Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The Lord Touched With Compassion

by David M Heishman

The Lord Spoke To My Spirit; You Must Tell The Lost People;
They Must Come To Me Now; Those Not Under A Steeple.
They Are Living In Darkness, And They Search For The Light;
As They Ask For My Mercy, And This Hour Is Right.

They Are Looking For Answers; For The Truth They Are Searching;
As They Wonder Alone, And Their Evils Are Lurching.
The Sinners Are Lost, And They Want A Good Answer;
Of What Can Be Done; To Be Freed From Sin Cancer?
Come Now To Jesus; You Are Guilty Of Sin,
And You’ll Ask For Forgiveness, So Your Life May Begin.

The Lord Jesus Sees All, And This Hour He’s Chosen;
To Release You From Flame; That Your Past Might Be Frozen.
The Weight Of Their Burden, Has Been Seen By The Father,
And He’s Given Compassion; Why Else Would He Bother?
The Lord Jesus Is Loving, And His Heart Is So Kind,
And He Wishes Forgiveness, And Had Made Up His Mind.

The Lord Wants To Touch You; With The Love Of His Spirit;
To Speak Of Your Freedom; In This Hour You’ll Hear It.
Thank You Dear Lord; For Your Touch Of Great Favor;
For The Blessing Of Life; You Are Lord And Our Savior.

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