Saturday, October 31, 2020

A Love Letter From Our Father In Heaven

When asked by His disciples to teach them how to pray as John's disciples prayed, Jesus gave them this prayer as a model.
"Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen” Matthew 6:9-13

When you read the Bible, you are not just reading one book. Instead you are reading a compilation of sixty six books. I like to think of them as sixty six love letters from the lover of our soul, our Father in heaven. It's my prayer that this love letter, from our heavenly Father, blesses your heart.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Nothing Like A Bear Hug

In this series of photos, you will see a polar bear
come upon some sled dogs tethered to a stake. Oh boy,

The Lord's Prayer by 2-year Old Zoei Toh

 I stumbled upon this and thought it was the cutest thing

Zoei Toh was only 2 years and 8 Months old when her mother filmed her reciting the

 Lord's Prayer.  It was uploaded back in October of 2007. So that would mean she is now

 about 15 or 16 depending how long it took her mother to upload the video. 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Joe Biden Sold Out The US Intelligence To China

China and other enemies of the US, realize that, instead of a military attack, it's cheaper to buy off your enemy's politicians with a lot cash, and then keep audio and video proof of their deals to blackmail them with.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Hated For His Namesake

by Chuck Ness
October 25, 2020

Many people complain when a Christian, like me, uses Trump's faith as a reason for his success. While I understand their argument, I disagree with it. We are told by Christ, that if we have the faith of a mustard seed, we could accomplish amazing things. Throughout his life, Donald Trump has accomplished amazing things. Yet, once he became President, his accomplishments have overshadowed even those of Ronald Reagan. Yes, I said that. I loved Reagan, but even he did not have to face the things Trump has.

Trump’s faith in Christ, has put a bullseye right on his chest. He has become the enemy of the Worlds most powerful elites, the entire MSM, the United State Government's DeepState, and the Republican never Trumpers, who all hate him. Christ said that those who follow HIM would be persecuted, and no leader in the US has ever faced such persecution for doing the right thing as Donald Trump has. It's a testament to his faith in Christ, and his own self confidence, as to why he has been able to continually beat them every time they come at him. 

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Detroit Poll Workers Told To Destroy Ballots (Audio)

During a polling station training seminar for the 2020 Presidential election, the workers are told how to destroy ballots and that they sgould do all the can to stop voters from challenging fake mailed in ballots. I say fake, because if a person refused to mail in a ballot, because they want to vote in person, but then are told they already voted but they know they didn't they will be stopped from chasllenging the fraudulent mailed in ballot.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Video Proof That Females Talk More Than Males

 by Chuck Ness

Ever here the joke about the husband who was looking through the paper when he came upon a study that said women use more words than men?

There was a married man who read in a magazine that, "Men use about 7000 words per day, but women use 20,000". Excited to prove to his wife that he had been right all along when he accused her of talking too much, he showed her the study results. The wife thought for a while, then finally she said to her husband,

"It’s because men never listen so we have to repeat everything we say twice"

Anyway I want to bring your attention the evidence I found that ends all debate upon which gender uses more words. This study proves that women not only use more words than men do, but that they were also born using more words than men. Unfortunately for men however, it also proves that fathers train their daughters from an early age to accept the fact that us men will shine you ladies on regardless of what you say.