Calvinists like to use Paul's reference in Romans 9:13, which refers to the story of Jacob and Esau, to support their Calvinist doctrine of predestination. Yet when we read Genesis 25:27-34, we know that Esau willingly, on his own, forfeited his birthright by selling it to Jacob. Thus it should be obvious that it was not by God’s election, but rather by Esau’s own free will choice. It's a misinterpretation of the Scriptures to claim this text teaches predestination?
To properly understand the text in question, one must understand the main reason Paul wrote his letter to the Jewish and gentile believers in Rome. His purpose was to reconcile their differing opinions, particularly about the obligation of the Jewish law, the advantage of the Jew, and the way of justification. At the time the two groups inside the new Christian church were trying to defend their own special opinions. Thus Paul’s desire was to explain to his converted countrymen the great doctrines of Christianity, and the relation of the Law of Moses to the Christian.