Friday, January 14, 2022

Letter To Bangladesh Ministry Volunteers Meeting

A letter I sent to my Bangladesh Ministry Volunteers. It is long, but it is the first letter I have written to the volunteers and those who have been told about me and continually pray for me. My ministry now has well over 5000 total students and volunteers who are being educated on a weekly basis in over 20 towns of Bangladesh by outlines I prepare in their language on the Scriptures.

My brothers and sister this is your brother in Christ, Chuck Ness.

I am but a partner in your ministry, who was once a sinner with many evil things credited to my fallen human past. Yet I now count myself blessed, for I have been redeemed by the blood of Christ who promises me eternal life. I write to let you know I am with you in spirit, and I pray for you daily, and even hourly at times. I write to you as a fellow warrior for Christ Jesus who fights continually for men's souls.

Satan is presently doing everything in his power to lure good decent people into a life of sin. A life where righteousness is not present, but rather a life where evil prevails over good. I humbly ask the LORD Jesus to send the Holy Spirit to strengthen your faith, and to bring to your knowledge the truth that will endure in your heart and mind throughout the days you live in this World. A World Peter tells us will one day melt away;

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up
2 Peter 3:10
Brothers and sister, understand this, you have been chosen by GOD to be HIS representative before your fellow countrymen, leading them away from false gods and to the One True God. The ONE we worship in spirit and in truth. HE is not a god made by men's hands, He does not look like an animal, He is not one of millions of gods, and He does not require persecution to force them to love HIM.

Instead, HE is the ONE True GOD who created the heavens and the earth. He is the very lover of your soul. One God in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. A Triune God who is continually thinking of what is best for us. A God who has sent His Word so that we may know Him as the loving, gracious, everlasting, omniscient, Creator Who is righteous and perfect in all His ways.

A God Who made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, Who took on the very appearance of man, so He could be humbled to the point of death on the cross. Becoming the forever eternal Lamb Who was sacrificed from the beginning of time which now we are blessed to be forgiven for our trespasses. He rose from the grave as proof that we too shall one day rise from the grave and be removed from the filth of this World.

A mystery yes, but one that will fully be revealed when we are in His eternal precense. A mystery considered foolishness by men who deny His existence. Yet one day, their knees shall be like all knees, they sall bend. Their heads shall be like all heads, they shall bow. Their tongues shall be like all tongues, they shall confess that He is LORD.

Dear brothers and sisters, please walk circumspectly as you go about your lives. In this World, Satan is crouching at the door waiting to sift you. He awaits for a time when you may stumble and fall away from the faith you have in Jesus. Yet, I implore you to walk as if you are already in heaven standing before our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As long as you are spiritually in HIS presence, there is nothing Satan can do to you. It is only when we walk in the flesh that you will be vulnerable in a spiritual way for attacks. So walk in the spirit to ensure yourself you will be protected by the Holy Spirit wich now endwells you.

To be assured of protection, I implore you all to prepare yourselves with the full amor of God so that you are ready with an answer for your he faith in Christ, and to be able to fight the good fight.

Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints
Ephesians 6:14-17
Understand this dear Saints, you will be attacked for your belief in Jesus, Satan will send his minions out to make your life miserable. However, He who has begun a good thing will not abandon you, He will continuously be with you even unto the end of the ages. Have faith that no man, nor demon, can ever take away the Salvation His shed blood has purchased you with. You are His, and as such you must live and breath as His chosen Saint.

I ask you all to prayerfully to keep my wife in your prayers. Lift her up to Jesus so that the operation she is facing will all go well. Pray that her emotional self will be able to accept the loss of her foot. Also pray diligently for the hearts of my fellow Americans will be opened up so they will feel compelled to join in our ministry so we can expand and share the Gospel throughout Bangladesh and beyond. Keep me in your prayers also, so that I can continue fighting the good fight in the face of opposition that has become an obstacle in my journey through this World.

Know this dear children, I may never come to see you in person, but in Christ Jesus I am always with you spiritually. In God's mind a thousand kilometers is but a centimeter away. Nothing is too far to keep me from sharing in your trials as you spread the Gospel of Jesus, and nothing will ever stop the love I have for you all.

I pray you all will continue following the teaching of, Billo, my spiritual son in Christ, and understand that he shares truths I myself have been blessed by God to share with him. It is not I but the Holy Spirit who leads me in my preparation for your study outlines. I am but a servant, a slave for Christ Jesus, and just a simple man who is not worthy of consideration with other great Saints who have come before us.

I, Billo, and you all, stand upon the shoulders of giants who gone through trials and tribulations to share the Gospel to the World and throughout the ages since that great day our Lord and Savior was lifted like a snake in the desert to bleed out for our deliverance from the bondage of sin.

My children, we all look forward to the great promise of eternal life that was guaranteed when our Lord Jesus was resurrected. We can be assured that one day we will all walk together in the very presence of our Lord, praising and conversing with Him as the disciples did during HIS earthly ministry. Not in this fallen World though, but rather in a New eternal World He has prepared so that all His saints will be with HIM for eternity. Keep the faith, and know that He is always with you.

In Jesus name I pray for you all to be bold, and blessed, in your walk as you go forward. Amen

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