Friday, December 18, 2009

Insane Canadian Fishermen

This is the first of the many videos I will be posting for this new blog. This one comes from YouTube and it is by Break Media, and it is truly funny.

One of my favorite pastimes is fishing. Ever since I was a young boy growing up in Northern Minnesota, I have enjoyed the leisure sport of fishing. In the last 5 years I have taken up the sport of fly Fishing and found it to be even more enjoyable then fishing with a reel and worms. I have fished many rivers and in many states across this vast country, but I have never ventured outside of America to fish.

I always thought that someday I might like to fish in Canada. Then after watching this video and seeing how they fish up there, I have decided to stay in the United States and fish like I have become accustomed. Take a look at this video and see why I am not a great fan of the way they fish North of the U.S. border.


Adam Neira said...

Those crazy Canadians !

Anonymous said...

They fish the same way they do south of the border - just not in this video. By the way, I've seen Americans in Michgan fish like this also...

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