defense and energy independence.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Attempted Destruction of a Self Made Woman

by Chuck Ness

I have never been a big fan of the Huffington Post, but I do believe in watching the enemy, so you can just imagine my shock when I read this article that took the left to task for attacking Sarah Palin as savagely as the left has.

Heather Robinson writes that in the aftermath of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s announcement last weekend that she plans to resign from office, pundits have been scrambling for an explanation. Personally, the whole matter has left me feeling a little like I did at the end of seventh grade, after a year spent passively watching bullies ostracize and pick on one of the only black girls in the school: sick, and embarrassed for all of us.

A Question of Hermaphroditism and Choice

by Chuck Ness
To all who may ponder the question, how does a hermaphrodite feel and think about the way the world treats them. This is a Christian woman’s walk through life as she came to grips with the deformity known as hermaphroditism, she was born with. Today the growing use of the term “Intersexed’ is replacing the word hermaphrodite. I present this only because I desire truth and open discussions about the things in life that can make all men stumble. Whether that stone we stumble upon is our reaction to the choices of others, deformities some are born with, or the way we perceive what God would want us to be like.
It is no secret as to where I stand upon the question of homosexuality, but I was asked about the deformity of the hermaphrodites, and how I would determine what is right or wrong for them when it comes to sexual preference as to the discussion of the gay lifestyle. Allow me to present a story I found that will make everyone think.
As I said this is a story of one woman’s struggle with her deformity.