Tuesday, August 17, 2021

A New Paradigm?

by Chuck Ness

So I finished reading the Gospel of Mark in my morning quiet time, and wrote the followomng in my journal. I had no idea what to write, it's like I had writers block, so I just started writing what came into my head. Call me a kook or say it was the Holy Spirit, either way I was quite shocked by what I wrote. What follows is what I wrote……….

Time will tell if America is in a free fall, or in a momentary stumble. However, we all see many signs that lead us to believe that the end could be nearer than we expected. When we look beyond the obvious, what could be taking place is but a shift of an internal struggle for control.

What this new paradigm will bring is still yet to be seen, but I do not have a sense of it being good for those of us who are used to our freedom. Whether it's an internal shift for America only, or World wide shift for control, it does seem to be a precursor of a tsunami that could have a devastating effect on both Christians and non-Christians in America.

It seems like the soul of the country is in the process of being embalmed for its own funeral. While the time for America's recovery is all but over, the deadline for your own salvation is getting nearer and nearer.

The end may be near for the current holder of the scepter, and in limbo it will float until it is over. When the dust settles down and another is crowned, the turmoil we feel will soon all calm down, and it weill seem to be over.

Yet even so, the peoples teeth will continue to grind as the time draws neerer to the end of time. So prepare your heart for that is our goal, because He Who died for us will soon return for our soul.

Lord, God Most High, I write but what I feel you moved my heart to bleed through my fingertips. I am sure that one day in the future I will be scanning through this journal and stumble upon this entry. As I read it, I will most likely then understand just what it was You moved me to write.

Lord Jesus come quickly,,,,, Amen

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