Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Taliban Assassinates NATO Collaborators in Afghanistan

The video I offer is very graphic, but senses need to be offended so that Americans can see the atrocities the current administration is responsible for. What you will see is being repeated hundreds and thousands of times all across Afghanistan as the Taliban eliminates any and all who would dare side with their enemy in their jihadist war against the West. Be ready for the worst case scenario in the coming Months, where there could be 2 to 3 million people slaughtered as the Taliban uses the computers left behind by Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Democrats to identify each and every person who ever worked with the Afghan government, America, and NATO in the last 20 years.

A Pakistani Christian Facebook friend of mine, who lives in the border area with Afghanistan, tells me that refugees are streaming across the border to escape the Taliban. The stories he hears are sickening. The refugees are telling them that many many Americans are caught inside the country with no way to get out. Many are in smaller cities and villages where they were working with the Afghan government workers when the areas fell into Taliban hands. If reports are to be believed, upwards of 30,000 or more Americans are still in Afghanistan scattered across the country.

The Following Video Is Very Graphic
Please Proceed With Caution

Many Americans were trapped because Bidens promise to evacuate them out of the Taliban's threat never materialized. The take over by the Taliban was at lightening speed. A day has not gone by in the last couple of Months without a small town or village being taken in less than a few hours. Bigger cities fell in a day or two. The Afghan governments military has been surrendering to the Taliban with no fight.

My friend told me that some Western missionaries who are stuck in rural areas of Afghanistan, have fled to mountain caves previously used by the Taliban in the hopes they will not be discovered. They are being cared for by Afghan Christians who are themselves going using covort operations to supply them with food and sustanance. The MSM in America is telling lies, while the media oitlets in Western Europe who are reporting attrocities, and not reporting what foriegn Christian missionariess and Afghan Christians are going through.

tens of thousands of Afghans who worked for the giovernment have been dragged into the streets to be stoned or shot for helping NATO. Even if a woman was not working for the government, if they were dressed like Westerners they were being beat, raped and often times stoned to death. Children of those they murdered are being taken away. The boys to be raised by the Taliban to become soldiers while girls are raped and forced into marriage to Taliban soldiers. These unfortunate girls will be used to breed a new generation of Jihadists. This what we see happening when ISIS was going through the Middles East. Muslim fundamentalists are the same the World over. We also see this in Africa with the Boko Haram, who have been doing the same thing in Nigeria, Chad, Niger and Cameroon.

As bad as the images we see coming out of Kabul are, it is 100 times worse in smaller towns and villages across the country. Go drag out some old report from when ISIS was terrorizing the Middle East, and you can then get an idea of what the future holds for a county that America spent over $2 trillion trying to bring it out of the Dark Ages. What do we have to show for our feeble attempt at nation building? The most sophisticated, cave dwelling, ragtag, terrorists, the World has ever seen. Third World totalitarian dictators around the World are jealous at the sophisticated millitary hardware this gorilla group called the Taliban are now in control of.

When you look at the complete failure of everything that has been done since Joe Biden became President, you can only come to the conclusion that this was all done on purpose. Anyone with half a brain would have evacuated each and every American Citizen and removed all our equipment first, and then withdraw our troops last. Not the other way around. Now we have Americans hiding from terrorists in fear of their life, and in 6 days they will be held for ransom by the Taliban. Obama gave Iran billions of dollars in foreign unmarked bills shipped to them on a pallet. Question is, how much money will Joe Biden be shipping to the Taliban in return for the Americans being held hostage?

Below is a pdf file that has a list of some of the hardware we left behind for the Taliban to wage it's war against the West.

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