Sunday, November 15, 2009

Which Jesus Do You Follow

by Chuck Ness

Christians need to realize that being a true Christian does not mean you are to be proud and boastful. It does not mean that you will be blessed with money and riches as the prosperity pimps like T.D. Jakes, Kenneth Hagin, Joyce Meyer, Paul Crouch Paula White, Joel Osteen, Beth Moore and others preach. 

 No, true Christianity is a call to be imitators of Christ, not seekers of worldly goods. After all, what did Christ do? Did he go around town riding in style? No. Did he have tons of money? No. What did He do? He gave his own life to Save ours. Yet so many Christians walk around not helping others, not acknowledging others hardships or pain. All they do is show off their possessions and status in society while telling you, "I'll pray for you". The teachings of Christ call us to a life of action, not self-interest and Christian passivity.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

No Evolution in 58 Million Years

by Chuck Ness

Well it seems like those who continue to cling to the few remaining threads of hope that Darwin was right, have another problem with Darwin's theory of evolution. From the evidence accumulated by the University of Florida there seems to be the exact same families of plants around today as there was 58 million years ago. That is the what the evidence points to from a press release from the university that stated, “Plant fossils give first real picture of earliest Neotropical rain forests,”

With the evidence uncovered from the Columbian Forests we can now say for certain that the Young Earth Creationists, like myself are not grabbing at straws of faith. It is getting pretty scary for the evolutionist minded scientists who are at the mercy of such groups like the Institute for Creation Research who are celebrating this find as confirming not just a the young earth model but also the global flood mentioned in Genesis.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Obama Worship in Schools Continue (Youtube removed videos in 2115)

By One Vike

As expected, the left is continuing its indoctrination of the children in public schools across America. What has become almost a weekly revelation, we hear of school after school teaching the children to sing songs of praise and worship to Obama. This is reminiscent of how the old Soviet Union used to raise its children to worship the leaders of the state. 

They would do this by having the children sing songs of praise to the leaders, sound familiar? In America we used to raise our children to respect the leaders, but not worship them. We taught them to worship God, love traditions and be proud of America. Well things have changed, because now we tell them that God is whatever you believe he is and that it is against the constitution to mention Gods name in school. We teach them to despise America and its traditions, but that it is OK to worship certain leaders of the country.

I have said before and I will continue to say it time and time again, these incidents of Obama worship by the children has been orchestrated from the very beginning. One, two, maybe three incidents of school children singing songs of praise and worship for Obama is a coincident. However we are way beyond experiencing something that is coincidental.

The Democrats Hired GangBangers to GOTV for Corzine

Sorry, my link is wrong, so follow this link to the video, 
"Carbon Dioxide Lags Behind Warming Trends by 800 Years", 
Again I apologize for the inconvenience.

by One Vike

 If you are the Democrat party of New Jersey and it looks like you may lose the Governor's office to a 500 pound fat guy (Jon Corzine's words, not mine), what do you do? After all, even the "Great One", Obama himself, could not seem to turn the tide that was ready to hit them from the Republican Party and it's candidate, Christie. Well, I have documented story after story about the intimidation tactics used by the left in this country, but what the Democrats did in this election has even left some liberals scratching their heads.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tim McGraw & Brad Paisley, Are Officially Off My Christmas List

by One Vike

It is high time Brad Paisley and Tim McGraw were taken to task for their support of Barrack Husein Obama. I first must admit that I have been a fan of Brad and Tim for a long time. I love the way they put to tune and words of how it is to be a man is in the world. After all, how can you not enjoy listening to the way Brad strings together the words in his song titled, “I'm Still A guy”, or how he seems to lay his heart out in the tune titled, “I'm Gonna Miss Her (The Fishing Song)”? Then there are the songs by Tim McGraw that just makes me want to hold my wife closely as I sing along with him the words I could never think of on my own.

From the first time I heard Brad Paisley sing the song, “Who needs Pictures” in early 1999, I was a fan of his. And what man can honestly say he did not choke up a bit when he listened to the way Tim sang the beautiful ballad, “Don't Take The Girl'? These are the kinds of songs that have been missing in the American music industry. Songs that speak to our hearts, because we feel exactly like they sing them to us on the radio. For too long the American culture has gone down the trail of anger and hate in the music that has been presented to us. So Country Music has for many become what the music was in the “70”s, beautiful and relevant to our lives and hearts.