Tuesday, October 29, 2013

When Your Children Ask, “What Happened?” Tell Them That Americans Said “It Didn’t Matter”

(Could someone please lock the door and throw away the key?)

From May 25 to September 17, 1787, 55 men attended the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. Their plan was to create a government that would be effective in carrying out it’s essential tasks, such as foreign policy and national defense. A government that would not resemble the European governments, where the exercise of governmental power was arbitrary and without limits. These men spent 116 days in a room with the doors locked and all the windows closed, at a time when air conditioning did not exist. They wanted to create a Constitution that would constrain the power of the government over the people while still guaranteeing a representative processes of government.

After the constitution was finalized, a woman asked Benjamin Franklin;
“Well Doctor, what have we got, a Republic or a Monarchy?”
To which Mr. Franklin replied,
A republic, madam – if you can keep it.
Today we are on the verge of replacing the rights given to us by those men, with a government that will be in control of all aspects of our everyday life. In 2010 Americans stood up and told the government we want our freedom back. In 2012, the Americans stood firm in their demand by keeping a divided government that was supposed to limit it’s influence over our lives.

Obama was reelected, but not because Americans approved of his job, he was reelected because 4 million conservatives stayed home. Now we must live with him until he is termed out, but it doesn’t mean we have to like him, or agree with him. The vast majority of those who did vote for him, were unaware of many things he has done.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Obama’s Defense Dept Will Court Martial Christians Who Share Their Faith

by Chuck Ness

It is now become official, Obama has turned the United States Military against Christ. While leading soldiers against King George’s military during the Revolutionary War, George Washington put his faith in Christ.  If Obama were his superior back then, he would have court martialed him for violating Military law.

President Barack Obama’s civilian appointees who lead the Pentagon are confirming that the military will make it a crime–possibly resulting in imprisonment–for those in uniform to share their faith. This would include chaplains—military officers who are ordained clergymen of their faith (mostly Christian pastors or priests, or Jewish rabbis)–whose duty since the founding of the U.S. military under George Washington is to teach their faith and minister to the spiritual needs of troops who come to them for counsel, instruction, or comfort.

This regulation would severely limit expressions of faith in the military, even on a one-to-one basis between close friends. It could also effectively abolish the position of chaplain in the military, as it would not allow chaplains (or any service members, for that matter), to say anything about their faith that others say led them to think they were being encouraged to make faith part of their life. It’s difficult to imagine how a member of the clergy could give spiritual counseling without saying anything that might be perceived in that fashion. (read more at brietbart.com)

From the time Constantine legalized Christianity, every Western society has honored Christ by defending a soldiers right to share his faith, Obama has now reversed 1700 years of policy by hi decree. Anyone want to try and convince me that Obama is a Christian? He is not. Every thing he does points to the fact that he is a Muslim. Although this regulation would stop even Muslims from proselyting, the facts are evident that Obama has more respect for Islam than he does for Christianity.

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation is calling on the Air Force to enforce a regulation that they believe calls for the court martial of any service member caught proselytizing.

President Mikey Weinstein and others from his organization met privately with Pentagon officials on April 23. He said U.S. troops who proselytize are guilty of sedition and treason and should be punished – by the hundreds if necessary – to stave off what he called a “tidal wave of fundamentalists.”

Someone needs to be punished for this,” Weinstein told Fox News. “Until the Air Force or Army or Navy or Marine Corps punishes a member of the military for unconstitutional religious proselytizing and oppression, we will never have the ability to stop this horrible, horrendous, dehumanizing behavior.“(read more at foxnews.com)

It was just a few weeks ago that a story broke about the Dept of Defense training soldiers that Christians and Jews are as extreme and dangerous as the KKK and al-Qaeda.

“The Obama administration’s Department of Defense was caught training U.S. troops that Catholics, orthodox Jews, and evangelical Christians are to be considered “religious extremists,” even equating the major religions representing more than half of Americans with truly violent groups such as al-Qaeda, the Ku Klux Klan, and Hamas. After the explosive revelations hit the headlines, outrage promptly ensued. Now, critics are calling for an immediate public apology to the soldiers exposed to the hateful propaganda, as well as to the Christian and Jewish communities targeted in the presentation.

The latest scandal to hit the Obama administration and its handling of the military surrounds a so-called “Equal Opportunity” training course [33-pg PDF file] presented to U.S. Army Reserve forces in Pennsylvania. During the presentation, troops were subjected to a slideshow that included a segment on what was dubbed “religious extremism.” At the top of the list — the very first item — was “evangelical Christianity” in the United States. Also included were “ultra-Orthodox” Jews, Catholicism, fundamentalist Mormons, and “Islamophobia.” (read more at newamaerican.com)

This was to be expected after Obama appointed Michael Weinstein to be a consultant to the Pentagon on developing religious policy for the United States military. Weinstein is the atheist who founded the founded the anti Christian organization Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) to do one thing;

I founded the civil rights fighting organization the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) to do one thing: fight those monsters who would tear down the Constitutionally-mandated wall separating church and state in the technologically most lethal entity ever created by humankind, the U.S. military.” (huffingtonpost.com )

I said it before, I’ll say it again. The United States of America will never again be the great country it was. Every aspect of our society has been infiltrated by those who despise it and God. When a nation turns against God, God will turn against it, but those who do as God instructed will eventually gain eternal salvation through Christ.

So they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said to them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.Acts 4:18-20

Friday, April 19, 2013

Children Of Beslan Terrorists, Bring Their Slaughtering Ways To Boston

by Chuck Ness

Beslan is a place few Americans have ever heard of, yet now they know how evil Chechen Muslims can be, because it was Chechen Muslims who set off the bombs at the Boston Marathon. It was Chechen Muslims who put school children, their teachers, and parents through 3 days of horror, before killing many in a bloodbath that will be remembered for many years. The reason? They were not Muslim. 11 years later, two Chechen men have killed and injured Americans near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Why? Just because they were not Muslim? We may never know. What we do know, is that these two men have lived up to the evil that the men of their homeland, and their religion are known for.

Now Obama may try to convince Americans that Islam is a religion of peace, and many Americans will believe him. However, like it or not, Islam is an evil religion. A religion created by a pedophile who was bent on destroying anyone who refused to accept his faith born in HELL. Until it is eradicated from the planet, innocent children the world over will never be safe.

Why dwell on the children? Well Obama and his allies continue to make every political battle they wage about the children, and many Americans buy into their claim. So, we wouldn’t want a tragedy to go to waste would we? Besides, maybe Americans will wake up and realize how evil Islam and the left is if we use children to get our point across. What Americans need to know, is that what happened in Beslan was not an isolated incident. Chechen Muslims are guilty of many atrocities through the years, and now they have brought their slaughtering ways to America.

If you have no clue as to what happened in Beslan Russia, I offer the excerpt below from the news reported by the UK Mirror the day after the unreported horrors took place. I say unreported, because our MSM has never ever reported the truth of what happened that day. I offer this because the two men responsible for the Boston Marathon massacre are relatives of the Muslims who are responsible for what happened on September 1, 2004. Over 1000 Russians expected to enjoy the first day of school, but what they got was three days of hell at the hands of Chechen Muslim terrorists.


The full horror of the Russian school atrocity began to emerge yesterday as traumatized children told horrific tales of stabbed babies and brutal rapes.

It has also emerged that scores of the 323 who died – including many children – had been shot in the back.

While despairing soldiers and rescue workers moved among the growing pile of body bags, it was revealed that an 18-month-old baby had been repeatedly stabbed by a black-clad terrorist who had run out of ammunition.

Other survivors told how screaming teenage girls were dragged into rooms adjoining the gymnasium where they were being held and raped by their Chechen captors who chillingly made a video film of their appalling exploits

They said children were forced to drink their own urine and eat the petals off the flowers they had brought their teachers after nearly three days without food or water in the stifling hot gym.

Their stories came as Russian officials warned that the final death toll of the siege of Middle School No 1 at Beslan in North Ossetia – in which up to 1,200 people were held captive – was likely to be more than 400.

The official toll yesterday stood at 323 which included 156 children, 10 Russian soldiers and two emergency service workers – 35 of the hostage-takers were also killed. Last night 434 people were being treated in hospital with 247 children and 85 adults in a critical condition.

A Russian official said six seriously injured children had been taken to Moscow for treatment.

“One of them is a child, just 18 months old, with many knife wounds,” he said.

The Chechen terrorists – including two so-called “Black Widows” – had been meticulously planning the hostage-taking for months.

(excerpt, read the full article at Uk Mirror.com)

Like many of the atrocities committed around the world by Muslims, our media was mostly silent about the details they reported when the Beslan school children were raped and murdered by Chechen Muslims on  Sept 1, 2004.  There is no excuse for the way our MSM failed to report one of the aspects of the horrors that took place that day. Only an evil media would refuse to report that young Russian girls were raped by Muslim terrorists in front of their parents and classmates.

I find it truly appalling that our MSM had no problem reporting the false reports of “rape camps” supposedly run by Bosnian Serbs in which Muslim women were allegedly subjected to similar degradation. An incident by the way our MSM had no evidence for, and today we know was a lie spread by the Muslims who needed Bill Clinton and the United nations to help them defeat their long time enemies.

The Muslim propagandists in the Western media should be ashamed of themselves for refusing to report the atrocities of these animals. Especially since it is the practice of Islam to encourage violence against women in general. So to ignore the rape of 13, 14, and 15 year old girls by the terrorists that held them, only emboldens Muslims to continue this type of activity around the world. However, the vast number of Americans would not know this because our MSM is too busy trashing Americans who believe in their constitutional rights.

We are looking at the last days of a great society. A society that has shed more of it’s own son’s blood, than any other society in history, so that people the world over could live free from tyranny. A country that has shared more of it’s own citizens money, than any other society has in the history of the world, so that others can be sheltered, fed, clothed, healed, and schooled.  A country whose citizens have done more, than any other society in the history of the plane, to help improve the civilization of mankind through inventing new technology and products that make human labor easier and cheaper.

Sadly, America’s media would rather prop up a societies that still forces it’s citizens to live in the stone age, than report the truth about their atrocities and their ultimate goals. When the United States is unable to come to the aid of freedom loving people as we have for almost 100 years, it will be the fault of the 5th Estate. An entity that is supposed to keep us informed so we can stay free, not enable the very ones who would enslave us.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Studies Show Children Raised By Same Sex Partners Fare Worse Than Children Raised By Heterosexual Parents

by Chuck Ness

Throughout last years election cycle, American voters were bombarded with leftist talking points that were designed to get the voters in various states to either legalize same sex marriage, or stop the defense of marriage laws from being approved. The MSM did it’s best to sway the vote in favor of the homosexual movement while attacking anyone who defended the status quot as being homophobic and against the Civil Rights of same sex partners.

If reporters in the MSM only wanted to report the news, regardless of how it made a certain group look, then they would have given as much air time to a study who’s results are not good for same sex partners as they do to studies that have positive results for same sex partners. The study I refer to is one that was released in July 2012 by Social Science Research, “How different are the adult children of parents who have same-sex relationships?”  While some in the MSM reported about the study, I challenge you to ask anyone if they even heard of the study. Chances are you will not, because the MSM could not chance losing the momentum they built in favor of gay marriage.

The study concluded that 50% of children from an intact biological family were employed full-time, compared to just 26% of children same sex couples. Along with other findings, Associate Professor Mark Regnerus’s study clearly reveals that children who spend their entire childhood with their married mother and father, are most likely to succeed well as adults. This is true on multiple counts and across a variety of domains.

I seriously doubt that the defenders of same sex marriage will ever admit they are wrong about the effects that homosexuality has on children. They will inevitably claim that we do not have enough information to on the subject because there has not been enough time to get a proper conclusion. However, an article by Ana Samuel points out that same-sex marriage is NOT providing the stability that children need to have in order to properly compete as adults with those who were raised by heterosexual parents.

Even in countries that have allowed same-sex marriages for more than ten years, it has been shown in studies that households of same-sex partners are more unstable than households with heterosexual partners. A 2012 study of same-sex couples in Great Britain finds that gay and lesbian cohabiting couples are more likely to separate than heterosexual couples. Then there is the 2006 study which concluded, same sex marriages in Norway and Sweden had “divorce risk levels that are considerably higher in than heterosexual marriages did” The study also concluded that Swedish lesbian couples were more than three times as likely to divorce as heterosexual couples, while male gay couples in Sweden were 1.35 times more likely to divorce.

An obvious goal of raising children is to prepare them for adulthood, and instability within a marriage contributes greatly to a child’s inability to lead a normal productive life as an adult. Two of the most outspoken advocates for same-sex marriage in the United states, Timothy Biblarz and Judith Stacey, acknowledged in their study on the effects of a parents gender on children that lesbian couple relationships are “less durable” than heterosexual relationships. They even suggest that a double dose of maternal investment can foster jealousy and competition between the comothers. As it turns out the asymmetry of the women’s genetic, reproductive, and breast-feeding ties to heir infants can actually exacerbate the problems between two women raising children. This problem ultimately leads to a higher rate of separation than is seen in heterosexual relationships.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Nursing Home Refuses To Perform CPR As 911 Operator Pleads

While this is not a situation that is caused by Obama-Care's death panels, it is an example of the callous way our health industry is already beginning to look at the elderly in America.  Now that Obama-Care is the law of the land, it is but a matter of time before the government orders all healthcare workers to deny CPR to any person over a certain age who is dieing.

Don't tell me this is just an isolated incident that will not be repeated in America, because financial constraints on our future budgets commands it to be so.  In a country of citizens that care more about their present entertainment then they do about their future well being, we have voters beginning to approve "Right to Die" legislation. Interestingly, those who are overwhelmingly voting against such laws, are the ones who are closest to death. Like it or not, it's  a sign of things to come in America.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Taking Responsibility Instead Of Pointing Fingers

Funnyman Adam Carolla is known for two things: hilarious rants about things that drive him crazy and personal stories about everything from his hardscrabble childhood to his slacker friends to the hypocrisy of Hollywood. He started broke and blue collar and has now been on the Hollywood scene for over fifteen years, yet he never lost his underdog demeanor. He's still connected to the working class guy he once was, and delivers a raw and edgy, fish-out-of-water take on the world he lives in (but mostly disagrees with), telling all the stories, no matter who he offends—family, friends or the famous.

Adam made the following video for Prager University. In it he explains how we can all change ourselves for the better by internalizing things. If we can learn from our mistakes instead of blaming everyone else, we can in essence change the direction of our future. By doing so, maybe we will leave the world a better place when we are gone than it was before we arrived.

When you think about it, we all only have but so many years to to live. The things we accomplish, whether they be good or bad, will all be summed up one day with a dash between the day we were born and the day we died. What we do in that dash depends more upon how we perceive the world than how the world perceives us. Even more importantly, the way the world looks at the life we lived is completely dependent upon how we lived that life while we were in it.

Taking Responsibility Instead Of Pointing Fingers

Funnyman Adam Carolla is known for two things: hilarious rants about things that drive him crazy and personal stories about everything from his hardscrabble childhood to his slacker friends to the hypocrisy of Hollywood. He started broke and blue collar and has now been on the Hollywood scene for over fifteen years, yet he never lost his underdog demeanor. He's still connected to the working class guy he once was, and delivers a raw and edgy, fish-out-of-water take on the world he lives in (but mostly disagrees with), telling all the stories, no matter who he offends—family, friends or the famous.

Adam made the following video for Prager University. In it he explains how we can all change ourselves for the better by internalizing things. If we can learn from our mistakes instead of blaming everyone else, we can in essence change the direction of our future. By doing so, maybe we will leave the world a better place when we are gone than it was before we arrived.

Obama Accuses Others For What He Is Responsible For

To begin with, the sequester is all about the amount of spending growth over last years budget. We are ultimately talking about $85 billion dollars.  Now consider the fact that Obama has been spending like a drunken sailor on shore leave at the tune of $5.8 trillion in his first term. Think about that for a moment……………… Finished contemplating that?  Ok.
Before you go any further, I strongly advise you to watch this short video (4 min) with Comedian Adam Carolla. Adam offers some great advice on how we as humans can start taking responsibility for things in our lives. It is a video I wish all politicians, especially Obama, would watch. After all, they all claim they only want to make the world a better place to live in. Well Adam gives some good advice on how we all can make sure that the life we live, will be one that leaves the world a better place after we are gone than it was before we arrived.
So we have this drunken sailor running around like Chicken Little, attempting to scare the country into believing the world is going to end over an $85 billion reduction in the increase of spending over last year.  Yet now we learn from CNN that he is giving the Syrian rebels $60 million.  You think maybe he should begin reducing his spending by saying no the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists, who controls the rebels which are fighting Assad in Syria?  By the way, these are the very same terrorists who are also indiscriminately murdering Christians.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Nursing Home Refuses To Perform CPR As 911 Operator Pleads

While this is not a situation that is caused by Obama-Care's death panels, it is an example of the callous way our health industry is already beginning to look at the elderly in America.  Now that Obama-Care is the law of the land, it is but a matter of time before the government orders all healthcare workers to deny CPR to any person over a certain age who is dieing.

Don't tell me this is just an isolated incident that will not be repeated in America, because financial constraints on our future budgets commands it to be so.  In a country of citizens that care more about their present entertainment then they do about their future well being, we have voters beginning to approve "Right to Die" legislation. Interestingly, those who are overwhelmingly voting against such laws, are the ones who are closest to death. Like it or not, it's  a sign of things to come in America.

Like Obama does today, the government will one day make a case to euthanize the elderly who are a drain on the system, and like today the younger generation will agree. Who will stand for the elderly then, those who are charged with taking care of them? I think not.  After all, we can see from the example in 87-year-old Lorraine Bayless's case, no one was willing to go against the policy to perform CPR.
A 911 dispatcher pleaded with a nurse at a Bakersfield, Calif., senior living facility to save the life of an elderly woman by giving her CPR, but the nurse said policy did not allow her to, according to a newly released audiotape of the call.
"Is there anybody there that's willing to help this lady and not let her die?" the dispatcher asked in a recording of the 911 call released by the Bakersfield Fire Department. "Not at this time," the nurse said.
The incident unfolded on Tuesday when 87-year-old Lorraine Bayless collapsed at Glenwood Gardens, a senior living facility in Bakersfield.
In the seven-minute, 16-second recording, the nurse told the dispatcher it was against the facility's policy for employees to perform CPR on residents.
With every passing second, Bayless' chances of survival were diminishing. The dispatcher's tone turned desperate.
"Anybody there can do CPR. Give them the phone please. I understand if your facility is not willing to do that. Give the phone to that passerby," the dispatcher said. "This woman is not breathing enough. She is going to die if we don't get this started."
After several minutes, an ambulance arrived and took Bayless to Mercy Southwest Hospital, where she died.
The statement also said a "thorough internal review of the matter'' would be conducted.
A call to the facility by The Associated Press seeking more information on the incident was not immediately returned.
Bayless' daughter told a reporter for KGET, the NBC affiliate in Bakersfield, that she was also a nurse and was satisfied with the care her mother received.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Extreme Athlete, Erik Roner, Jumps from Hot Air Balloon With Umbrella

Professional extreme athlete, Erik Roner, jumps out of a perfectly fine hot air balloon with an umbrella.

This is how Julie Andrew's character appeared in the distance when she flew down from the sky with an umbrella in the movie, "Marry Poppins".  Well, unlike Miss Poppins, Erik needed a backup parachute or else he would have met the same fate as the umbrella did.

Extreme Athlete, Erik Roner, Jumps from Hot Air Balloon With Umbrella

Professional extreme athlete, Erik Roner, jumps out of a perfectly fine hot air balloon with an umbrella.

This is how Julie Andrew's character appeared in the distance when she flew down from the sky with an umbrella in the movie, "Marry Poppins".  Well, unlike Miss Poppins, Erik needed a backup parachute or else he would have met the same fate as the umbrella did.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Student Catches Teacher Stealing from Students Backpacks

LINDEN, Calif. - The Linden High School sophomore who videotaped a teacher apparently stealing money from student backpacks said she knew she had to do something.

Justine Betti said students had noticed things missing from their backpacks in gym class all year.

She decided to hide inside a locker to see if she could find the culprit. She did not expect it to be her teacher.

"After all the kids left she stayed in there and went through people's backpacks," Justine said, adding, "I saw her take money and then I told people and nobody believed me."

Betti decided she needed proof.

Something needed to be done. Like, that's not ok."

On Wednesday, February 13, she hid in a locker a second time, holding a phone video camera, with another camera propped up in a second locker.

"I didn't want to believe that she would do something like that because she was so nice, but then she did it," Betti said.

Both cameras show her teacher going through backpacks, with one clearly showing what appears to be money being taken from a pink backpack.

Student Catches Teacher Stealing from Students Bacpacks

LINDEN, Calif. - The Linden High School sophomore who videotaped a teacher apparently stealing money from student backpacks said she knew she had to do something.

Justine Betti said students had noticed things missing from their backpacks in gym class all year.

She decided to hide inside a locker to see if she could find the culprit. She did not expect it to be her teacher.

"After all the kids left she stayed in there and went through people's backpacks," Justine said, adding, "I saw her take money and then I told people and nobody believed me."

Betti decided she needed proof.

Something needed to be done. Like, that's not ok."

On Wednesday, February 13, she hid in a locker a second time, holding a phone video camera, with another camera propped up in a second locker.

"I didn't want to believe that she would do something like that because she was so nice, but then she did it," Betti said.

Both cameras show her teacher going through backpacks, with one clearly showing what appears to be money being taken from a pink backpack.

"I was like, oh my God, I can't believe I got this on video and I couldn't believe that I got it and I kept watching it over and over," she said.

Betti and several friends took the video to the principal.

"He said that he'll investigate it and he told us to delete the video but I had already sent it to my dad."

The teacher has been placed on administrative leave and both the Linden School District and the San Joaquin County Sheriff's Department are investigating. (excerpt)
Learn More About This at News 10 ABC

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Praying Dog