Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How The Church Sold Out America For 30 Pieces of Silver

by Chuck Ness

The first time religious organizations were given an exemption from paying taxes was with The Wilson Tariff Act of 1894. The next year this act was overturned by the Supreme Court, but every tax code since has allowed the exemption to be part of the tax code. However, up until 1954 religious organizations still had the freedom to participate in political and lobbying activities. That is when, then Senator Lyndon B Johnson, introduced amendment 501(c)(3) to the tax code during a Senate floor debate on the 1954 Internal Revenue Code.

Without hearings, testimony, or comments by any tax-exempt organizations, the amendment was adopted and added to the tax code. It is then that all organizations claiming a tax exempt status, including the church, were banned from ever engaging in political and lobbying activities. One can only imagine why no senator nor congressperson ever alerted the religious community to the amendment and how it would eliminate their influence on elections and legislation. Regardless of the reason, the church was silent at a time when it needed to be the loudest. We sure could have used Jay Sekulow and the American Center for Law and Justice back then.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Scuba Diving in a Wheelchair is Now Possible for The Handicapped

by Chuck Ness

The world is getting smaller and smaller every day, and in the last 30 years it has even become smaller for those who are limited to wheelchairs due to crippling injuries or birth defects. In the three videos I offer for your viewing, you can see British artist Sue Austin as she navigates underwater in a swimming pool and around a coral reef in the Ocean using a specially designed wheelchair.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Why is Obama Trying To Stop Military Personnel From Ohio From Voting Early?

While the president has his Attorney General, Eric Holder, suing the hell out of the states that passed voter ID laws, Obama is also suing to stop the members of the armed forces from voting in Ohio. While the Obama administration is suing to stop Florida from purging 182,000 illegal aliens from voter registration rolls, he and the Democrats are asking the courts to stop the men and women of the military from voting in Ohio.
Since Obama became president, over 30 states have passed some form of voter ID law. In each instance, these states have all faced lawsuits from either the Democrat party, Obama, the ACLU, or some other entity of the left. With the Obama administration now suing Ohio to limit the military vote, we seem to have come full circle from 2002 when Al Gore and the Democrats tried every dirty trick in the book to steal Florida, including Al Gore's refusal to agree that all absentee military votes should be counted.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Obama's Economic Policies Has Put America on the Verge of Collapse

(click on image to enlarge)

by Chuck Ness

The Obama administration has released an economic report that claims everything is coming up roses, and it is making the rounds of the MSM's news outlets. Truth is, when you look into the numbers, it's rather easy to come to the conclusion that the economic reports are as screwy as the administration's employment numbers. In order to convince Americans that his economic measures are working, Obama is claiming there has been an increase in retail sales from December to January by a seasonally adjusted .4%. The administration goes on to explain that while the economy is moving in a positive direction, it is still slow. They also point out that the recently reported gains reduced unemployment to 8.3%, proving that Socialist economic policies are working. However, Obama's unemployment numbers have since been proven to be lies. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

To Get Re-Elected, Obama Has Decided to Eliminate 1.2 Million More Americans From Labor Statistics

It's an election year, and the MSM wants to make sure Obama looks good. So they will repeat any lie the administration feeds the public without ever pointing out the truth. So when the administration released the news that America has added 243,000 new jobs in January, and that the unemployment rate fall to 8.3%, instead of questioning it, they repeat it as fact. 

The problem is that the MSM is not reporting that the number of people out of work who fell off the benefit rolls. See, the government reports are written to make politicians look good, and Obama needs to look good. So instead of reporting that the administration just arbitrarily dropped 1.2 million unemployed Americans from the unemployment statistics, the MSM is euphoric that Obama has improved our economic situation in America.