Friday, August 13, 2021

Touch Us And Fill Us With Your Spirit

by David M Heishman

I Prayed To The Lord; Expecting Some Changes;
I Must Thank Him And Praise Him; As His Spirit Arranges.

There’s A Burden Existing, And The Yoke Has Been Broken;
By The Power Of Jesus; Whose Own Words Have Been Spoken.
The Lord Sees All Issues, And The Prayers Are Unending;
He Is With You Forever; All Your Days He’ll Be Spending.

Be Not Concerned; For He’s Planned For This Mission;
For He’s Sent Me To Share; As His Only Condition.
There Are So Many Needs; With My Heart I’ll Be Praying;
As I Wait For God’s Purpose; My Own Faith Will Be Staying.

In This World Are Great Issues, And The Problems Are Showing;
As They Seek God In Prayer; To Know Where They Are Going.
We Must Go To God’s Word, And Invest In Its Reading;
And Believe Him In Faith; For The Time Of Succeeding.

The Lord Gives Us Strength; And Has Called On His Power;
To Take Care Of These Burdens; As We Seek In This Hour.
Give Praise To The Lord; For He Hears As We’re Praying;
As He Feels All Our Pains, And His Spirit Is Staying

Lord Touch Us Inside, And Fill us With Your Spirit;
May You Touch And Anoint Us; So Your Voice We Shall Hear It.
We Thank You For Faith; As Your Voice Shall Be Speaking;
As We Gather To Praise You; Every Moment We’re Seeking.
Thank You Lord Jesus; For Assurance You’ve Given;
For The Gift Of Your Love; All Our Days We’ll Be Living.

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