Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Infomercial Theology

by Jose Barajas

“When we go to sleep, the TV is left on as my wife likes to have the sound on as it soothes her. On my side of family, we have this sleep power; (I’m joking as there is no such thing) in that we can sleep anywhere and instantly and that drives my wife mad, but that’s why I don’t mind the TV being on. I do wake up a few times during the night and I hear the informercials that I’m sure we all have seen or heard. They’re all the same, regardless of the product being sold, as they have an energetic host who is an expert in using what they’re selling. They make the items they’re selling seem so easy to use and that we can do all things. You can cook full course meals, clean your house, or repair everything in your house, all so easily and instantly. People buy them and get them and then they sit in their cupboards or closets as they don’t work, or never take the time to use them correctly, or they were just bought at a whim. 

Paul in Romans Ten Eight Thirteen says, 

““For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (NET‬‬) 

He is quoting Joel Two Thirty Two, that says the same thing. Now here is where people crack me up, because “Meme” religion explains it all. Atheists or those who mock Christians and say the Bible is false and contradicts itself use these type of passages and reference them to how scripture is false and wrong. One example is what Joel and Paul say and what Jesus says in Matthew Seven , 

“Not all who call on My Name will be saved!” 

Scripture can be like informercials, where not all things are what they seem and half using the "products" or being enamored by the thing being sold. Many in churches, or so called "religious" people choose to only study half of what is said, or we only quote or know the happy verses. Paul in Romans Ten before this says, 

“But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith that we proclaim); because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord” (ESV) 

Many “confess” at conferences and churches with a little “sinner’s” prayer (that isn’t scriptural), and we tell them, “welcome to the kingdom of God!” when we don’t truly know their heart. We will see, Jesus is saying, it means more than just saying some words that aren't because of true repentance, and Paul even continues in Romans Ten, 

“and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.”‬ ‭(ESV‬‬) 

The word believe in the English language is very watered down like love, and other cliché words. It can be casual as, “I believe I can make it by five,” or it can be an intellectual assent like, “I believe what they say.” The Greek word is “pisteuo” which means, “To be convinced of something, or to give credence to something.” It’s not flippant or an after thought and that is not what Paul or any of the New Testament writers were thinking when they wrote it. Jesus even said, we must DENY SELF and TAKE UP OUR CROSS DAILY. Now I don’t know about you, but I’ve never physically carried a  wooden cross that weighed roughly One Hundred and Sixty Five pounds, but what Jesus did, and though Jesus spoke metaphorically when He said this, He meant what the cost of following Him was. People have died, have been jailed, have been beaten, and stoned, for His Name’s sake, and we can’t even share our faith because we’re afraid of what others might say, or because it’s not politically correct. 

Do we “believe” the lies of the informercials and the “fake” promises of what they offer like the false “RAVENOUS” wolf’s that are being allowed to spew their lies using Jesus Name to “solve” all your problems for “$19.99?” 

So back to where the passage that people say is contradictory when Jesus says, “not all!” but what Jesus is saying isn’t contradictory, if the other passages say, all who call on His Name can be saved? Let’s look at what Jesus is saying, “Not all!” in Matthew Seven, 

“““Not everyone who SAYS to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, BUT the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to Me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your Name, and cast out demons in your Name, and do many mighty works in your Name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness.’” (‭ESV‬‬)(Emphasis added) 

Most of the items sold on informercials don’t work, aren’t used the way they’re intended and or people get cheap imitations of the real product. It’s no different with many churches and so called prophets or “teachers” of the word. Jesus prior to these verses was warning against false prophets who would come in sheep’s clothing, but really were ravenous wolf’s! (I think when people quote this verse, they only say wolves in sheep’s clothing, but Jesus is saying, RAVENOUS!) Think about that when you hear false prophets like Joel Osteen, Steven Furtick, Brain Houston, Bill Johnson, T.D. Jakes, Rick Warren, and so many others, that when you look at this list, you make think, I’m wrong, but have we looked at what they are teaching compared to the TRUE gospel, or because they have successful “ministries that they are OK? Think Ravenous and we think mean, ugly, full of venom, but they dress  like sheep, “Meek, soft, stupid” and then you might get the picture. The enemy’s best trick is to make us think that the fruit isn’t bad for us and we can be like God, but is that SCRIPTURALLY true? Do we know our WORD enough to understand that the “INFOMERCIAL” is just a sham, a way of making money and doesn’t line up with the WHOLE OF SCRIPTURE? Jesus isn’t looking for SHOWMEN, looking for FAME OR MONEY, but looking for humble, broken, contrite men and women who will “deny self” and do the will of the Father.  

Jesus doesn’t want people calling His Name and “buying” the Christian lifestyle, where we hide it in the closet, or never use it again. He desires those who call on His name to “use” the gifts He has given us to continue His ministry of calling and disciplining people, not for show or for a fad but for eternity. So my informercial is simple, do we call on the Name of Jesus only when we’re in trouble, in vain, to get what we want, or do we truly call on His Name letting Him guide and lead us, walking with Him daily? He is ready to save you and bring you into His rest, the choice is simple and yours to make. But wait there’s more, we get to spend eternity with Him, won’t you make that “CALL” and fall on your knees, repent and come to Jesus?” Jose Barajas

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