Monday, May 18, 2009

Original Report I wrote On Rape Trees in 2009

by Chuck Ness

To set things up for the video at the end of the article, I need to take you back to February 23, 2009 when Arizona State Senator Jonathan Paton (R-Tucson) invited law enforcement officials to the Capital for a hearing.

Paton asked the officers to describe how bad the border violence has become in Arizona. What the Senators learned, was that Pima and Cochise counties were seeing an alarming increase of more and more "Rape Trees".

Mexican Rape Monuments Along Immigrant Highway

By Chuck Ness 

To set things up for the video at the end of the article, I need to take you back to February 23, 2009 when Arizona State Senator Jonathan Paton (R-Tucson) invited law enforcement officials to the Capital for a hearing. Paton asked the officers to describe how bad the border violence has become in Arizona.

What the Senators learned, was that Pima and Cochise counties were seeing an increase of violence due to Cartels picking up the pace of smuggling their drugs. The agents have found a scarves marked with the word Kaibil, the name of Guatemala's special forces. They were probably hired by the drug cartels as security for the drug  mules.  The Border Patrol also found found machetes, brass knuckles, and a couple of bulletproof vests that are more sophisticated than what our troops use in Iraq. The vest, pictured below is strong enough to repel multiple rifle shots.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Homosexuality : Defiance of God and the Truth

by Chuck Ness

With the recent success of proposition 8 in California, and the polls showing a majority of Americans across the country opposed to giving marital status to homosexual couples, one would think that the same sex-marriage debate would have faded away. Unfortunately, that has not been the case. Every week we hear of another state either passing laws that allow gay marriages, or judges of those states ruling by fiat to force it upon society. 

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Religious Leaders Win Right Speak Out on Politics

by Chuck Ness

Every election year religious leaders across America have been warned not speak out from their pulpits about candidates or issues up for a vote. Now in a major ruling that supports their 1st amendment right to free speech, the IRS has given Christians across the country a victory in their battle with the left. ““The Liberty Legal Institute has announced today that the IRS found that pastors who gathered in 2006 for a series of public policy conferences had every right to do so, and that the organizers of the event did not violate any tax laws that govern non-profit organizations.

Now can we get back to what the founding fathers of this country meant when they ratified all the amendments to the constitution? Remember, the Bill of Rights was adopted to limit the government’s control over the people. It is not a document that tells us what we can do, but what the government cannot do! When the government says you cannot speak out on anything or anyone then it is violating the 1st amendment right to free speech.

Any and all Americans should be free to spend whatever amount of their hard-earned cash to influence politics and legislation. For too long the left has dictated to Christians what it is we can and cannot speak about, now the IRS has finally leveled the playing field.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

APA reverses itself on Claim of “Gay Gene”

In the last 30 years, the American people have been fed lie after lie that the homosexual lifestyle is a normal way of living and that there was just a matter of time before scientists would even prove that a person was born gay. So the idea that the gay lifestyle is natural has been successfully propagated by promoting a "victim" image and by the pseudo-science alleging a 'gay" gene. We were fed report after report that scientists are getting closer to proving a gay gene exists.

Then in a well publicized report put out by the APA in 1998, it was stated,

"There is considerable recent evidence to suggest that biology, including genetic or inborn hormonal factors, play a significant role in a person's sexuality."

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Socialism, A Return to Feudalism and the Dark Ages

by Chuck Ness

Am I the only one who feels like the Muslim in the White House and his socialist buddies in congress are trying to return us back to the feudal days, where everything including the people are owned by the government. As good serfs, we are to just shut up and follow the rules and regulations set in place by today’s church (which is the church of environmentalism warming and other earth worshiping entities), the nobles (congress and bureaucrats put in place by congress), and the monarch (Obama and any other Democrat President the media loves). Then if the government or the new church needs more money, we have the media playing the part of Johann-Tetzel, running around demanding we give more or we will all go to environmentalism hell.

Scratching Those Itchy Ears

by Chuck Ness

Whenever I grab a book to read and sit on the couch, I can always count on my dog to come over and jump up and settle next to me. Just about the time I kick back to relax she lays her head on my lap and gives me that look. Oh how good she is at letting me know what she wants. It is something that will inevitably lull her into a calm relaxed state of mind until I think she has fallen asleep, that is, until I stop pampering her and pick my book to start reading. That’s when she pushes her head towards me as she attempts to take my mind off my reading again. Oh, I’ll usually indulge her for a bit longer, but if I really want to read my book, I just have to ignore her until she gets bored. Eventually she gets the message and gets down off the couch to go find someone else to scratch those itchy ears.

Now this article is not really about dogs, and it is not about the dermatological problems with their ears. What it is about, is the way humans, like dogs, are always looking for someone to satisfy their needs.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Ugly Result of Convincing Christians, That Christ Was A Socialist

by Chuck Ness

These numbers go to the heart of the reason I felt the need to write my article on Jesus not being a Socialist and why Christians need to learn the truth.

A recent survey of Protestants was released in early March of 2009. The CVS (
The Mainline Protestant Clergy Voices Survey) surveyed senior clergy from the seven largest mainline denominations:

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Was Jesus a Socialist?

by Chuck Ness

It has been the aim of the Democrat party since they lost the Presidential election in 2004 to subvert the Christian doctrine with the claim that Jesus was a socialist. Their goal is to convince Christians that their Social agenda is morally equivalent with the teachings and life of Jesus Christ.

Considering the lack of historical and Biblical knowledge most Americans have, it is not surprising that many have fallen for the misinformation on what Jesus taught (and for whom the teachings were given). These Biblical revisionists have become especially adept at cherry picking Scripture to suit their agenda. Hence, many have come to misunderstand the gospel of Christ by equating it with modern day Socialism.

My first point of contention with the idea idea that Christ was a socialist, is His teachings and the example of His life.