Sunday, January 16, 2022

Time To Sell Your Property In Tonga Before It's Too Late

by Chuck Ness

Considering the closeness the island of Tonga is to the active volcano, "Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha'apai", I suggest anyone who lives in Tonga to truly consider selling their property and flee the island. Even if they stay, at least sell your property while you still can. I say this because all evidence is pointing to an eruption that, even if it is not as powerful as Krakatoa was in 1883, it will still be powerful enough to wipe out the islands which is only 30 miles away. Now even if the volcano does not completely destroy it, then ensuing tsunami will. Does anyone remember what the tsunami did to Tohuku Japan in 2011?

Tohuku before Tsunami on left and Tohuku engulfed in water from Tsunami on the right

As for my information on the reaction of sea water and volcano magma interacting, I barrow this excerpt from what a fellow FReeper, texas booster, posted at FreeRepublic.

When magma enters the water rapidly, any steam layers are quickly disrupted, bringing hot magma in direct contact with cold water.

Volcano researchers call this “fuel-coolant interaction” and it is akin to weapons-grade chemical explosions. Extremely violent blasts tear the magma apart. A chain reaction begins, with new magma fragments exposing fresh hot interior surfaces to water, and the explosions repeat, ultimately jetting out volcanic particles and causing blasts with supersonic speeds.

I am sharing an excerpt from a book titled, "Krakatau: The Tale of Lampung Submerged, Syair Lampung Karam". In this excerpt you will read about some of the he devastation the eruption did to areas within a 40 mile radius. The main island of Tonga is about is about 40 miles South-East of the active volcano, with nothing but ocean in between. The caldera center, which lies beneath the water of the active volcanos is situated on the side that face Tonga. An image of Mt Said Helens should come to mind when thinking of the direction the blast will go if and when it explodes.

While the portion of the volcano that is active is West of the caldera, it is the calder that holds the key to the power of this time bomb. I share an image that shows the closeness of the island of Tonga to the active volcano, along with some images I borrowed from an earlier FR post by texas booster, titled, ( Why the volcanic eruption in Tonga was so violent, and what to expect next). I may be way off, but history, geology, and volcanology all buttress my view.

My prayers for all who could be in danger from the threat of this volcano. Yet I am often times reminded of those who choose to live where they do, regardless of the dangers. Knowing the possible cost, they still decide to put their own lives in danger. That is why I left California a few years ago. I got tired of the destruction wrought upon the citizens of the state by liberalism. An evil that is a destructive as any valcano. The difference is, the volcano is just a symptom of nature. Liberalism is a symptom of stupidy by man.


The island of Krakatau is situated in the Sunda Strait between the islands of Java and Sumatra, approximately 40 kilometers from both main islands. The island was 5.6 miles (9 km) long by 3.1 miles (5 km) wide and consisted of three cones: Perbuatan in the north, Danan and Rakata. Each contributed to the disaster.

After earlier rumblings from Perbuatan beginning in May 1883, a series of massive eruptions occurred in August. The first continued for many hours after 13:00 PM (local time) on the 26 August, sending a cloud of ash some 17 miles (27 km) into the air.

A small tsunami reached the shores of Java and Sumatra between 18:00 and 19:00 hours. On the following day, four enormous eruptions took place between 05:30 and 10:41 AM (local time). The first eruption sent a tsunami that headed directly towards Telok Betong, at Lampung Bay, Sumatra, and the thriving port town of Anyer, northwest Java.

Further waves followed each eruption and were 30 metres high in places. The third eruption opened fissures in the walls of Rakata, allowing seawater to pour into the magna chamber and creating the final explosion that destroyed most of the island.

According to Dutch records, at least 36,417 people died as a result of these events; 165 villages and towns near Krakatau were destroyed and a further 132 were seriously damaged. The actual figure may have been closer to 120,000 people. Approximately 1,000 persons were killed by a separate blast of hot ash directed at Ketimbang, in Lampung, the rest by waves or the after effects of the eruptions.

The third and largest explosion, at 10:02 AM, was heard over 2,000 miles away, as far away as Perth, Western Australia, and the island of Rodrigues, near Mauritius. Concussive airwaves from the explosions traveled around the world seven times. Global weather patterns were affected for the next five years (falling by as much as 1.2 degrees Celsius) and sunsets were rendered more vivid because of the large amounts of sulfuric acid in the air. It has been estimated that the force of the eruptions was nearly 10,000 times that of the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.

Don't think it won't happen again? Well here we are 140 years after Krakatoa blew, and it is growing again. Funny thing about a volcano, it's a gift that keeps on giving so that new generations can enjoy the carnage. Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha'apai's last major eruption was in A.D. 1100, 1000 years ago. Is it ready to blow again? It's like living in a place like San Francisco. I for one would not want to be waiting and wondering when the next big earthquake will crack open, just as I would not want to be living near any earth pimple that is ready to pop at any time.

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