Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Open Your Eyes And See

by Chuck Ness

I wrote this in my journal after my morning quiet time in the Lord's Word.

I am but who I am. Some will find me pleasant and some will find me offensive. Those who find me offensive though, are the ones who cannot stand to hear the truth. It has been like this for many years, because so many just want their itchy ears scratched.

Quite frankly I have never been one to join a crowd of idiots fawning over other idiots who think they are cool. I see ignorance and I point it out. Sadly the majority of humans today are just that, idiots fawning over other idiots.

God tells us to be honest and tell the truth, so is it truth to ignore evil by smiling while laughing when someone says or does something that is harmful to them and those around them?

As I get older I realize more and more everyday why the ancient prophets were so hated, and why the most righteous Man ever to live was crucified like a thief and a murder on a cross. Oh I knew it earlier in life, but as I get older it becomes more and more prevalent and recognizable in the world we live in.

He who came from God, and was God incarnate. He came telling the truth, by proclaiming evil was evil and that we should all reverse course and repent. He looked at the face of sin and took it on by calling it what it was. Yet those who were sinners murdered Him, because they could not stand Him exposing their evil deeds. We now live in a time when we too will be, and are being, persecuted for the same thing. This, in a country we proclaim is the best the World had to offer. Consider that as you go through your day. Saleh

Today we live in a World where evil is celebrated and good is excoriated. Decent people are brought up on false charges and sent to jail, while murderers, thieves, and molesters are set free to practice their evil deeds even more.

I have called evil for what it is for many years, and yet I have few true friends. I guess I am in rare company, because I can see beyond the chasm of this World. I can see that World, where He Who died for me now lives in. A spiritual World that exists all around us. A World that is available for all to see if we just stop accepting the lies of this World and open our spiritual eyes and see.

Elijah opened the eyes of his servant, and showed him the myriads of angels surrounding the enemy encampment. I say to you all, open your eyes, be blind no more, and see that which God wants you to see. Recognize the gift He has in store for you, and walk in the Spirit, not in the flesh.

Turn away from the World, and know that He Who became sin and died to set you free from your sins is coming soon. He Who ascended did so with an invitation for you to follow. He who walked through the door of the upper room, invites you to come through that door and accept the gift of eternal life.

Look at evil, and do not be shy to proclaim it for what it truly is. If a friend turns their back in you, because you refuse to scratch their itchy ears, then so be it, but know that like the prophets of old, you too may end up with few true friends. Yet in turn you will gain eternity in the World those of this World cannot fathom, but yet exists and is visible to you if you just give it all to Him.

A parallel World truly does exist all around us, yet it is invisible to our human existence. It is part and partial of the same promise Jesus referenced to when He said, “If you just have the faith of a mustard seed.”

Remember, nothing can come between you and the One Who started a good thing in you. He promised to continue that good thing until you are complete. Put your faith in Him, and move that mountain which it obstructing your view of that which He promised.

Praise The God Most High, and His Son, Who gave all so that we all could live eternally in God’s glorious presence. Amen, and thank You Jesus for being my One true friend in a World that hates those who follow you. Amen, and Amen. Come quickly dear Jesus.

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