Thursday, May 14, 2009

Religious Leaders Win Right Speak Out on Politics

by Chuck Ness

Every election year religious leaders across America have been warned not speak out from their pulpits about candidates or issues up for a vote. Now in a major ruling that supports their 1st amendment right to free speech, the IRS has given Christians across the country a victory in their battle with the left. ““The Liberty Legal Institute has announced today that the IRS found that pastors who gathered in 2006 for a series of public policy conferences had every right to do so, and that the organizers of the event did not violate any tax laws that govern non-profit organizations.

Now can we get back to what the founding fathers of this country meant when they ratified all the amendments to the constitution? Remember, the Bill of Rights was adopted to limit the government’s control over the people. It is not a document that tells us what we can do, but what the government cannot do! When the government says you cannot speak out on anything or anyone then it is violating the 1st amendment right to free speech.

Any and all Americans should be free to spend whatever amount of their hard-earned cash to influence politics and legislation. For too long the left has dictated to Christians what it is we can and cannot speak about, now the IRS has finally leveled the playing field.


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